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IPA Phonetic Spelling: /dɪˈmjʊər/

Syllable Breakdown:

  • de: /dɪ/

    • /d/ - voiced alveolar stop

    • /ɪ/ - short front unrounded vowel

  • mu: /mjʊ/

    • /m/ - voiced bilabial nasal

    • /j/ - voiced palatal glide

    • /ʊ/ - short back rounded vowel

  • re: /ər/

    • /ə/ - schwa

    • /r/ - alveolar approximant

Word Form Variations

demure is a singular adjective. It does not have any plural or other word form variations.

If you're looking for a related noun, you could use:

  • demureness: This is the noun form of demure, meaning the quality or state of being demure.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Definition: Reserved, modest, and dignified in behavior or appearance.

  • Synonyms: modest, shy, bashful, coy, retiring

  • Antonyms: bold, brazen, impudent, forward, assertive

Demureness (noun)

Definition: The quality or state of being demure.

  • Synonyms: modesty, shyness, bashfulness, coy, retiring

  • Antonyms: boldness, brazenness, impudence, forwardness, assertiveness

Examples of Use


  • "She was a demure young woman with a gentle smile." (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice)

  • "The demure librarian adjusted her glasses and shushed the noisy students." (A contemporary novel)


  • "The demure princess waved to the crowd from her balcony." (The New York Times)

  • "The demure politician declined to answer the controversial question." (The Washington Post)

Online Publications

  • "The article described the demure fashion trend of pastel-colored suits." (

  • "The blogger shared her tips for achieving a demure and sophisticated look." (Beauty Guru)

Entertainment Mediums and Platforms

  • "The actress portrayed a demure character in the period drama." (Netflix)

  • "The singer's music video featured her in a demure and elegant gown." (YouTube)

  • "In the game, the player must choose between a bold and a demure character." (Video Game)

General Public Discourse

  • "She has a demure personality that makes her easy to talk to." (Everyday conversation)

  • "The demure girl was uncomfortable with the attention she received." (Personal anecdote)

Additional Examples

  • "The demure kitten hid under the bed when the dog barked." (Everyday life)

  • "The demure flower wilted in the harsh sunlight." (Nature)

  • "The demure painting was a stark contrast to the bold artwork in the gallery." (Art)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Demure

1. Original Quote: "A demure smile can hide a heart full of mischief." (Unknown)

2. Original Quote: "The most demure woman can have a fiery spirit hidden beneath the surface." (Unknown)

3. Original Quote: "A demure facade can be a shield against the harsh realities of the world." (Unknown)

4. Original Quote: "Behind every demure gaze, there lies a story waiting to be told." (Unknown)

5. Original Quote: "Demureness can be a form of power, a subtle way to command attention." (Unknown)

6. Original Quote: "A demure demeanor can be a source of comfort and peace in a chaotic world." (Unknown)

7. Original Quote: "The demure woman is often underestimated, but her quiet strength can be formidable." (Unknown)

8. Original Quote: "Demureness is not a weakness, but a choice to present oneself in a certain way." (Unknown)

9. Original Quote: "A demure appearance can be a disguise for a wild and adventurous spirit." (Unknown)

10. Original Quote: "The demure woman is a paradox: gentle yet strong, reserved yet passionate." (Unknown)


Demure is a word that has been around for a long time. It comes from the French word "démeure," which means "staying at home" or "dwelling." This French word came from the Latin word "de-morare," which means "to delay" or "to stay."

So, originally, "demure" meant someone who stayed at home a lot and was not very outgoing. Over time, the meaning changed to describe someone who is modest, shy, and reserved. This is how we use the word "demure" today.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Demure

Phrases using "demure":

  • A demure smile: A modest, shy smile.

  • A demure demeanor: A reserved, modest manner.

  • A demure appearance: A modest, unassuming look.

Idioms using synonyms:

  • Shy as a deer: Extremely shy or timid.

  • Coy as a kitten: Modest, shy, and flirtatious.

  • Bashful as a schoolboy: Extremely shy or embarrassed.

  • Retiring nature: A tendency to be shy and avoid social situations.

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Source Information

Definition of demure from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.