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The breakdown of the sounds is as follows:

  • /ˈæd/ is the sound of the first syllable, which is pronounced as "ad".

  • /və/ is the sound of the second syllable, which is pronounced as "ver".

  • /sɛə/ is the sound of the third syllable, which is pronounced as "suh" followed by a long "ee" sound.

  • /ɹi/ is the sound of the last syllable, which is pronounced as "ri".

Word Form Variations

  • Singular: adversary

  • Plural: adversaries

  • Possessive singular: adversary's

  • Possessive plural: adversaries'

  • Adjective: adversarial

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • An opponent or enemy in a contest or conflict.

  • A person or group who opposes or resists something.

  • A force or influence that opposes or works against something.

Synonyms: opponent, enemy, foe, rival, competitor, antagonist, challenger, contestant, competitor.

Antonyms: ally, friend, supporter, helper, collaborator.


  • Of or relating to an adversary.

  • Opposing or resisting something.

Synonyms: adversarial, antagonistic, hostile, unfriendly, uncooperative, inimical.

Antonyms: friendly, cooperative, supportive, helpful.


  • In an adversarial manner.

  • In a way that opposes or resists something.

Synonyms: adversarially, antagonistically, hostilely, uncooperatively, inimicalfily.

Antonyms: amicably, cooperatively, supportively, helpfully.

Examples of Use

  • In books:

  • "The adversary was a formidable opponent, and the hero knew that he would have to use all of his skills to defeat him." (The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien)

  • "The adversaries faced off in a heated debate, each trying to prove their point." (The Crucible, Arthur Miller)

  • "The protagonist had to overcome many adversaries in order to achieve his goal." (The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins)

  • In newspapers:

    • "The two countries have been adversaries for centuries." (The New York Times)

    • "The company's main adversary is a rival firm that is trying to steal its customers." (The Wall Street Journal)

    • "The government's adversaries are using social media to spread misinformation." (The Guardian)

  • In online publications:

    • "The adversary is a complex and ever-changing threat." (The Atlantic)

    • "How to deal with your adversaries in the workplace." (Harvard Business Review)

    • "How to overcome your adversaries in life." (

  • In various entertainment mediums and platforms:

    • "The protagonist faces off against a formidable adversary in the season finale." (Game of Thrones, HBO)

    • "The two adversaries engage in a heated battle in the latest Marvel comic book." (The Avengers, Marvel Comics)

    • "The player must defeat their adversaries in order to progress through the game." (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Activision)

  • In general public discourse:

    • "The president's adversaries are trying to undermine his agenda."

    • "The company's adversaries are trying to steal its secrets."

    • "The adversary is a force that we must all unite against."

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Adversary

  1. "The most dangerous adversary is the one you underestimate." - Lao Tzu

  2. "The only way to deal with an adversary is to know him." - Sun Tzu

  3. "The best way to defeat an adversary is to make him your friend." - Abraham Lincoln

  4. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

  5. "The only way to overcome an adversary is to face him." - Mahatma Gandhi

  6. "The best way to defeat an adversary is to turn him into an ally." - Nelson Mandela

  7. "The only way to win against an adversary is to understand him." - Carl Jung

  8. "The best way to defeat an adversary is to make him irrelevant." - Steve Jobs

  9. "The only way to defeat an adversary is to make him your equal." - Martin Luther King Jr.

  10. "The best way to defeat an adversary is to make him your friend." - Dalai Lama


The word "adversary" comes from the Latin word "adversarius", which means "turned towards". This comes from the Latin verb "advertere", which means "to turn towards". So, an adversary is literally someone who is "turned towards" you, or someone who is your enemy or opponent.

The word "adversary" first appeared in English in the mid-14th century. It was originally used to refer to Satan, but it soon came to be used more generally to refer to any enemy or opponent. The word is still used today in both a literal and figurative sense. For example, we might say that a country's adversaries are the countries that are its enemies, or we might say that a person's adversaries are the people who are trying to harm them.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Adversary

  • Be your own worst adversary. This means that you are your own worst enemy, and that you are the one who is most likely to hold you back from achieving your goals.

  • Defeating one's adversary. This means to overcome an enemy or opponent.

  • Fighting an uphill battle. This means to be engaged in a difficult or challenging conflict.

  • Meet one's adversary head-on. This means to confront an enemy or opponent directly.

  • Overcome one's adversary. This means to defeat an enemy or opponent.

  • To be at odds with someone. This means to be in disagreement or conflict with someone.

  • To be an adversary of someone. This means to be an enemy or opponent of someone.

  • To face one's adversary. This means to confront an enemy or opponent.

  • To have a formidable adversary. This means to have a powerful or dangerous enemy or opponent.

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Source Information

Definition of adversary from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.