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IPA Phonetic Spelling of "draft"

The pronunciation of "draft" can vary slightly depending on accent (British vs American). Here's the breakdown for both versions:

British English (IPA):

  • /dɹɑːft/ (drafht)

    • - voiced alveolar trill (similar to the "tt" sound in "better")

    • ɑː - long open back vowel (like the "ah" in "father")

    • ft - voiceless bilabial fricative (like the "f" sound)

American English (IPA):

  • /dɹæft/ (d्रेft)

    • - voiced alveolar trill (similar to the "tt" sound in "better")

    • æ - near-open front unrounded vowel (like the "a" in "cat")

    • ft - voiceless bilabial fricative (like the "f" sound)

Word Form Variations

The word "draft" has the following word form variations:

  • Singular: draft

  • Plural: drafts

  • Present participle: drafting (verb form - describes the action of creating a draft)

  • Past participle: drafted (verb form - can be used to indicate something has been completed, or someone has been selected for military service)

  • No adjective form (although "drafty" describes something with a draft)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition:

    1. A preliminary version of a piece of writing, needing further revision and editing. (synonyms: rough copy, outline, sketch) (antonyms: final version, polished text)

    2. A current of air flowing through a space, often causing a feeling of chill. (synonyms: breeze, current, flow) (antonyms: stillness, stagnation)

    3. An act of selecting people for a specific purpose, especially military service. (synonyms: selection, call-up, conscription) (antonyms: exemption, deferment)

    4. A large amount of liquid consumed in one go. (synonyms: gulp, swig, bellyful) (antonyms: sip, trickle)


  • Definition:

    1. To create a preliminary version of a piece of writing. (synonyms: compose, outline, sketch) (antonyms: finalize, polish)

    2. To select people for a specific purpose, especially military service. (synonyms: choose, call-up, conscript) (antonyms: exempt, defer)

    3. To draw or pour off a liquid, especially a large amount. (synonyms: pour, draw, siphon)

Adjective (no direct form, but related word):

  • Drafty: (adjective) Leaky or allowing air to pass through, causing a chill. (synonyms: breezy, chilly, exposed) (antonyms: airtight, sealed, insulated)

Examples of Use

  1. Noun (1):

    • Writing: "J.K. Rowling famously wrote the first Harry Potter book in cafes, scribbling out drafts on napkins and notebook paper" (

    • Law: "The lawyer presented the judge with the final draft of the contract, incorporating all the agreed-upon revisions" (BBC News).

    Noun (2):

    • Weather: "She shivered as a cold draft blew through the cracked window" (Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice").

    • Ventilation: "Modern buildings use complex ventilation systems to ensure proper airflow and eliminate drafts" (Scientific American).

    Noun (3):

    • Military: "The government announced a new draft to bolster troop strength for the ongoing conflict" (The New York Times).

    • Sports: "The annual NFL draft is where teams select promising college players to join their rosters" (ESPN).

    Noun (4):

    • Beverage: "He finished the entire draft of soda in one go, feeling instantly refreshed" (John Steinbeck, "Of Mice and Men").

    • Beer: "Cheers! Let's enjoy a few drafts at the pub after work" (common conversation).

    Verb (1):

    • Writing: "The student was busy drafting her research paper due next week" (everyday school activity).

    • Creative Process: "The artist drafted several sketches before finalizing the design for the sculpture" (documentary about an artist).

    Verb (2):

    • Historical Context: "During World War II, many countries drafted young men to fight in the war" (history textbook).

    • Fictional Scenario: "The superhero movie depicts a dystopian future where people are drafted into service by the government" (movie review).

    Verb (3):

    • Beverage: "The bartender expertly drafted a Guinness, creating the perfect creamy head" (beer commercial).

    • Science Experiment: "The scientist carefully drafted a sample of the new liquid for analysis" (science magazine).

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Draft

  1. "The first draft of anything is shit." - Ernest Hemingway (writing)

  2. "Writing the last page of the first draft is the most enjoyable moment in writing. It's one of the most enjoyable moments in life, period." - Nicholas Sparks (writing)

  3. "No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone else's draft." - Geoffrey Willans (humor, editing)

  4. "The draft is white people sending black people to fight yellow people to protect the country they stole from red people." - Muhammad Ali (social commentary, war)

  5. "A peacetime draft is the most un-American thing I know." - Dwight D. Eisenhower (military, politics)

  6. "It is by the errors that we learn; we don't learn by being perfect." - W. Edwards Deming (improvement, process) - This quote uses "drafts" to refer to iterations or attempts.

  7. "There is nothing worse than a yes-man. You must have people around you who will tell you the truth." - J.C. Penney (business, leadership) - Similar to quote #4, "drafts" here signifies ideas or proposals.

  8. "A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." - John A. Shedd (risk-taking, opportunity) - This quote uses "draft" metaphorically to refer to a ship's initial design plan.

  9. "The weeping voices rise straight up and strike the clouds. A passer-by at the roadside asks a conscript why. The conscript answers only that drafting happens often." - Yiannis Ritsos (war, poetry)

  10. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - Benjamin Franklin (preparation, planning) - This quote uses "draft" metaphorically to refer to the initial stages of a plan.


The word "draft" comes from an old idea – pulling or drawing something. Way back in the Old English days (around 1000 AD), people used the word "dreaht" to describe the act of pulling or dragging something.

Over time, the word morphed a bit, becoming "draught" in Middle English. This meaning stuck around for a while, referring to both the act of pulling and the amount of liquid you drink in one go (like a big gulp).

Then, in the late 1600s, something interesting happened. People started using "draught" (later shortened to "draft") to talk about things that were drawn or written down, like a first version of a document with edits to come. This new meaning stuck, and today "draft" can describe both a cool breeze and the early stage of your next big writing project!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Draft

  • Writing:

    • Rough draft: An early version of a piece of writing that needs revision.

    • Final draft: The completed and polished version of a piece of writing.

    • Work in draft: A piece of writing that is still being developed.

    • In the first draft, there is no such thing as perfection: A reminder to focus on getting ideas down first and editing later.

    • Draft something up: To quickly write a preliminary version of something.


    • Dodge the draft: To avoid being conscripted into military service.

    • On the draft: Being eligible to be called up for military service.


    • On draft: Beer or other beverage served from a keg or barrel, not a bottle or can.

    • A good draft: A large amount of liquid consumed in one go.


    • A cold draft: An unwanted current of cold air.

    • Drafty: Describing a place that allows cold air to pass through easily.

    • Draw up a draft: To create a preliminary version of a document, such as a contract or proposal.

    • Be at the drawing board: To be in the early stages of planning something (figuratively using "draft" as a plan).

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Source Information

Definition of draft from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.