


The IPA phonetic spelling for "final" (American English) is:

  • /ˈfaɪnəl/

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • First syllable (fi):

    • /f/ - voiceless labiodental fricative (similar to the "f" sound in "fit")

    • /aɪ/ - diphthong sound (combination of /a/ as in "father" and /ɪ/ as in "bit")

  • Second syllable (nal):

    • /n/ - voiced alveolar nasal (similar to the "n" sound in "sip")

    • /əl/ - schwa sound (a central vowel sound, like the neutral vowel in "but")

    • /l/ - voiced alveolar lateral approximant (similar to the "l" sound in "lip")

Word Form Variations

The word "final" has the following variations:

  • Singular: final (This is the base form you'd use in most situations)

  • Plural: finals (This is used when referring to multiple final exams, competitions, etc.)

Note: "Final" does not have any verb conjugations or other grammatical variations beyond singular and plural forms. It functions primarily as an adjective and sometimes as a noun (referring to final exams or competitions).


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Part of Speech:

  • Adjective

  • Noun (limited use)


  • Definition:

    1. Coming at the end; last in a series or sequence. (e.g., The final chapter of the book revealed the truth)

    2. Decisive or conclusive, leaving no room for further discussion or change. (e.g., The judge's final decision was to dismiss the case)

    3. Ultimate or most important. (e.g., Our final goal is to find a cure for this disease)

  • Synonyms:

    • Last, concluding, terminal, closing, decisive, definitive, ultimate, paramount

  • Antonyms:

    • First, initial, preliminary, opening, tentative, undecided, unimportant

Noun (limited use):

  • Definition:

    1. (usually plural: finals) The last competition or game in a tournament or series, where the winner is determined. (e.g., We made it to the finals of the basketball championship)

    2. (less common) A final exam or test. (e.g., I have to study for my history final tomorrow)

  • Synonyms:

    • Championship game, decisive match, final round (for competitions)

    • Final exam, final test (less common)

  • Antonyms:

    • Qualifier, preliminary round, semifinal (for competitions)

    • (no direct antonym for final exams/tests)

Examples of Use


  • Book: "With a final sigh, Harry closed the book, the weight of the prophecy settling on his shoulders." (J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)

  • Newspaper: "The company announced a final decision to close the factory after months of negotiations with labour unions." (The New York Times, June 2024)

  • Online Publication: "The scientist presented her final research findings, offering a potential breakthrough in cancer treatment." (Science Daily,

  • Movie: Character 1: "Are you sure this is the final plan?" Character 2: "Absolutely, we've considered all the options." (Example from any heist movie)

  • Public Discourse: "The athlete gave a final push, crossing the finish line in first place." (Sports commentator)


  • Entertainment Medium (TV Show): "The contestants are now preparing for the final challenge, where they will compete for the grand prize." (Reality competition show)

  • Newspaper: "The high school basketball team is gearing up for the upcoming state finals." (Local newspaper sports section)

  • Online Publication: "The student forum is buzzing with questions and anxieties about the upcoming biology final." (Online student community)

  • General Public Discourse: "I need to start studying for my finals next week." (College student)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Final

  1. "Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It's courage that counts." - Winston Churchill (This quote highlights the ongoing nature of life's challenges)

  2. "The final form of love is forgiveness." - Reinhold Niebuhr (This quote emphasises forgiveness as the ultimate expression of love)

  3. "Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat." - Napoleon Bonaparte (This quote encourages resilience in the face of setbacks)

  4. "I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality." - Martin Luther King, Jr. (This quote emphasises the power of truth and love)

  5. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (This quote uses "final" to suggest the limitations of human knowledge)

  6. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu (This quote implies a "final" destination after the journey)

  7. "The last thing we learn in life is how to live." - Leonardo da Vinci (This quote suggests "final" wisdom comes with experience)

  8. "The end is near, but we will fight to the final breath." - Queen Elizabeth I (This quote uses "final" in a context of determination)

  9. "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate." - John F. Kennedy (This quote uses "final" to suggest the importance of negotiation despite anxieties)

  10. "There are no mistakes, only lessons." - Neal Donald Walsch (This quote implies learning from experiences, even negative ones, before reaching a "final" understanding)


The word "final" comes from a long journey through languages! It all started with the Latin word "finis," which simply meant "end." Think of it like the "finish line" in a race.

Over time, Latin added "-alis" to the end of "finis," which kind of means "of or relating to." So, "finalis" in Latin literally meant "of the end" or "ending."

Fast forward a bit, and French borrowed this word from Latin. They shortened it slightly to "final," which kept the same meaning of "last" or "concluding."

Finally, English borrowed "final" from French in the 1300s. And that's how the word we use today came to be! So, next time you use "final," remember it's all about reaching the end or marking something as the last one.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Final

  • Final straw: This idiom means the last irritating thing that causes someone to become angry or frustrated. (e.g., The constant traffic delays were the final straw, and I ended up yelling at my GPS.)

  • At the end of one's rope: This idiom means someone is exhausted and can't take any more of a difficult situation. (e.g., After weeks of searching for a job, she was at the end of her rope.)

  • To finalize something: This means to make something final or complete it definitively. (e.g., We need to finalize the contract before we begin construction.)

  • In the final analysis: This phrase means when you consider everything carefully. (e.g., In the final analysis, the benefits of the project outweigh the risks.)

  • To breathe one's final breath: This is a more formal way of saying someone has died. (e.g., He breathed his final breath peacefully surrounded by loved ones.)

  • To go down to the final wire: This idiom is used in sports and means a competition is very close and undecided until the very end. (e.g., The game went down to the final wire, with the winning touchdown scored in the last seconds.)

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Source Information

Definition of final from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


