


The IPA phonetic spelling for "brunch" depends on the dialect:

  • American English: /brʌntʃ/ (two syllables)

    • Breakdown:

      • br /brʌ/ - like the "br" in "branch" (short "u" sound)

      • un /ʌn/ - short "u" sound like in "but"

      • ch /tʃ/ - like the "ch" in "church"

  • British English (traditional): /brʌnʧ/ (two syllables)

    • Breakdown:

      • br /brʌ/ - like the "br" in "branch" (short "u" sound)

      • un /ʌn/ - short "u" sound like in "but"

      • ch /ʧ/ - like the "ch" in "church"

  • British English (modern): /brə́nʧ/ (one syllable)

    • Breakdown:

      • br /br/ - similar to "br" in "branch" but with a slight r sound at the end

      • en /ə́n/ - a schwa sound (short, neutral vowel sound) followed by a longer "n"

      • ch /ʧ/ - like the "ch" in "church"

Word Form Variations

"Brunch" is a bit unique in terms of its variations. Here's the breakdown:

  • Singular: Brunch (This is the standard form used for the meal itself)

  • Plural: Brunches (This is the most common plural form, used when referring to multiple brunches, for example, "We had several brunches planned this month.")

  • Uncountable: Brunch (In some contexts, brunch can be treated as an uncountable noun, similar to a concept. Here, it wouldn't have a plural form. An example could be, "Brunch is a popular weekend activity.")

Note: The use of "brunch" as an uncountable noun is less frequent. When referring to specific brunch events, "brunches" is the preferred pluralization.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Primary Definition: A late-morning meal that combines elements of breakfast and lunch, typically eaten between 10 am and 1 pm. This is a social or leisurely meal, often enjoyed on weekends.

    • Synonyms: Late breakfast, early lunch, weekend breakfast

    • Antonyms: Traditional breakfast, formal lunch

  • Secondary Definition (less common): An informal social gathering centered around a brunch meal.

    • Synonyms: Brunch date, brunch outing


  • To eat brunch.

    • Synonyms: Have brunch, go for brunch

Adjective (less common):

  • Of or relating to brunch.

    • This usage is less frequent but can be used in specific contexts. For example, "We enjoyed a delicious brunch buffet." (Here, "brunch" describes the buffet)

    • Synonyms: Brunch-related (No common antonym)

Examples of Use


  • "They decided to meet for brunch at a sunny cafe on Sunday." (Romance novel)

  • "The smell of pancakes and bacon filled the air, a sure sign of a delicious brunch in progress." (Children's book)

  • "Brunch with friends was a weekly ritual for Holmes, a time for catching up and discussing the latest case." (Mystery novel) 


  • "The new restaurant offers a bottomless mimosa brunch that's become a local favourite." (Local newspaper food section)

  • "Brunch reservations are surging as people return to social gatherings post-pandemic." (National newspaper business section) 

Online Publications:

  • "5 Easy Brunch Recipes Perfect for a Relaxing Weekend" (Food blog)

  • "The Ultimate Guide to Planning the Perfect Boozy Brunch" (Lifestyle website) 

Entertainment Mediums:

  • Characters in a sitcom discuss their upcoming plans to have brunch together.

  • A cooking show host demonstrates how to make a classic Eggs Benedict for a delicious brunch.

  • A brunch spot is featured in a rom-com movie, becoming a key location for a pivotal scene. 

Public Discourse:

  • "We're meeting up for brunch after the yoga class." (Casual conversation)

  • "Do you have any recommendations for brunch places with outdoor seating?" (Social media post)

  • "I'm too hungover for brunch this morning, maybe next weekend." (Informal conversation) 


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Brunch

While there aren't many quotes directly attributed to famous figures about brunch, the concept has become a cultural phenomenon with its own set of lighthearted sayings. Here's a list of ten quotes capturing the essence of brunch:

  1. "Brunch is breakfast without an alarm clock." - Unknown (This quote highlights the relaxed and leisurely nature of brunch)

  2. "There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food." - Unknown (This playful quote positions brunch food as a mood booster)

  3. "Brunch: the socially acceptable excuse for day drinking." - Unknown (This humorous quote acknowledges the association of brunch with mimosas and other cocktails)

  4. "Brunch is cheerful, sociable and inciting." - Nora Ephron (This quote from the screenwriter Nora Ephron emphasises the social and enjoyable aspects of brunch)

  5. "Life is great. And now you have breakfast food." - Jim Gaffigan (Comedian Jim Gaffigan uses brunch food as a metaphor for life's simple pleasures)

  6. "Brunch is breakfast without an agenda." - Unknown (This quote focuses on the freedom and lack of structure associated with brunch)

  7. "Brunch is always a good idea." - Unknown (This simple statement positions brunch as a universally appealing option)

  8. "Brunch is a meal made for the gods." - Unknown (This hyperbolic statement emphasises the deliciousness of brunch)

  9. "Brunch: because mimosas." - Unknown (This short and sweet quote highlights the importance of mimosas in the brunch experience)

  10. "Don't worry, be brunchy!" - Unknown (This lighthearted phrase encourages a relaxed and carefree approach to brunch)


The word "brunch" is a fun mashup of two other words: breakfast and lunch! It's like someone took the "br" from breakfast and the "unch" from lunch and smooshed them together.

This word is pretty new compared to many others in English. The first time we saw "brunch" in print was all the way back in 1895, but not in America. It was actually used in a British magazine article by a guy named Guy Beringer.

Beringer thought it would be a great idea to have a meal sometime around noon that mixed breakfast and lunch foods. He even called it a "cheerful, sociable and inciting" meal – which basically means it's a happy, fun way to get together with friends. And that's exactly how we use the word "brunch" today!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Brunch

  • Phrases:

    • Bottomless brunch: A brunch offering unlimited drinks, typically mimosas or Bloody Marys.

    • Brunch date: A social date centred around a brunch meal.

    • Brunch spot: A restaurant or cafe popular for brunch service.

    • Going for brunch: Setting out to eat a brunch meal.

    • Fueling up for brunch: Eating a light breakfast before a big brunch.

    • Hair of the dog brunch: A brunch enjoyed after a night of drinking (playful reference).

    • Power brunch: A business meeting held during brunch.

    Idioms (using breakfast/lunch related words):

    • Eggs-cuse me? (a punny way to say "excuse me") - This can be used when someone needs to get your attention during a particularly delicious brunch.

    • Keeping your eye on the doughnut, not the hole: Focusing on the positive aspects of brunch, like the tasty food and company, rather than dwelling on negatives.

    • The first pancake is always spoiled: This idiom, often used for any first attempt, can be applied to a less-than-perfect first bite at brunch.

    • Sleeping like a log after brunch: Feeling very full and sleepy after a heavy brunch.

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Source Information

Definition of brunch from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


