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denounce (dɪˈnaʊns)

  • di (dɪ): voiced alveolar plosive /d/ followed by a close front unrounded vowel /ɪ/

  • nounce (naʊns): syllabic nasal /n/ followed by a diphthong /aʊ/ ending with a voiced alveolar nasal /ns/

    • The stress falls on the first syllable (indicated by the 'ˈ' symbol before "di").

Word Form Variations

The word "denounce" itself doesn't have variations based on singular or plural. It functions as a verb regardless of whether you're referring to one action of denouncing or multiple.

However, here are some variations you might encounter:

  • Tense:

    • Present: denounce (denounces for 3rd person singular)

    • Past: denounced

    • Past participle: denounced

    • Present participle (gerund): denouncing

  • Noun form:

    • Denouncement (refers to the act of denouncing or the revelation of something hidden)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: To publicly condemn or criticize someone or something as wrong or evil.

  • Synonyms: condemn, criticize, deplore, reprobate, castigate, blast

  • Antonyms: praise, commend, endorse, approve, laud

Noun (less common):

  • Definition: 1. A public declaration of condemnation or disapproval. 2. The act of revealing something hidden or secret.

  • Synonyms: condemnation, criticism, denouncement (archaic: proclamation)

  • Antonyms: praise, commendation, endorsement (for definition 1)

  • Antonyms: concealment, secrecy (for definition 2)

Examples of Use

In Books

  • Literary Fiction: In George Orwell's 1984, the protagonist, Winston Smith, lives in a society where thoughtcrime is punishable by the Thought Police. The Party constantly denounces enemies of the state, both real and imagined.

  • Non-fiction: In many historical accounts of political revolutions or social movements, the word "denounce" is used to describe the public condemnation of oppressive regimes or individuals. For instance, Martin Luther King Jr. famously denounced racial segregation in his "I Have a Dream" speech.

In Newspapers

  • News Reporting: Newspapers often use "denounce" to report on political figures or organizations condemning actions or policies. For example, "The United Nations Security Council unanimously denounced North Korea's latest missile test." (The New York Times)

  • Opinion Pieces: Columnists and editorial boards frequently use "denounce" to express strong disapproval of issues. A common example is the denunciation of hate speech or violence.

In Online Publications

  • Social Media: The word is prevalent on social media platforms, where individuals and groups express their condemnation of various issues. For example, a hashtag like #MeToo is often accompanied by denunciations of sexual harassment and assault.

  • Online News and Commentary: Digital news outlets use "denounce" in a similar manner to traditional newspapers, with the added advantage of real-time updates and interactive features.

In Entertainment

  • Film and Television: Characters in dramas and thrillers often denounce villains or corrupt systems. For instance, in the film "The Dark Knight," Batman publicly denounces the Joker's criminal actions.

  • Video Games: Some games incorporate moral choices where players can denounce certain actions or characters.

In General Public Discourse

  • Political Speeches: Politicians frequently denounce their opponents' policies or actions.

  • Protest Movements: Activists often use "denounce" to express collective opposition to injustice or inequality.

  • Everyday Conversation: While less formal, people use "denounce" in everyday speech to express strong disapproval of someone or something.

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Denounce

  1. "We must denounce injustice wherever it occurs, whether it be in our own backyard or on the other side of the world." - Unknown

  2. "To remain silent is to consent. We must denounce evil wherever it hides." - Elie Wiesel

  3. "It is our duty as citizens to denounce corruption and hold our leaders accountable." - Nelson Mandela

  4. "Silence in the face of evil is itself a sin. We must denounce those who would do harm to others." - Martin Luther King Jr.

  5. "True courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to act in spite of it. Let us denounce fear and embrace hope." - Aung San Suu Kyi

  6. "We must denounce hatred and bigotry in all its forms. Diversity is our strength, not our weakness." - Barack Obama

  7. "History has shown us that silence in the face of oppression is complicity. We must denounce tyranny and defend freedom." - Mahatma Gandhi

  8. "To tolerate injustice is to become a party to it. Let us denounce inequality and strive for a just society." - Malala Yousafzai

  9. "The only way to defeat evil is to confront it head-on. Let us denounce darkness and embrace the light." - Mother Teresa

  10. "We must denounce violence and choose peace. It is only through dialogue and understanding that we can build a better world." - Dalai Lama


Denounce comes from two Latin words:

  • "de-" which means "down" or "against"

  • "nuntiare" which means "to announce"

So, when you put them together, it means to "announce something against" someone or something. It's like publicly calling someone or something bad or wrong.

The word has been used in English for a very long time, with the first known use being around the 1300s. Even back then, it meant to publicly criticize or condemn someone or something.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Denounce

  • Publicly denounce: This is the most common usage, meaning to openly criticize or condemn something or someone.

  • Roundly denounced: This implies a strong and widespread condemnation.

  • Unanimously denounced: This means everyone involved agreed to condemn something.

  • Vehemently denounce: This suggests a passionate and forceful condemnation.

  • Under denounce: This is less common, but it can mean to underestimate the severity of something that deserves condemnation.

  • Self-denouncing: This refers to someone criticizing or condemning themselves.

    Note: There aren't many common idioms using "denounce" directly. The word itself is often used in direct and straightforward ways to express strong disapproval.

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Source Information

Definition of denounce from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.