


IPA Phonetic Spelling for "voracious" (US English)

Here's the IPA phonetic spelling for "bewildered" along with a breakdown of the sounds in each syllable:

  • bəˈwɪldəd (most common pronunciations in both American and British English)

Breakdown by syllable:

  • be (bə)

    • /b/: voiced bilabial stop (similar to the "b" sound in "boy")

    • /ə/: schwa (a central vowel sound)

  • wil (wɪl)

    • /w/: voiced labiovelar approximant (rounded consonant sound similar to "w" in "wet")

    • /ɪ/: near-close front unrounded vowel (similar to the "i" sound in "bit")

  • dered (dəd)

    • /d/: voiced alveolar plosive (similar to the "d" sound in "dog")

    • /ə/: schwa (a central vowel sound)

    • /d/: voiced alveolar plosive (similar to the "d" sound in "dog")

Word Form Variations

"Bewildered" itself is already the past participle adjective form of the verb "bewilder." However, there are several related word forms to consider:

  • Base verb: Bewilder (present tense - describes the action of confusing)

  • Present participle: Bewildering (describes something that is confusing)

  • Noun: Bewilderment (describes the state of being confused)

There is no plural form for "bewildered" because it's an adjective. Adjectives describe nouns and don't indicate quantity. You can use "bewildered" with a singular noun (e.g., "bewildered child") or a plural noun (e.g., "bewildered tourists").


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Verb (Bewilder):

  • Definition: To cause someone to feel confused and uncertain, often to a significant degree.

  • Synonyms: Confuse, perplex, baffle, mystify, disorient, confound, befuddle

  • Antonyms: Clarify, enlighten, explain, reassure, comfort

Adjective (Bewildered):

  • Definition: Feeling confused and uncertain, especially due to a lack of understanding or information.

  • Synonyms: Perplexed, baffled, disoriented, confused, lost, at sea, befuddled, muddled, nonplussed

  • Antonyms: Composed, clear-headed, assured, confident, understanding

Noun (Bewilderment):

  • Definition: The state of being confused and uncertain.

  • Synonyms: Confusion, perplexity, bafflement, disorientation, uncertainty, doubt, mystification

  • Antonyms: Clarity, comprehension, understanding, certainty, assurance

Note: There is no adverb form of "bewildered." Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, and "bewildered" already functions as an adjective.

Examples of Use


  • "Elizabeth opened the letter, her brow furrowing in bewilderment. The spidery handwriting spoke of a hidden treasure and a forgotten family secret." (Fictional novel)


  • "Voters expressed bewilderment at the sudden policy shift, leaving many questioning the government's motives." (Newspaper article)

Online Publications:

  • "The new tax code, with its complex deductions and hidden fees, has left many taxpayers feeling bewildered." (Financial news website)

Entertainment Media:

  • Movie: In the movie "Arrival," the linguist protagonist becomes increasingly bewildered as she attempts to decipher the alien language.

  • TV Show: A contestant on a game show looks bewildered after receiving a nonsensical clue.

Public Discourse:

  • "I stood there bewildered, unsure of how to respond to their rude comments." (Everyday conversation)

  • "The social media post, filled with misinformation, left many users feeling bewildered and distrustful." (Social media discussion)


  • Historical Context: "The soldiers, having never encountered such weaponry before, were left bewildered on the battlefield." (Historical account)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Bewildered

  1. "The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered unhappiness." - F. Scott Fitzgerald (This quote reflects a specific societal view and may not be considered universally applicable)

  2. "Abstract art: a product of the untalented sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (A critical view of abstract art)

  3. "Politicians used to have the confidence to tell us stories that made sense of the chaos of world events. Now they seem as bewildered as everyone else." - Christopher Hitchens (Commentary on political leadership)

  4. "Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I." - Rodgers & Hammerstein (Lyrics from the musical "Rodgers and Hart")

  5. "The old know what they want; the young are sad and bewildered." - Gertrude Stein (A generational observation)

  6. "When people are bewildered they tend to become credulous." - Eric Hoffer (A comment on human psychology)

  7. "...a bit bewildered by the sudden outpouring of emotion." - Jane Austen (A more subtle use of the word)

  8. "If the new American father feels bewildered and even defeated, let him take comfort from the fact that whatever he does in any fathering situation has a fifty percent chance of being right." - Benjamin Spock (Offering reassurance to new fathers)

  9. "There's a lot of bewildered people out there. I think that's where the true stories come from." - Bruce Springsteen (On the inspiration for songwriting)

  10. "We are all bewildered by what has happened to us." - Winston Churchill (Reflecting on the challenges of war)


The word "bewildered" is like a story about getting lost! Here's the breakdown:

  • Origin: Imagine a wild, untamed place like a forest (wilderness).

  • First use (around 1680s): Back then, the verb "bewilder" meant to get someone lost in the wilds, making them confused about where they were.

  • Connection to confusion: If you're lost in the woods, you're definitely confused! Over time, "bewildered" came to describe any kind of confusion, not just getting physically lost.

  • "Be" prefix: The prefix "be-" in "bewildered" means "thoroughly" or "completely." So, being bewildered means being utterly confused.

So, "bewildered" went from describing someone lost in the wilderness to someone lost in their thoughts!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Bewildered

  • While there aren't common phrases built directly with "bewildered," here are some options that capture the essence of confusion similar to being bewildered:

    • At a loss: This implies a lack of understanding or not knowing what to do next. (e.g., "The sudden change in plans left them at a loss.")

    • Be in the dark: This means to be completely unaware or uninformed about something. (e.g., "We were completely in the dark about the company's financial situation.")

    • Scratch your head: This is a more informal way of saying you're confused. (e.g., "The instructions were so convoluted, I just scratched my head in bewilderment.")

    • Lost at sea: This idiom signifies a feeling of complete disorientation and not knowing which way to turn. (e.g., "The new employee felt lost at sea on her first day, overwhelmed by the complex systems.")

    • Out of one's depth: This means being faced with a situation beyond your knowledge or capabilities, leading to confusion. (e.g., "The advanced math problems left the student feeling out of her depth.")

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Source Information

Definition of bewildered from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


