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IPA Phonetic Spelling for "forthcoming"

  • forth (fɔːθ)

    • f - voiceless labiodental fricative

    • ɔː - long back open rounded vowel

    • θ - voiceless dental fricative

  • com (kʌm)

    • k - voiceless velar plosive

    • ʌ - short central vowel

  • ing (ɪŋ)

    • ɪ - short near-close front unrounded vowel

    • ŋ - velar nasal


  • /fɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ/

Word Form Variations

"Forthcoming" itself doesn't have variations based on singular or plural. It functions as an adjective and describes something that is coming soon.

However, there are a few related terms:

  • Adverb: "Forthcomingly" - This describes the manner of something being forthcoming, meaning in an open and cooperative way.

  • Noun: "Forthcomingness" - This is the quality of being forthcoming, meaning the willingness to provide information or help.

  • Opposite adjective: "Unforthcoming" - This describes something that is not readily available or someone who is hesitant to share information.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Part of Speech: Adjective

  • Definition 1: About to happen or appear soon; approaching.

    • Synonyms: upcoming, approaching, impending, nearing, nigh

    • Antonyms: delayed, postponed, late, overdue

  • Definition 2: Readily available or provided when needed or expected.

    • Synonyms: accessible, obtainable, forthcoming (as in providing something), on hand

    • Antonyms: unavailable, scarce, lacking, absent

  • Definition 3: Open and honest in providing information; frank and cooperative.

    • Synonyms: candid, truthful, direct, upfront

    • Antonyms: secretive, closed-off, evasive, unforthcoming

Part of Speech: Adverb (less common)

  • Definition: In a forthcoming manner; openly and cooperatively.

    • Synonyms: candidly, truthfully, directly, upfrontly

    • Antonyms: secretively, evasively, unforthcomingly

Part of Speech: Noun (less common)

  • Definition: The quality of being forthcoming; willingness to provide information or help.

    • Synonyms: candour, frankness, openness, transparency

    • Antonyms: secrecy, secretiveness, closed-offness

Examples of Use

1. Books:

  • "The detective promised a full report on his findings, but the details remained forthcoming." (John Grisham, A Time for Mercy)

2. Newspapers:

  • "The company announced a forthcoming product launch, but details on pricing and availability are still forthcoming." (The Wall Street Journal)

3. Online Publications:

  • "Fans are eagerly awaiting the forthcoming season of their favourite sci-fi show." (TechCrunch)

4. Entertainment Mediums:

  • In a movie trailer, the narrator might say, "This summer, get ready for the forthcoming blockbuster action film..."

5. Public Discourse:

  • During a political debate, a candidate might say, "I'm happy to answer your questions forthcomingly."

6. Social Media:

  • A tweet might read, "Just finished writing the first chapter of my forthcoming novel! #excited"

7. Academic Writing:

  • "The researcher's forthcoming paper will explore the impact of social media on mental health." (Journal of Psychology)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Forthcoming

While "forthcoming" isn't the most common word used in famous quotes, here are a few creative options that capture the essence of the word in different contexts:

  1. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller (This quote implies a forthcoming understanding of life's deeper truths)

  2. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (This quote suggests a forthcoming approach to knowledge, always seeking more)

  3. "Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people." - Leo Burnett (This quote highlights the importance of a forthcoming attitude in the creative process)

  4. "The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi (This quote implies that by taking action today, a better future is forthcoming)

  5. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Similar to the previous quote, this emphasises a forthcoming approach to shaping one's destiny)

  6. "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen." - Vladimir Lenin (This quote suggests that significant change, while seemingly not forthcoming, can erupt unexpectedly)

  7. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs (This quote encourages a forthcoming exploration to find one's passion)

  8. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu (This quote emphasises that progress, though seemingly distant, is forthcoming with each step)

  9. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (This quote highlights the importance of a forthcoming and honest self-reflection)

  10. "The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein (This quote suggests that forthcoming experiences are the key to gaining knowledge).


The word "forthcoming" is basically built from two smaller words stuck together: "forth" and "coming."

  • "Forth" means "forward" or "outward."

  • "Coming" means, well, approaching or arriving.

So, if we put them together, "forthcoming" literally means "coming forth" or "coming forward."

The word itself is pretty old, showing up in English writings around the 1500s. Back then, it just meant something that was about to happen or appear soon.

Think of it this way: imagine a delicious cake in the oven. You know it's going to be done soon, so you could say, "The cake is forthcoming!"

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Forthcoming

  • Be forthcoming with information: This means to be open and honest in sharing details.

  • Not forthcoming: This means someone is hesitant or unwilling to provide information.

  • Forthcoming event: This refers to an upcoming happening or occasion.

  • Forthcoming season (of a show): This indicates the next instalment of a TV series or similar program.

  • Look forward to something forthcoming: This expresses anticipation for something that is about to happen.

  • (Something) is not yet forthcoming: This means something hasn't arrived or been provided yet.

  1. Idioms (less common):

    • To be forthcoming (about something): This is similar to "be forthcoming with information" but emphasises a specific topic.

    • To draw something forthcoming (from someone): This means to coax or persuade someone to reveal information. (This idiom is a bit old-fashioned.)

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Source Information

Definition of forthcoming from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.