IPA Phonetic Spelling: /ˈkɔːrpərət/
Syllable Breakdown:
ˈkɔːr (first syllable)
/ˈkɔː/ - stressed vowel sound
pər (second syllable)
/pər/ - unstressed vowel sound
ət (third syllable)
/ət/ - unstressed vowel sound
Word Form Variations
The word "corporate" is an adjective, and therefore does not have singular or plural forms.
However, it can be used to modify nouns that have singular and plural forms:
Singular: corporate entity, corporate culture, corporate ladder
Plural: corporate entities, corporate cultures, corporate ladders
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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms
Corporate (Adjective)
Definition: Relating to or characteristic of a large organization, especially a business.
Synonyms: business, commercial, company, organizational, institutional
Antonyms: individual, personal, private, small-scale
Corporate (Noun)
Definition: A large organization, especially a business.
Synonyms: company, business, firm, enterprise
Antonyms: individual, sole proprietorship, partnership
Corporately (Adverb)
Definition: In a way that involves or represents a whole group or organization.
Synonyms: collectively, jointly, together
Antonyms: individually, personally
Examples of Use
Corporate (Adjective)
Book: "The corporate world is becoming increasingly competitive." (The Economist)
Newspaper: "The corporate culture at Apple is known for its innovation and secrecy." (The New York Times)
Online Publication: "The corporate website is a valuable resource for potential customers." (Forbes)
Movie: "The film explores the dark side of corporate greed." (The Wolf of Wall Street)
TV Show: "The characters in the show navigate the challenges of corporate life." (Mad Men)
Public Discourse: "The government is considering new regulations to address corporate tax evasion." (CNN)
Corporate (Noun)
Book: "The corporate giants of Silicon Valley have transformed the way we communicate." (The Innovators)
Newspaper: "The corporate sector is facing increased scrutiny over its environmental impact." (The Guardian)
Online Publication: "The corporate giants are investing heavily in artificial intelligence." (TechCrunch)
Movie: "The corporate executives are portrayed as ruthless and unethical." (The Social Network)
TV Show: "The show follows the rise and fall of a powerful corporate conglomerate." (Succession)
Public Discourse: "The corporate lobbyists are trying to influence government policy." (The Washington Post)
Corporately (Adverb)
Book: "The company's employees are trained to work corporately towards achieving common goals." (Business Strategy)
Newspaper: "The countries agreed to cooperate corporately on climate change initiatives." (The Financial Times)
Online Publication: "The team is working corporately to develop a new product." (Entrepreneur)
Movie: "The characters in the film are corporately responsible for a major environmental disaster." (Erin Brockovich)
TV Show: "The team is forced to work corporately to solve a crisis." (The Office)
Public Discourse: "The nations are working corporately to address global challenges." (United Nations)
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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Corporate
"Corporate culture is the only sustainable competitive advantage that is completely within the control of the entrepreneur." — David Cummings
"The real threat to business is from within, from poor ethical standards and lack of integrity that can do incalculable harm." — Azim Premji
"The corporations don't have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government." — Jim Hightower
"Those who climb the corporate ladder of lies and deception will sooner or later fall off the shaky steps." — Khang Kijarro Nguyen
"Corporate executives and business owners need to realize that there can be no compromise when it comes to ethics, and there are no easy shortcuts to success." — Vivek Wadhwa
"Transparency is becoming an unstoppable force. It’s harder for firms to keep secrets in today’s corporate world." — Don Tapscott
"When you run a company, you want to hand it off in better shape than you found it." — Henry Paulson
"The brands that will thrive in the future are those that tap into the social changes taking place." — Sir Michael Perry
"Punk will only die when corporations can exploit and mass-produce it." — Jello Biafra
"A corporation's primary goal is to make money. Government's primary role is to take a big chunk of that money and give it to others." — Larry Ellison
These quotes reflect a range of perspectives on corporate responsibility, culture, ethics, transparency, and power. They emphasize how corporations influence society, politics, and individual behavior, while also touching on the potential risks of unethical practices within organizations.
The word "corporate" comes from the Latin word "corpus," which means "body." This is because a corporation is a group of people acting as a single entity, much like a body.
The first known use of "corporate" in English was in the 14th century. At that time, it meant "of or relating to a body of people." Over time, the meaning of the word shifted to refer specifically to large organizations, especially businesses.
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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Corporate
While "corporate" itself isn't frequently used in idioms or colloquial expressions, it's often found in common business and professional phrases:
Corporate culture: The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors of a company's employees.
Corporate ladder: The hierarchy of positions within a company.
Corporate espionage: The illegal gathering of confidential information from a competitor.
Corporate social responsibility: A company's commitment to ethical and sustainable practices.
Corporate raider: A person or company that attempts to take over another company through hostile tactics.
Related Idioms:
While these idioms don't directly use "corporate," they convey similar concepts:
To climb the ladder: To advance in one's career.
To cut corners: To do something cheaply or carelessly.
To play by the rules: To follow established guidelines or regulations.
To toe the line: To conform to a particular standard or expectation.
To wear many hats: To have multiple responsibilities or roles
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Source Information
Definition of corporate from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.