Find yourself at SEA.
Self Exploration Academy (SEA) is an equal-access platform advancing agency and awareness to help students rise above the mass hysteria of a politically-driven identity crisis.
Agency and Awareness is the Answer
Social emotional learning empowers students to live with confidence and make more meaningful contributions to society.
Our coursework is built on competency-based learning principles, enabling students ages 13 and up to leverage their identity, expression and desire to lead more engage, authentic and value-driven lives.
Awareness of who you are, and the elements that play a crucial role in helping to deifne and develop who you are, is the foundation of successful self-discipline and determination in life.
Freedom of expression is an essential ingredient in the life of any person who desires to live an authentic and engaged life. It helps us build authentic connections in various different areas including personal, professional and academic, and allows us to present ourselves as we desire to be seen in the world.
Desire is a driving force of human life. Maybe it’s the reason you got out of bed this morning, went to work or applied for a job. Misrepresented, misunderstood and misappropriated desires can lead to unfulfilment and feelings of regret. Understanding the nature of our desires can help us make clear and confident decisions on what to do with them.
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”