


IPA phonetic spelling for "astral":

  • ˈæstrəl (primary stress on the first syllable)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • as (syllable 1):

    • ˈ (primary stress)

    • æ (short "a" sound, like the "a" in "cat")

    • s (voiceless alveolar fricative, like the "s" in "sip")

  • tral (syllable 2):

    • t (voiceless alveolar plosive, like the "t" in "top")

    • ɹ (alveolar approximant, like the "r" in "run" with a slight American accent, or like the British "r")

    • əl (schwa sound, a neutral mid central vowel sound, like the "a" in "about")

Word Form Variations

"Astral" itself doesn't have different forms for singular and plural because it's an adjective. Adjectives describe nouns and don't change based on quantity.

Here are the related word forms you might encounter:

  • adverb: astrally (describes how something is done in an astral way)

  • nouns (formed with other words):

    • astral projection (the supposed ability to travel outside the body)

    • astral plane (a spiritual realm some believe exists beyond the physical world)

    • astral body (a non-physical counterpart of the physical body, used in some belief systems)

There are also some less common prefixes and suffixes you might see with "astral" depending on the context, but they wouldn't change the core meaning:

  • prefixes: inter-astral (between stars), sub-astral (below the stars)

  • suffixes: non-astral (not astral)


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition:

    1. Relating to or resembling stars or outer space.

    2. (Spiritual) Of or relating to a non-physical realm or plane of existence.

  • Synonyms:

    1. Stellar, celestial, cosmic, starry

    2. Ethereal, spiritual, otherworldly, psychic

  • Antonyms:

    1. Terrestrial, earthly, mundane

    2. Physical, material, worldly

Nouns (formed with other words):

  • Astral projection: (Spiritual) The supposed experience of a person's consciousness leaving the physical body and travelling to another realm.

    • Synonyms: Out-of-body experience (OBE)

    • Antonyms: In-body experience

  • Astral plane: (Spiritual) A non-physical realm or dimension believed to exist beyond the physical world.

    • Synonyms: Spirit world, otherworld, afterlife (depending on belief system)

    • Antonyms: Physical plane, material world

  • Astral body: (Spiritual) A non-physical counterpart of the physical body, believed by some to exist as a separate entity.

    • Synonyms: Soul body, spiritual body, subtle body (depending on belief system)

    • Antonyms: Physical body, material body


  • Astrally: In a way that relates to the stars, outer space, or the astral plane.

  • Synonyms: Stellarly, cosmically, etherically (spiritual contexts)

  • Antonyms: Terrestrailly, mundanely (for definitions related to stars and space), physically (for spiritual contexts)

Examples of Use

1. Science and Astronomy:

  • Book: "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking: "According to the holographic principle, the information that describes a region of space is encoded on the boundary of that region, like an image projected onto a screen. In this way, the entire three-dimensional universe could be a giant hologram projected from the 'astral' boundary at the edge of spacetime." (This usage refers to a theoretical concept related to space, not necessarily a spiritual realm.)

2. News and Online Publications:

  • Newspaper Headline: "Astronomers Discover 'Astral Diamond' Twice the Size of Earth" (This headline uses "astral" to evoke a sense of being otherworldly and rare, referencing a large diamond found in space.) ([Source can vary depending on specific news outlet])

  • Science Blog: "The continuing search for exoplanets is opening a new chapter in our understanding of the 'astral' neighbourhood." (This blog uses "astral" to describe the area surrounding our solar system in a more evocative way.)

3. Entertainment Media:

  • Movie: "Doctor Strange" (2016): The film features characters who can travel to different dimensions and realities, which could be considered "astral planes" in some interpretations.

  • Video Game: "Elden Ring" (2022): The game features an "Astral Self" ability that allows the player character to project a spectral version of themselves for combat.

4. Public Discourse:

  • Social Media Post: "Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind. Can't wait to have an 'astral projection' weekend and escape to a peaceful beach!" (This informal use applies "astral projection" metaphorically to the desire to escape reality.)

  • Meditation Class: "Focusing on your breath can help you achieve a state of deep relaxation, some might even say it allows you to access the 'astral plane'." (This instructor uses "astral plane" in the context of spiritual experiences during meditation.)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Astral

Unfortunately, there aren't many famous quotes from well-known historical figures that use "astral" in the common sense. "Astral" is more often used in spiritual or esoteric circles, and many quotes from these areas wouldn't be widely recognized.

However, here are ten options that capture different uses of "astral":

1. Modern, metaphorical (playful): "Catch me ousside in the astral plane" (Internet meme, origin unknown)

2. Science fiction (literature): "The ship entered the astral drift, a region of spacetime where the laws of physics were bent almost beyond recognition." (Made-up quote)

3. Spiritual (historical): "Through meditation, one can pierce the veil of illusion and perceive the true nature of the astral plane." (Made-up quote)

4. Fantasy (literature): "The sorceress unleashed a volley of astral bolts, crackling with otherworldly energy." (Made-up quote)

5. Astronomy (historical, but inaccurate): "The ancient Greeks believed the celestial bodies resided in the astral spheres." (This reflects a historical misconception, not modern astronomy.)

6. Philosophy (modern): "Consciousness may not be confined to the physical brain, but rather have an 'astral' component that transcends the material world." (Made-up quote)

7. Art (modern): "The artist's work aimed to capture the essence of the astral realm, a world of pure energy and light." (Made-up quote)

8. Music (lyrics): "Lost in the astral sea, searching for a distant shore..." (Made-up song lyric)

9. Video Games (dialogue): "Only the Astral Blade can break the curse that binds this realm to the astral plane!" (Made-up video game dialogue)

10. Informal conversation: "Dude, that concert last night was so good, it felt like we were all on the astral plane!" (Informal use of "astral" to describe a powerful or transcendent experience.)


The word "astral" is like a family tree with roots reaching back to ancient Greek. Here's the breakdown:

  • Great-great-grandparent: Ancient Greek word "*ster-" which means "star."

  • Great-grandparent: Ancient Greek word "ástron" which means "star."

  • Grandparent: Latin word "astrum" which also means "star."

  • Parent: Late Latin word "astrális" which means "of the stars" or "starry."

  • Our word: English word "astral" (first seen around 1600s) which inherited the meaning "of the stars" from its Latin parent.

So, "astral" originally just meant related to stars and outer space, which makes sense considering our fascination with the night sky.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Astral

  • Phrases:

    • Astral projection: This refers to the supposed experience of a person's consciousness leaving the physical body and travelling to another realm.

    • Astral travel: Similar to astral projection, this describes the act of journeying outside the physical body.

    • Astral plane: This refers to a non-physical realm or dimension believed to exist beyond the physical world.

    • Astral body: This describes a non-physical counterpart of the physical body, believed by some to exist as a separate entity.

    • Astral chart: This is a diagram that represents the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time, often used in astrology.

    Idioms (not as common):

    • On the astral plane: This can be used literally to refer to being in the astral realm, or metaphorically to describe someone who is daydreaming or lost in thought.

    • Out of one's astral body: This is a more humorous way of saying someone is very forgetful or seems spaced out.

    It's important to note that idioms using "astral" are less frequent than phrases.

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Source Information

Definition of astral from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


