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IPA Phonetic Spelling for "committee"


Breakdown by Syllable

  • - /kə/

  • mɪt - /mɪt/

  • - /iː/

Word Form Variations

Committee is a noun. Its only word form variation is the plural form:

  • Committees

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: A group of people officially appointed to consider and decide on a particular matter.

    • Synonyms: panel, board, commission, council

    • Antonyms: individual, solitary


  • Definition: To form or assign to a committee.

    • Synonyms: delegate, assign, appoint, entrust

    • Antonyms: retain, withhold, keep

Note: While "committee" is primarily used as a noun, it can be used as a verb in certain contexts, though it's less common.

Examples of Use

In Books

  • Academic Textbooks: "The university senate committee approved the new curriculum." (Any standard higher education textbook)

  • Fiction: "The committee was tasked with selecting the next Miss Universe." (A novel featuring a beauty pageant)

In Newspapers

  • Politics: "The congressional committee is investigating the alleged corruption scandal." (The New York Times, Washington Post)

  • Business: "The executive committee met to discuss the company's merger plans." (The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times)

In Online Publications

  • Blogs: "The school board committee is facing criticism for budget cuts." (Education-focused blogs)

  • News Websites: "The committee tasked with drafting the new constitution has released a preliminary draft." (Online news portals like BBC, CNN)

In Entertainment

  • Television: "The reality show will feature a committee of experts judging the contestants' performances." (American Idol, MasterChef)

  • Movies: "The film revolves around a secret committee controlling world events." (Conspiracy thrillers)

In General Public Discourse

  • Workplace: "The employee satisfaction committee is meeting to discuss new benefits."

  • Community: "The neighborhood committee is organizing a block party."

  • Government: "The city council committee is responsible for approving zoning changes."

These examples demonstrate the versatility of the word "committee" across various contexts and mediums.

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Committee

  1. "A committee is a group of the unprepared, appointed by the unwilling, to do the unnecessary." (Unknown)

  2. "A committee is a group that keeps minutes and loses hours." (Unknown)

  3. "It is well known that the Nobel Committees bring world opinion to a focus, and that fact still further enhances the prestige attaching to the Prizes." (Alfred Nobel, likely from a Nobel Committee speech)  

  4. "Committees are where good ideas go to die." (Unknown)

  5. "The committee process is like herding cats: slow, chaotic, and often ending in a ball of fur." (Original quote)

  6. "A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing, but collectively can take no responsibility." (Original quote)

  7. "I've never met a committee that couldn't be replaced by a well-chosen individual." (Original quote)

  8. "Committees are essential for sharing the blame, but terrible for sharing the credit." (Original quote)

  9. "A committee is a group of people who meet to decide who will do what, and then appoint a subcommittee to do it." (Unknown)

  10. "The larger the committee, the less gets done." (Original quote)

    Note: While there are many famous quotes about committees, they often focus on the negative aspects of committee work. Positive quotes about committees are less common.


The Story of the Word "Committee"

Committee comes from a word that means "to entrust" or "to give something to someone to take care of." Imagine you have a big job to do, and you don't want to do it alone. So, you choose a group of people to help you. That group of people is a "committee."

The word started being used around the 15th century. Back then, it meant a group of people who were given a specific task or job to do. It was like saying, "We're trusting these people to handle this."

So, the next time you hear the word "committee," remember it's about a group of people who have been given a responsibility.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Committee

Unfortunately, there aren't many common idioms or phrases that directly use the word "committee". This is likely because committees are often seen as bureaucratic and slow-moving, which doesn't lend itself to colorful language.

However, we can explore some related phrases and idioms that capture the essence of committees:

Phrases with "Committee"

  • Committee meeting: A formal gathering of a committee.

  • Standing committee: A permanent committee.

  • Select committee: A temporary committee formed for a specific purpose.

  • Executive committee: A small group within a larger committee with decision-making power.

Idioms with Similar Meaning

While not directly using "committee," these idioms convey similar ideas:

  • Too many cooks in the kitchen: This suggests that having too many people involved in a task can lead to confusion and inefficiency.

  • By committee: This phrase implies something was created or decided by a group, often with less impact or creativity.

  • Red tape: This refers to excessive bureaucracy and paperwork, often associated with committee processes.

  • Passing the buck: Blaming others or shifting responsibility, often within a committee structure.

Original Phrases

  • Committee-think: A mindset characterized by cautiousness, conformity, and a reluctance to take risks.

  • Committee-speak: Vague, impersonal language often used in committee meetings.

These phrases and idioms capture the common perception of committees as bureaucratic and often inefficient.

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Source Information

Definition of committee  from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.