


Here's the IPA phonetic spelling for "abstain" with a breakdown of the sounds in each syllable:

  • əb·steɪn (two syllables)

    • ə (schwa): a neutral vowel sound, like the "uh" in "but"

    • b (voiced bilabial plosive): the sound you make by stopping your breath with your lips closed, then releasing it

    • s (voiceless alveolar fricative): a hissing sound made by forcing air through a narrow opening between your tongue and teeth

    • t (voiceless alveolar plosive): similar to "b" but made with your tongue tip against your alveolar ridge (bumpy part behind your upper front teeth)

    • (long diphthong): a combination sound that starts like "ay" in "say" and glides towards "ee" in "see"

    • n (voiced alveolar nasal): the sound you make by letting air flow through your nose while stopping it with your tongue against your alveolar ridge

Word Form Variations

"Abolish" itself doesn't have variations based on singular or plural since it's a verb. However, there are related word forms that can be used in different contexts:

  • Verb: abolish (present tense), abolishes (present tense, 3rd person singular), abolished (past tense), abolishing (present participle)

  • Noun:

    • Abolition: This noun refers to the act of abolishing something. (e.g., "The abolition of slavery was a long and hard-fought battle.")

    • Abolisher: This noun refers to someone who advocates for or carries out the abolishment of something. (e.g., "William Wilberforce was a prominent abolisher of slavery.")

  • Adjective: (less common)

    • Abolishable: This adjective describes something that can be abolished. (e.g., "Capital punishment is not an abolishable offence in this country.")


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

"Abstain" itself doesn't have any variations based on singular or plural. It functions the same way regardless of whether you're talking about one person abstaining or multiple people abstaining.

However, there are related words that can be used in different contexts:

  • Verb: Abstain (present tense), abstained (past tense), abstained (past participle)

  • Noun: Abstention (the act of abstaining)

  • Adjective: Abstaining (describes someone who is currently abstaining)

  • Adverb: Abstainingly (less common, describes the manner of abstaining)

Examples of Use

1. Book:

  • "He abstained from sweets throughout his training for the marathon." (Fictional sports novel)

2. Newspaper:

  • "Several voters abstained from the election due to dissatisfaction with the candidates." (News article about low voter turnout)

3. Online Publication:

  • "A growing number of people are abstaining from social media to improve their mental health." (Article on digital detox trends)

4. Entertainment Mediums:

  • Movie: "In the superhero movie, the wise mentor abstains from using his powers unless absolutely necessary."

  • TV Show: "On the cooking competition show, one contestant abstained from tasting the dish due to a shellfish allergy."

5. Public Discourse:

  • "The politician faced criticism for abstaining from the crucial vote on the environmental bill." (Public debate about political actions)

  • "During a religious ceremony, participants may abstain from certain foods or drinks." (Discussion about religious practices)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Abstain

While "abstain" is a common word, it's not as prevalent in particularly famous quotes. Here's a list of ten quotes that capture the essence of abstaining, though some use synonyms:

  1. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (Refrain from believing you have all the answers)

  2. "Happiness is not the absence of problems; it's the ability to handle them with resilience." - Steve Maraboli (Forbear from dwelling on negativity)

  3. "Resistance is futile." - The Borg (Star Trek: First Contact) (Desist from opposing the inevitable)

  4. "Silence is a true friend who never betrays." - Confucius (Withhold from idle chatter)

  5. "Empty your cup so it may be filled; become hollow so it may be complete." - Lao Tzu (Abstain from clinging to possessions)

  6. "Moderation in all things, including moderation." - Myles Breen (Refrain from extremes, even moderation itself)

  7. "An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi (Desist from perpetuating cycles of violence)

  8. "The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius (Refrain from boasting, focus on doing)

  9. "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire (Refrain from clinging to absolutes)

  10. "True freedom is not the absence of limitations, it is the ability to live within them." - Jean-Paul Sartre (Abstain from desires that restrict your true self)


The word "abstain" comes from a much older Latin word "abstinere." Latin is a language like French or Italian, but even older.

"Abstinere" was kind of like a two-word phrase in one. "Ab" means "away" or "off," and "tenere" means "to hold." Put together, it meant "to hold something back" or "to keep something away."

The first time people used "abstain" in English (around the 14th century) it had a similar meaning. It meant to hold yourself back from doing something, especially something that might be bad for you. Over time, the meaning broadened a bit to include simply not doing or having something, even if it wasn't necessarily bad.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Abstain

  • Abstain from temptation: Resisting the urge to do something you know you shouldn't. (e.g., "She abstained from temptation and stuck to her diet.")

  • Abstain from voting: Choosing not to cast a vote in an election. (e.g., "Several members abstained from voting due to a lack of confidence in the candidates.")

  • On the wagon: Informal term for someone who has stopped drinking alcohol (implies they previously abstained). (e.g., "He's been on the wagon for a year now.")

  • Swear off something: To firmly declare you will abstain from something. (e.g., "She swore off social media after the negativity started affecting her mood.")

  • Take a vow of abstinence: A formal promise to abstain from something, often for religious reasons. (e.g., "The monks took a vow of abstinence from worldly possessions.")

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Source Information

Definition of abstain from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



