The Embargo Act: A Case Study in Social-Emotional Learning
The Embargo Act offers a surprising lesson in social-emotional learning. Discover how this historical event can help you build resilience, empathy, and critical thinking skills.
Exploring D-Day Through the Lens of Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)
D-Day wasn't just about war. See how this historic event can teach valuable social-emotional skills.
US Politics Seriously Impact the Way Students Understand and Communicate Identity
Tuesday November 06 marks another midterm election in the democratic system of the United States, and its impact on the way students will be able to develop their understanding and communication of identity is nothing to ignore.
Let’s explore three examples of how your vote impacts the learning outcomes of the next generation.
How to End A Relationship, Respectfully
A lot of people get stuck reminiscing on past memories shared with people who are no longer a part of their lives, and if they’re not careful, they begin to dwell in that space, abandoning their present and future potential by focusing on something that they had once resolved to leave behind. If you are in a situation right now where you feel it necessary to end a relationship (or two, or six, or nine), take this advice. Don’t go another day wondering why things never work out.
How to Be Assertive, Respectfully
The struggle to be heard or understood is often related to a lack of assertiveness. Today, we are going to focus on three things you can do to be more assertive, while also being respectful of others.