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The IPA phonetic spelling for "essential" is:


Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • es- (ɪ): The "i" sound like in "ship"

  • -sen- (ˈsɛn):

    • "s" sound like in "say"

    • "en" sound with a short "e" like in "head"

  • -tial (ʃəl):

    • "sh" sound like in "she"

    • "əl" sound like the final vowel sound in "bottle"

Word Form Variations

Here are the word form variations of "essential":

  • Singular:

    • essential (adjective)

    • essential (noun) - This is less common, but can refer to something fundamental or necessary.

  • Plural:

    • essentials (adjective) - Used when referring to multiple essential things.

    • essentials (noun) - Refers to a collection of necessary things.

  • Adverb:

    • essentially

  • Other related forms:

    • essentiality (noun) - The state of being essential.

    • nonessential (adjective) - Not essential.

    • unessential (adjective) - Not essential.

While "essential" can be used as a noun, it's more common as an adjective. The adverb form "essentially" emphasises the importance of something.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: A fundamental or necessary element; something that is crucial or indispensable.

  • Synonyms: necessity, requisite, staple, basic, core element

  • Antonyms: luxury, nonessential, inessential, frill

Less common noun:

  • Definition: A core principle or concept.

  • Synonyms: foundation, base, cornerstone

  • Antonyms: periphery, minor detail


  • Definition: Absolutely necessary; crucial for existence or function.

  • Synonyms: indispensable, vital, critical, key, fundamental

  • Antonyms: nonessential, inessential, optional, unneeded


  • Definition: Fundamentally; in a way that captures the essence.

  • Synonyms: basically, fundamentally, in essence, at heart

  • Antonyms: superficially, trivially

Note: Verbs are not typically formed from "essential"

Examples of Use

1. Book:

  • "Water is essential for all life on Earth." (National Geographic: Complete Rivers and Lakes [2010])

2. Newspaper:

  • "The firefighters are urging residents to pack only essentials in case of an evacuation." (The New York Times, June 20, 2024)

3. Online Publication:

  • "A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a strong immune system." (WebMD:)

4. Entertainment Medium (Movie):

  • Character 1: "We need to find a safe place to hide!"

  • Character 2: "Stay calm, but gathering essential supplies is our priority." (Dialogue from a fictional survival movie)

5. Entertainment Medium (Video Game):

  • "Congratulations on completing the mission! Now, gather the essential items to unlock the next level." (Gameplay message from a role-playing game)

6. Public Discourse:

  • "A strong work ethic is essential for success in any career." (Motivational speaker giving a talk)

7. Social Media:

  • "Packing for my vacation! What are your travel essentials?" (Social media post asking for advice)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Essential

  1. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke (emphasises necessity of action)

  2. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela (highlights essential role of education)

  3. "They who can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin (warns against sacrificing essential freedoms)

  4. "Friendship is essential to happiness." - Aristotle (emphasises friendship as a fundamental element of happiness)

  5. "The key is to keep company with people who will challenge you to improve your thinking and to grow." - Carol Dweck (importance of essential relationships for growth)

  6. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs (highlights innovation as essential for leadership)

  7. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you discover why." - Mark Twain (importance of discovering life's purpose, an essential question)

  8. "The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein (experience as an essential element for gaining knowledge)

  9. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu (emphasises the essential first step for any endeavour)

  10. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (importance of self-reflection, an essential aspect of a meaningful life).


The word "essential" is like a detective uncovering the truth. It all starts from the Latin word "essentia," which means the very core nature of something, like its fingerprint.

Around 1340, people in England borrowed this word and changed it a bit to "essential." Back then, it meant the same thing – related to the fundamental nature of something. It was like saying something was essential to its identity.

Over time, the meaning expanded to include things that are absolutely necessary. Think about the tools a detective needs to solve a case – a magnifying glass might be helpful, but a fingerprint scanner is essential!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Essential

  • Phrases:

    • Essentials: A collection of necessary things. (e.g. "Pack your travel essentials for the trip.")

    • Essential for: Absolutely necessary for something to function or exist. (e.g. "Water is essential for life.")

    • Of the essence: Very important and needing immediate attention. (e.g. "Finding a cure for the disease is of the essence.")

    Idioms (figurative language, not meant literally):

    • Bare essentials: Only the most basic and necessary things. (e.g. "We brought only the bare essentials for our camping trip.")

    • Cut to the essentials: Focus on the most important aspects of something. (e.g. "Let's cut to the essentials and discuss the project timeline.")

    • Essential worker: Someone whose job is considered critical to the functioning of society. (e.g. Doctors, nurses, and firefighters are all essential workers.)

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Source Information

Definition of essential from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.