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Absolutely! Here's the breakdown of "accurate" in IPA:

  • Pronunciation: /ˈæk.jʊ.ɹət/ (This is a common American pronunciation)

Syllable breakdown:

  • First syllable (ˈæk):

    • /ˈ/: Primary stress on the first syllable

    • /æk/: "a" as in "cat" combined with "k" sound

  • Second syllable (jʊ):

    • /j/: Consonant sound like "y" in "yes"

    • /ʊ/: Short "u" sound like the "u" in "put"

  • Third syllable (ɹət):

    • /ɹ/: Alveolar trill sound, similar to a rolled "r"

    • /ət/: Schwa sound, a short, neutral vowel sound like the "u" in "but"

Word Form Variations

The word "accurate" has very few variations in form. Here's the breakdown:

  • Singular: accurate (This is the base form used for one thing)

  • Plural: accurate (The plural form is identical to the singular. This is common for adjectives)

  • Comparative: more accurate (This form is used for comparing the accuracy of two things)

  • Superlative: most accurate (This form is used for comparing the accuracy of more than two things)

  • Adverb: accurately (This is the adverb form, used to describe how something is done)

There are no nouns or verbs derived directly from "accurate."

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: Free from mistakes or errors; closely corresponding to truth or a standard.

  • Synonyms: correct, precise, exact, truthful, faithful, right, on point.

  • Antonyms: inaccurate, incorrect, wrong, misleading, false, imprecise.

Adverb (derived from the adjective):

  • Definition: In a way that is free from mistakes or errors; closely corresponding to truth or a standard.

  • Synonyms: correctly, precisely, exactly, truthfully, faithfully.

  • Antonyms: inaccurately, incorrectly, wrongly, misleadingly, falsely.

Note: Since "accurate" is primarily used as an adjective, there are no separate noun or verb forms for this term.

Examples of Use

1. Book:

  • "The historian strove for an accurate portrayal of the events leading up to the revolution." (A History of the Revolution, by Renowned Historian)

2. Newspaper:

  • "The weather forecast for tomorrow is predicted to be 80% accurate, with a chance of afternoon showers." (Local City Newspaper, Weather Report)

3. Online Publication:

  • "This article provides accurate information about the different treatment options for this condition." (Reputable Medical Website)

4. Entertainment Medium (Movie):

  • Character 1: "Are you sure this map is accurate? We don't want to get lost in the jungle." (Character 2: "Relax, it's from a highly-rated source and known for its accuracy.") (Adventure Movie)

5. Entertainment Medium (Video Game):

  • "This new weapon boasts incredible accuracy, allowing for precise targeting of enemies." (Action Video Game description)

6. Public Discourse:

  • "The scientist faced criticism for presenting inaccurate data in their research paper." (Science Conference Discussion)

7. Public Discourse (Social Media):

  • "Before sharing this news article, I double-check to ensure its accuracy." (Social Media Post)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Accurate

  1. "Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything." - Wyatt Earp (attributed)

  2. "The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." - Florence Nightingale

  3. "Facts are stubborn things; but what are facts compared to vagaries of opinion?" - Mark Twain

  4. "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli (attributed)

  5. "The only source of knowledge is experience. Everything else is opinion." - Albert Einstein

  6. "A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity." - George Washington

  7. "Measure a thousand times and cut once." - Old Chinese Proverb

  8. "Truth never triumphs – it survives." - John Adams

  9. "You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln

  10. "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire


The word "accurate" comes from an old Roman road trip! Imagine traveling the vast Roman Empire – getting lost would be a real disaster. Well, the Latin word "accuratus" meant "carefully prepared," like planning your route precisely. It literally translates to "taken care of" (curare) with "towards" (ad) added in front.

This word arrived in English around the 1600s and kept the idea of being well-prepared. Over time, "accurate" shifted to describe something that's not just planned well, but also free from mistakes – exactly what you'd want in a map or any information you rely on.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Accurate

  • Hit the nail on the head (idiom): To be exactly correct in what you say or do.

  • On the money (idiom): Completely correct or accurate.

  • Dead-on (idiom): Exactly correct.

  • Be bang on (idiom - British English): To be exactly correct.

  • With pinpoint accuracy: Describing something done with very high precision.

  • To a tee: Exactly as described or expected.

  • Accurate portrayal: A representation that is true and complete.

  • Data with high accuracy: Information that is very reliable and free from errors.

  • To ensure accuracy: To take steps to make sure something is correct.

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Source Information

Definition of accurate from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.