


Facilitate - IPA Phonetics

Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "facilitate" with a breakdown of the sounds in each syllable:

  • fəˈsɪləteɪt (most common in both American and British English)

Syllable Breakdown:

  • fa (fə):

    • f - voiceless labiodental fricative (like the "f" in "fish")

    • ə - schwa (a central vowel sound)

  • cil (ˈsɪ):

    • ˈ - primary stress on this syllable

    • s - voiceless alveolar fricative (like the "s" in "sip")

    • ɪ - near-close near-front unrounded vowel (like the "i" in "bit")

  • i (lɪ):

    • l - voiced alveolar lateral approximant (like the "l" in "lip")

    • ɪ - same sound as in the second syllable

  • tate (teɪt):

    • t - voiceless alveolar plosive (like the "t" in "tap")

    • eɪ - diphthong sound (combination of "e" in "bet" and "i" in "beat")

  • (ɪŋ) (teɪŋ): (optional ending sound)

    • ŋ - velar nasal (like the "ng" in "sing") - only present in the verb form

Word Form Variations

"Facilitate" itself is already the base verb form. Here's a breakdown of the different word forms you might encounter:

  • Tense:

    • Present tense (singular and plural): facilitate

    • Past tense (singular and plural): facilitated

    • Past participle: facilitated

    • Present participle (continuous): facilitating

  • Number:

    • Singular: facilitate (as you already have)

    • Plural: facilitates (adding an "s" to the base verb)

  • Gerund: (verbal noun) facilitating

  • There are no noun forms of "facilitate" itself. However, you can use nouns that describe the act of facilitating, such as:

    • facilitation

    • facilitator (someone who facilitates)


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition 1: To make something easier or less difficult; to help something happen or progress smoothly. (Synonyms: aid, expedite, smoothen, simplify, advance Antonyms: hinder, impede, obstruct, stall, complicate)

  • Example: "The teacher facilitated the discussion by asking open-ended questions."

  • Definition 2: To guide or lead a discussion, meeting, or workshop, especially in a way that encourages participation from everyone. (Synonyms: moderate, mediate, orchestrate, steer, chair Antonyms: dominate, monopolize, dictate, control)

  • Example: "The consultant facilitated the brainstorming session to generate new ideas for the marketing campaign."

Gerund (Verbal Noun):

  • Definition: The act of making something easier or less difficult; the act of guiding or leading a discussion or meeting. (Synonyms: facilitation, assistance, streamlining, guidance, direction)

  • Example: "The team's success was attributed to effective communication and facilitation."

There are no commonly used adjective or adverb forms of "facilitate."

Examples of Use


  • Non-Fiction: "The librarian facilitated a book club discussion on the themes of social justice in the novel." (Made the discussion easier and more focused)

  • Fiction: "The rogue AI cleverly facilitated the escape of the prisoners by disabling the security protocols." (Made the escape easier to happen)


  • "The United Nations is facilitating peace talks between the warring factions in the region." (Guiding and leading the discussions for peace) 

Online Publications:

  • "This app can facilitate language learning by providing interactive exercises and games." (Making language learning easier and more accessible) 

Entertainment Mediums:

  • TV Show: "On a cooking competition show, the host facilitates the challenges by explaining the ingredients and time limits for each round." (Guiding and managing the competition)

  • Video Game: "The online multiplayer game facilitates communication between players through voice chat and text messaging." (Making communication between players easier)

General Public Discourse:

  • "The local community centre facilitates after-school programs for children, providing educational and recreational activities." (Making the programs available and easier to access for children)

  • "A good leader facilitates decision-making by encouraging everyone to share their ideas and perspectives." (Guiding the process of making decisions for the better)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Facilitate

While there aren't many quotes by particularly famous figures using "facilitate," here are 10 quotes showcasing the word's use in various contexts:

  1. "The FCC should facilitate, rather than frustrate, innovation." (Neutrality advocate on the role of the Federal Communications Commission)

  2. "Our party's agenda is not only to form a government, but also to facilitate a political process." (Political leader emphasising open participation)

  3. "The essential job of government is to facilitate, not frustrate, job development." (Economist on the role of government in creating jobs)

  4. "Athletes do. They facilitate the dreams of others." (Sports commentator on the role of athletes in inspiring others)

  5. "Comedy in the past hasn't spoken to women because it wasn't written by women, and male writers don't make women three-dimensional characters. Too often, women just facilitate the man's comedy..." (Comedian on the need for female representation in comedy)

  6. "I think an actor's job is to facilitate the writing in a way that changes the way people think. No other business does that." (Actor on the power of acting to influence perspectives)

  7. "Until you can be happy, you can't facilitate happiness for anybody else." (Life coach on personal fulfilment being a prerequisite for helping others)

  8. "Nothing the European mind ever devised was meant to do anything but to facilitate the European's control over the world." (Writer with a critical view of European colonialism)

  9. "We form cities in order to enhance interaction, to facilitate growth, wealth creation, ideas, innovation, but in doing so, we create, from a physicist's viewpoint, entropy." (Urban planner on the unintended consequences of city development)

  10. "Bitcoin has so much potential, and that's why the believers are trying to facilitate its use as a currency..." (Tech journalist on the efforts to promote Bitcoin usage)


The word "facilitate" comes from a much older word in Latin, "facilis," which simply means "easy." Imagine "facilitate" as a combination of "easy" and "make."

The first time people used "facilitate" in English was around the late 1500s. Back then, it meant exactly what it means today - to make something easier to happen. It probably came from the French word "faciliter," which also means to make something easier. So, "facilitate" is like a mashup of a Latin word and a French word, both meaning "easy"!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Facilitate

  • Here are some phrases and idioms using the word "facilitate":

    • Facilitate a discussion: Guide and manage a conversation to ensure everyone participates.

    • Facilitate a smooth transition: Make the change from one state to another easier and less disruptive.

    • Facilitate learning: Make the process of acquiring knowledge or skills easier and more effective.

    • Facilitate access: Make it easier for people to get to something or use something.

    • Facilitate trade: Make the exchange of goods and services between countries or businesses smoother.

    Here's an idiom using "facilitate":

    • Greasing the wheels: Taking steps to make something happen more easily, often by offering unofficial incentives. (e.g., "A small donation might help grease the wheels and get your application approved faster.")

    Note: "Facilitate" itself isn't an idiom, but it's a common word used in many idiomatic expressions.

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Source Information

Definition of facilitate from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



