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Here is the IPA phonetic spelling for "antithesis" broken down by syllable:

  • ænˈtɪ.θə.sɪs (This is the most common pronunciation in both British and American English)

  • Syllable 1 (æn):

    • æ - short "a" sound like in "cat"

    • n - alveolar nasal sound like the "n" in "pin"

  • Syllable 2 (tɪ):

    • t - alveolar plosive sound like the "t" in "stop"

    • ɪ - short "i" sound like the "i" in "sit"

  • Syllable 3 (θə):

    • θ - voiceless dental fricative sound like the "th" in "thin"

    • ə - schwa sound, a central vowel sound like the unstressed vowel in "about"

  • Syllable 4 (sɪs):

    • s - alveolar fricative sound like the "s" in "sip"

    • ɪ - short "i" sound like the "i" in "sit"

    • s - alveolar fricative sound like the "s" in "sip" (pronounced twice)

Word Form Variations

The word "antithesis" has very few variations in form:

  • Singular: antithesis (This is the standard form used for both singular and general contexts)

  • Plural: antitheses (This is the plural form, used when referring to multiple instances of contrasting ideas)

  • Adjective: antithetical (This is the adjective form, used to describe something that is the opposite or contrasting to something else)

There are no other commonly used variations for "antithesis" beyond these three.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: The direct opposite of something; a contrasting idea or principle.

  • Synonyms: opposite, contrast, foil, counterpoint, contradiction.

  • Antonyms: similarity, resemblance, analogy, parallel.


  • Definition: Being the opposite or directly contrasting with something else.

  • Synonyms: opposing, contradictory, contrasting, countervailing, divergent.

  • Antonyms: similar, resembling, analogous, parallel.

There is no verb or adverb form commonly used for "antithesis."

Examples of Use


  • "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness..." (Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities) - This iconic opening line uses antithesis to highlight the contrasting nature of the historical period.


  • "The election results were an antithesis of the polls, with the underdog candidate achieving a surprise victory." (The New York Times) - This headline uses "antithesis" to emphasise the unexpected and contrasting outcome.

Online Publications:

  • "Fast fashion prioritises trends over quality, creating an antithesis of sustainable practices." (Sustainable Jungle website) - This article uses "antithetical" to describe how fast fashion opposes sustainability.

Entertainment Mediums:

  • "In the movie, the hero embodies light and the villain embodies darkness, creating a classic antithesis." (Movie review blog) - This review analyses the contrasting characters using "antithesis."

General Public Discourse:

  • "During the debate, the two candidates presented antithetical views on economic policy." (Political commentary podcast) - This discussion highlights opposing viewpoints using "antithetical."

Social Media:

  • "Freedom without responsibility is the antithesis of a healthy society." (Social media post) - This tweet uses "antithesis" to argue against an unbalanced concept of freedom.

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Antithesis

  1. "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." (Martin Luther King, Jr.) - Here, antithesis emphasises the stark choice between unity and destruction.

  2. "Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country." (John F. Kennedy) - This quote uses antithesis to shift focus from receiving to contributing.

  3. "War is the antithesis of all that is good." (H.G. Wells) - This statement highlights war as the complete opposite of positive values.

  4. "The opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference." (Elie Wiesel) - This quote uses antithesis to redefine the concept of love's opposite.

  5. "The things that unite us are far greater than those that divide us." (Mario Cuomo) - Here, antithesis emphasises the importance of unity despite differences.

  6. "Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation." (Rumi) - This quote uses antithesis to highlight the power of silence compared to spoken words.

  7. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." (Leonardo da Vinci) - This statement uses antithesis to suggest that complexity doesn't equal refinement.

  8. "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, And sings the tune without the words, And never stops at all..." (Emily Dickinson) - This poem uses antithesis to emphasise hope's constant presence even in silence.

  9. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." (Gloria Steinem) - This quote uses a humorous antithesis to highlight the potential discomfort of facing the truth.

  10. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." (Socrates) - This statement uses antithesis to suggest true wisdom lies in recognizing the limitations of knowledge.


The word "antithesis" comes from a long journey! Originally, in Ancient Greek, there was a word "antitithenai" which literally meant "to set against" or "oppose." This word was formed by combining two smaller parts:

  • anti-: This means "against" and is a prefix we see in many English words today, like "antidote" (against poison) or "antisocial" (against social norms).

  • tithenai: This means "to put" or "place."

Over time, this Greek word "antitithenai" was borrowed by Latin as "antithesis," which still meant "opposition" or "resistance." Finally, in the 1500s, English borrowed "antithesis" from Latin and it kept its meaning of expressing a clear contrast or opposite.

So, even though the word itself is a bit complex, its meaning boils down to the simple idea of putting things in opposition to each other!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Antithesis

  • While there aren't common phrases that directly include the word "antithesis," there are many idioms that use antithesis to convey contrasting ideas. Here are a few examples:

    • Easy come, easy go: This idiom uses antithesis to suggest that things acquired easily are also easily lost.

    • Speak softly but carry a big stick: This proverb uses contrasting actions ("speak softly" vs. "carry a big stick") to emphasise a message of diplomacy backed by strength.

    • The best of both worlds: This idiom highlights the ideal situation of having contrasting positive qualities combined.

    • Every cloud has a silver lining: This proverb uses contrasting weather elements ("cloud" and "silver lining") to suggest there's good even in difficult times.

    • Work smarter, not harder: This expression emphasises contrasting approaches ("smarter" vs. "harder") to achieve a goal efficiently.

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Source Information

Definition of antithesis from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.