


The IPA phonetic spelling for "bliss" is:

  • /blɪs/ (for most dialects)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • bl - /b/ - voiced bilabial plosive (same sound as "b" in "bat") /l/ - voiced alveolar lateral approximant (same sound as "l" in "lip")

  • is - /ɪ/ - near-close near-back unrounded vowel (similar to the "i" in "bit") /s/ - voiceless alveolar fricative (same sound as "s" in "sip")

Word Form Variations

"Bliss" is a mass noun. This means it doesn't have a separate plural form.

Here's why:

  • Mass nouns refer to substances or concepts that are not countable in the same way individual objects are.

  • "Bliss" refers to a state of being, not something you can quantify.

Therefore, you would use "bliss" in both singular and plural contexts.

For instance:

  • "I felt a wave of bliss wash over me." (singular)

  • "They sought moments of bliss in their busy lives." (plural)

However, there are related words that are countable:

  • Blissful (adjective): Describes something that brings bliss. (e.g., "The blissful laughter of children filled the room.")

  • Blissfully (adverb): Describes how someone experiences something blissful. (e.g., "She blissfully ignored the ringing phone.")

  • Blisslessness (noun - less common): The state of lacking bliss. (e.g., "The constant stress led to a feeling of utter blisslessness.")


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: A state of perfect happiness, complete contentment, or serene joy.

  • Synonyms: euphoria, ecstasy, rapture, felicity, beatitude, seventh heaven, cloud nine

  • Antonyms: misery, anguish, despair, desolation, woe

Adjective (Blissful):

  • Definition: Characterised by or inducing a state of bliss.

  • Synonyms: euphoric, ecstatic, rapturous, felicitous, blessed, heavenly, paradisiacal

  • Antonyms: miserable, anguished, despairing, desolate, wretched

Adverb (Blissfully):

  • Definition: In a state of bliss; happily, contentedly.

  • Synonyms: euphorically, ecstatically, rapturously, felicitously, blessedly

  • Antonyms: miserably, anguishedly, despairingly, desolately, wretchedly

Less Common:

  • Blisslessness (Noun): The absence of bliss; a state of unhappiness or discontent.

    • Synonyms: misery, unhappiness, discontent, wretchedness

    • Antonyms: bliss, euphoria, felicity

Examples of Use


  • Definition: A state of perfect happiness, complete contentment, or serene joy.

  • Synonyms: euphoria, ecstasy, rapture, felicity, beatitude, seventh heaven, cloud nine

  • Antonyms: misery, anguish, despair, desolation, woe

Adjective (Blissful):

  • Definition: Characterized by or inducing a state of bliss.

  • Synonyms: euphoric, ecstatic, rapturous, felicitous, blessed, heavenly, paradisiacal

  • Antonyms: miserable, anguished, despairing, desolate, wretched

Adverb (Blissfully):

  • Definition: In a state of bliss; happily, contentedly.

  • Synonyms: euphorically, ecstatically, rapturously, felicitously, blessedly

  • Antonyms: miserably, anguishedly, despairingly, desolately, wretchedly

Less Common:

  • Blisslessness (Noun): The absence of bliss; a state of unhappiness or discontent.

    • Synonyms: misery, unhappiness, discontent, wretchedness

    • Antonyms: bliss, euphoria, felicity


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Bliss

While there aren't ten widely attributed quotes featuring "bliss" itself, here's a list of ten interesting quotes that capture the essence of the word:

  1. "Follow your own bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls." (Joseph Campbell) - This quote emphasises the idea that pursuing your passion leads to fulfilment.

  2. "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." (Thomas Gray, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard) - This line explores the concept that sometimes, not knowing something may be preferable if it keeps you happy.

  3. "Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate destination." (Swami Vivekananda) - This quote suggests that true happiness lies in a spiritual journey.

  4. "Only a man who has felt ultimate despair is capable of feeling ultimate bliss." (Fyodor Dostoevsky) - This line explores the idea that deep suffering can heighten our capacity for joy.

  5. "Materialism is the only form of distraction from true bliss." (Deepak Chopra) - This quote suggests that true happiness comes from within, not from possessions.

  6. "What greater bliss than to look back on days spent in usefulness, in doing good to those around us?" (Cicero) - This quote emphasises the importance of finding happiness through helping others.

  7. "Just think of any negativity that comes at you as a raindrop falling into the ocean of your bliss." (Mooji) - This line uses a metaphor to encourage maintaining a positive outlook.

  8. "Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss I vow an endless bliss." (John Keats, Endymion) - This quote from a poem expresses the feeling of perfect happiness found in love.

  9. "Everything else is irrelevant after the bliss of giving a perfect shot." (Ansel Adams) - This quote highlights the joy of achieving personal excellence.

  10. "Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is more real." (Wayne Dyer) - This quote emphasises the importance of rediscovering what brings you true happiness.


The word "bliss" has a long history, tracing back to Old English times, around 1000 years ago! Here's the breakdown:

  • Origin: Old English word "blīsse" or "blīþs"

  • First Meaning: Back then, it meant "joy, gladness," or even "cheerfulness." It wasn't just about super happy moments, but also a general feeling of being good.

  • Interesting Twist: The word "blithe" actually comes from the same root! So, if you're feeling blithe, you're feeling a bit of that old-timey "bliss."

  • Shifting Meaning: Over time, the meaning of "bliss" changed a bit. It started to focus more on a deeper kind of happiness, a state of complete contentment and perfect joy.

So, today, when we say "bliss," we're talking about a feeling that goes beyond just being happy. It's that feeling of pure joy and peace, like being on cloud nine!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Bliss

  • Here's a list of phrases and idioms using the word "bliss":

    • Bliss out (slang): To experience a state of deep relaxation or euphoria. (e.g., "She likes to bliss out on the beach with a good book.")

    • Ignorance is bliss: This proverb suggests that sometimes it's better not to know something if it keeps you happy. (e.g., "He was blissfully unaware of the drama unfolding behind his back.")

    • Wedded bliss: This refers to the supposed happiness and contentment found in marriage. (e.g., "They celebrated their 50th anniversary of wedded bliss.")

    • Domestic bliss: Similar to "wedded bliss," this describes the happiness and peace of a harmonious family life. (e.g., "He yearned for the domestic bliss he saw in his neighbor's house.")

    • In a state of bliss: Simply means to be experiencing a state of perfect happiness. (e.g., "The couple walked hand-in-hand, in a state of bliss.")

    • Sheer bliss: Emphasises the intensity of the happiness. (e.g., "Taking a long bath after a long day was sheer bliss.")

    • A moment of bliss: Highlights a brief period of perfect happiness. (e.g., "The baby's laughter filled the room with a moment of bliss.")

    • Blissful ignorance: Similar to "ignorance is bliss," but adds the adjective "blissful" for emphasis. (e.g., "He remained blissfully ignorant of the upcoming challenges.")

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Source Information

Definition of bliss from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


