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animism (əˈnɪmɪzəm)

Here's the breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • a (ə): Schwa sound, a central vowel sound with the mouth relaxed (like the "uh" in "but")

  • nim (ˈnɪ):

    • n: Alveolar nasal consonant (like the "n" in "sip")

    • ɪ: Near-close near-back unrounded vowel sound (like the "i" in "bit")

  • ism (ɪzəm):

    • ɪ: Near-close near-back unrounded vowel sound (like the "i" in "bit")

    • z: Alveolar fricative consonant (like the "z" in "zip")

Word Form Variations

Animism has the following word form variations:

  • Singular: animism (This is the base word for the concept)

  • Plural: animisms (This is used less frequently, but grammatically correct for referring to multiple instances of the belief system)

  • Adjective: animistic (This describes something related to or characteristic of animism)

  • Noun (less common): animist (This refers to a person who adheres to animistic beliefs. It's less common than simply saying "believer in animism")

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Animism (əˈnɪmɪzəm): The belief system that regards all things, including animals, plants, objects, places, and natural phenomena, as possessing a distinct spiritual essence. (Synonyms: spiritual ecology, indigenous spirituality; Antonyms: materialism, secularism)

  • Animist (less common) (əˈnɪmɪst): A person who adheres to animistic beliefs. (Synonyms: believer in animism; Antonyms: materialist, secularist)


  • Animistic (əˈnɪmɪstik): Of or relating to animism. (Synonyms: spiritual, sacred; Antonyms: material, secular)

There are no verb or adverb forms for "animism" in common usage.

Examples of Use


  • "Animism" is a central theme in the book The Secret Language of Plants by Stephen Harrod Buhner, which explores the concept of interconnectedness between all living things (Buhner, 2009).


  • A New York Times article titled "Animism in the Amazon" discusses how indigenous tribes' animistic beliefs influence their relationship with the rainforest (The New York Times, 2021).

Online Publications:

  • A National Geographic online piece on "Animism and Conservation" explores how animistic beliefs can contribute to environmental protection (National Geographic, 2019).

Entertainment Mediums:

  • In the movie Pocahontas, the main character's connection with nature and the spirits of the forest is a portrayal of animistic beliefs (Disney, 1995).

  • The anime series Princess Mononoke depicts a fictional world where the forest and its animal spirits are central to the plot, reflecting animistic themes (Studio Ghibli, 1997).

General Public Discourse:

  • Animism is a topic of discussion in anthropological documentaries and educational programs that explore indigenous cultures and their worldviews.

  • Online forums and communities dedicated to paganism, nature spirituality, and earth-based religions often discuss animistic concepts.

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Animism

  1. "Sympathy binds human beings to plants, animals, rocks and stars. Therefore they become beings rather than objects, fellows rather than things, and members in a circle of social relations." (Chief Luther Standing Bear, Lakota Sioux holy man) - This quote highlights the interconnectedness of all things, a core concept in animism.

  2. "The whole world is alive." (Vine Deloria Jr., Standing Rock Sioux theologian) - This quote reflects the animistic belief that all things possess a life force.

  3. "The Earth has a spirit. It is the spirit that keeps nature in balance." (Chief Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Onondaga Nation) - This quote speaks to the animistic view of nature as a living entity with a spirit.

  4. "We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children." (Native American Proverb) - This proverb emphasises the responsibility of humans as caretakers of the Earth, an idea often linked to animism.

  5. "The river is alive. It has a spirit, and it can communicate with us." (Ailton Krenak, indigenous leader from the Amazon) - This quote showcases the animistic belief in the sentience and communication of natural features.

  6. "When we view the world as sacred, every act becomes a prayer." (Wendell Berry, American poet and farmer) - This quote aligns with the animistic perspective of the world being imbued with sacredness.

  7. "The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper." (Eden Phillpotts, English novelist) - This quote captures the wonder and potential for connection present in an animistic worldview.

  8. "The world is more alive than we can understand." (John Muir, Scottish-American naturalist) - This quote reflects the vastness and mystery of life beyond human comprehension, a theme present in animism.

  9. "In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks." (John Muir) - This quote highlights the learning and connection gained from interacting with the natural world, a concept valued in animism.

  10. "The world is but a canvas to our imaginations." (Henry David Thoreau, American essayist) - This quote, while not directly related to animism, speaks to the creative potential of engaging with the world around us, which can connect to the animistic experience of nature.


The word "animism" is like a mashup of two parts:

  • Anima: This Latin word means "breath," "soul," or "life." It's like the spark that makes something alive.

  • -ism: This suffix is stuck on the end of many words in English to indicate a belief system, like "socialism" or "feminism."

So, literally, "animism" means something like "belief in the life force."

The word itself is pretty new. Even though the concept of spirits in nature is ancient, the word "animism" wasn't around until the 1800s. A scientist named Georg Ernst Stahl actually came up with it first, and then it got picked up by others studying different cultures.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Animism

  • Unlike many common words, "animism" doesn't have a whole bunch of phrases or idioms directly associated with it. However, there are a few ways to describe concepts related to animism using phrases:

    • Speak to the spirits of the land: This phrase evokes the idea of communicating with the spiritual essence of a place.

    • See the sacred in all things: This phrase captures the animistic view of the world where everything holds significance and can be imbued with spirit.

    • Live in harmony with nature: This phrase reflects the responsibility of humans to coexist peacefully with the natural world, a concept often linked to animism.

    There aren't any established idioms that directly use the word "animism." However, some idioms touch on similar ideas:

    • Kiss the ground: This idiom, used in some cultures, signifies respect and connection to the Earth.

    • Tiptoe through the tulips: This idiom, though lighthearted, implies a sense of caution and respect when entering a delicate or sacred space.

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Source Information

Definition of animism from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.