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awestruck (IPA: ˈɔːstrʌk)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • awe (ˈɔː)

    • ˈ : primary stress on the first syllable

    • ɔː : long "aw" sound, like in "saw"

  • struck (strʌk)

    • s : voiceless alveolar fricative (similar to the "s" sound in "sip")

    • t : voiceless alveolar plosive (similar to the "t" sound in "top")

    • r : alveolar tap (a quick tapping sound with the tip of the tongue near the alveolar ridge)

    • ʌ : short "u" sound, like in "but"

    • k : voiceless velar plosive (similar to the "k" sound in "key")

Word Form Variations

Awestruck is primarily an adjective. Adjectives don't have separate forms for singular, plural, or tense conjugations like verbs do. It remains the same regardless of the context.

However, there is a less common variant you might encounter:

  • Awestruck (adjective) - This is the most common form.

  • Awestricken (adjective) - This is a less frequently used synonym for awestruck. It carries the same meaning but has a slightly more formal tone.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition 1: Filled with a feeling of wonder and amazement, often mixed with reverence or respect.

    • Synonyms: amazed, astonished, impressed, stunned, speechless, dumbfounded, overwhelmed

    • Antonyms: unimpressed, unmoved, indifferent

  • Definition 2: Struck by awe. (This definition is less common but emphasises the suddenness of the feeling)

    • Synonyms: overwhelmed by awe, deeply impressed, thunderstruck

    • Antonyms: unimpressed, unfazed

Examples of Use


  • Book: "Lucy stood awestruck before the towering redwoods, their ancient presence humbling her." (Fantasy novel)

  • Poem: "The children watched, awestruck, as the magician pulled a rabbit from his hat." (Children's rhyme)

News/Online Publications:

  • Newspaper: "The crowd was awestruck by the gymnast's flawless performance on the balance beam." (Sports article)

  • Online Article: "Scientists are still awestruck by the complexity of the human brain." (Science blog)

Entertainment Mediums:

  • Movie: In the movie "Jurassic Park", the characters are awestruck by the sight of living dinosaurs.

  • TV Show: "The contestant was awestruck when they learned they had won the grand prize." (Game show)

General Public Discourse:

  • Social Media: "Just saw the northern lights for the first time! Absolutely awestruck." (Twitter post)

  • Conversation: "Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? It's truly awestruck-ing." (Informal conversation)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Awestruck

  1. While "awestruck" is a powerful word, it's not as common in classic literature as some other adjectives expressing wonder. Here are some quotes that capture a similar sentiment, along with a few that do use "awestruck":

    1. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." (Socrates) - Expresses awe at the vastness of knowledge.

    2. "Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the starry heavens above and the moral law within." (Immanuel Kant) - Awe at the universe and human nature.

    3. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." (Albert Einstein) - Awe at the power of curiosity.

    4. "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." (Voltaire) - Awe at the complexity of truth.

    5. "Standing on the seashore, I feel the vastness of ocean and sky. I am overwhelmed. The wonder of it is almost unbearable." (Anne Morrow Lindbergh) - Overwhelmed by the natural world.

    6. "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." (Oscar Wilde) - Awe at the potential of humanity.

    7. "The universe is made of stories." (Neil Gaiman) - Awe at the power of storytelling.

    8. "The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change." (Carl Rogers) - Awe at the lifelong journey of learning.

    9. "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science." (Albert Einstein) - Awe at the mystery of the universe.

    10. "The audience was awestruck by the ballerina's seemingly effortless grace." (Modern news article)


The word "awestruck" is pretty straightforward! It's like taking two separate words and smashing them together to make a whole new meaning.

  • Awe: This is a feeling of amazement and wonder, often mixed with respect or fear.

  • Struck: This means hit or affected suddenly by something.

So, "awestruck" literally means being struck by awe.

The word itself is pretty new. The first time we saw it written down was in the 1600s, by a famous writer named John Milton. Back then, it probably sounded a little strange because it was a brand new invention!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Awestruck

  • Standing awestruck: This phrase emphasises the feeling of being frozen in place by amazement. (e.g., The tourists stood awestruck before the breathtaking view.)

  • Awestruck by the beauty/grandeur/majesty: This adds specifics to what caused the feeling of awe. (e.g., We were awestruck by the majesty of the mountains.)

  • Left awestruck: This phrase suggests a lingering impact of the awe-inspiring experience. (e.g., The concert left the audience awestruck.)

  • Speechless with awe: This idiom emphasises the intensity of the feeling, rendering one speechless. (e.g., The children were speechless with awe as they watched the fireworks display.)

  • Struck dumb with wonder: Similar to "speechless with awe," this idiom highlights the overwhelming nature of the experience.

  1. Less common idioms:

    • To be awestruck to silence: This phrase conveys the same meaning as "speechless with awe."

    • To be awestruck by the power of...: This emphasises the awe inspired by something powerful, like nature or human achievement.

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Source Information

Definition of awestruck from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.