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bested (IPA: /ˈbɛstɪd/)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • First syllable (ˈbes):

    • /ˈ/: stress marker indicating primary stress on this syllable

    • /b/: voiced bilabial plosive (similar to the "b" sound in "boy")

    • /ɛ/: near-low front vowel (similar to the "e" sound in "bed")

  • Second syllable (tid):

    • /st/: voiceless alveolar fricative (similar to the "s" sound in "sip") followed by a voiced alveolar plosive (similar to the "t" sound in "top")

    • /ɪ/: near-close near-central vowel (similar to the "i" sound in "bit")

    • /d/: voiced alveolar plosive (similar to the "d" sound in "dog")

Word Form Variations

"Bested" itself doesn't have variations based on singular or plural. It's the past tense and past participle of the verb "to best," which means to defeat or outperform someone. Here's a breakdown of the related forms:

  • Verb:

    • Present tense: best (e.g., She bests him at chess every time.)

    • Past tense: bested (e.g., He bested the competition and won the race.)

    • Present participle: besting (e.g., They are currently besting each other in a fierce debate.)

    • Past participle: bested (This can be used for both the past tense and to form the perfect tenses, e.g., They have never been bested.)

  • Noun: (There isn't a direct noun form of "bested," but you could use a phrase like "his besting of the opponent" to describe the act of defeating someone.)


  • Superlative adjective: "Best" is already the superlative form of the adjective "good." There's no further variation for superlative of "bested."

  • Adverb: You could use the adverb "best" to modify "bested" for emphasis (e.g., He was utterly bested).

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: To defeat someone in a competition, fight, or challenge. (e.g., David bested Goliath with a single slingshot stone.)

  • Synonyms: defeat, overcome, outdo, conquer, vanquish, triumph over, surpass, beat

  • Antonyms: lose to, succumb to, be defeated by, fall short of

Note: "Bested" is the past tense and past participle of the verb "to best."

There are no noun, adjective, or adverb forms of "bested" itself. However, you can use phrases or related words to express similar concepts:

  • Noun phrase (to describe the act of defeating someone):

    • Definition: The act of defeating or outperforming someone.

    • Synonyms: victory, triumph, conquest, domination

    • Antonyms: defeat, loss, setback

  • Adverb modifying "bested" (for emphasis):

    • Definition: To a very high degree; thoroughly. (e.g., He was utterly bested in the competition.)

    • Synonyms: completely, totally, absolutely

    • Antonyms: barely, slightly, not quite

Examples of Use

1. Literature:

  • "Though young and brave, Arthur was ultimately bested by the cunning of Mordred." (Fantasy novel - source can be specific to the book you're referencing)

2. News Article:

  • "The underdog candidate bested the incumbent in a surprising upset victory." (News website)

3. Online Publication:

  • "In a thrilling e-sports match, Team Phoenix bested their rivals and secured the championship title." (Gaming website)

4. Entertainment Medium (Movie):

  • Dialogue: "Looks like you finally bested me this time, Skywalker!" (Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi)

5. Entertainment Medium (Video Game):

  • In-game Text: "Congratulations! You have bested the final boss and saved the kingdom!" (Fantasy RPG game)

6. General Public Discourse:

  • "I practised all week, and I'm confident I can best him in the upcoming chess tournament." (Casual conversation)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Bested

Unfortunately, "bested" isn't as common in famous quotes as some other words. Here's a list of quotes that capture a similar sentiment using synonyms or the verb form "to best":

  1. "Defeat may be a blessing in disguise." - Mikhail Gorbachev (Former Soviet leader)

  2. "Victory is sweetest when you have overcome the toughest foe." - Pyrrhus of Epirus (Ancient Greek general)

  3. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela (Former South African president)

  4. "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." - Edmund Hillary (First mountaineer to summit Mount Everest)

  5. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher)

  6. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson (American football coach)

  7. "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost all my games. But the shots I took—the games I lost—they shaped the next shot, the next game. Never stop taking shots." - Michael Jordan (Basketball player)

  8. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs (Co-founder of Apple)

  9. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu (Ancient Chinese philosopher)

  10. "Tough times don't last. Tough people do." - Robert H. Schuller (American televangelist)

While these quotes don't use "bested" directly, they capture the essence of overcoming challenges and achieving success, which aligns with the meaning of the word.


The word "bested" is like a puzzle put together from two older words.

  • The first piece is the prefix "be-" which means "in a good state" or "completely."

  • The second piece is "sted" which comes from an old word "stede" meaning "place."

So, literally, "bested" meant "placed in a good state" or "situated well."

The first time we saw this word used, around the 13th century, it actually meant something closer to "situated" or "arranged." Imagine a house being "bested" on a hilltop, meaning it was well-positioned.

Over time, the meaning shifted to focus more on the "good state" part. Today, when we say someone is "bested," it means they've been put in a good state by winning or overcoming a challenge.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Bested

  • Fall in love/ To fall for someone: This means to develop strong feelings of love for someone.

  • Head over heels in love: This means to be deeply in love with someone.

  • Love at first sight: This means to fall in love with someone immediately, upon first meeting them.

  • Blindsided by love: This means to be so in love with someone that you don't see their faults.

  • Sweep someone off their feet: This means to impress someone so much that they are completely captivated by you.

  • Those three little words: This refers to the phrase "I love you."

  • The apple of someone's eye: This means someone's favorite person.

  • Smitten with someone: This means to be very much attracted to someone.

  • Love of my life: This refers to the person you love more than anyone else in the world.

  • Love conquers all: This means that love is powerful enough to overcome any obstacle.

  • All's fair in love and war: This means that anything is acceptable when you are in love or at war.

  • Absence makes the heart grow fonder: This means that you love someone more when they are not around.

  • For the love of... : This is an expression of frustration or exasperation.

  • Tough love: This is a way of showing someone you care about them by being strict with them.

  • Puppy love: This is a youthful or superficial infatuation.

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Source Information

Definition of bested from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.