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The IPA phonetic spelling for "grounding" is:


Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • ground (ˈɡɹaʊnd)

    • /ˈ/ - stress marker, placed before the first vowel sound

    • /ɡ/ - voiced velar plosive (similar to the "g" in "go")

    • /ɹ/ - alveolar approximant (similar to the "r" in "run")

    • /aʊ/ - diphthong sound (combination of "ow" as in "cow" and "oo" as in "boot")

    • /nd/ - nasal stop (combination of "n" and "d")

  • ing (ɪŋ)

    • /ɪ/ - near-close near-back unrounded vowel (shorter "i" sound)

    • /ŋ/ - velar nasal (similar to "ng" sound at the end of "sing")

Word Form Variations

Here are the word form variations of "grounding":

  • Singular:

    • grounding (base form)

  • Plural:

    • groundings

  • Present participle:

    • grounding

  • Past participle:

    • grounded

  • Gerund:

    • grounding (functions like a noun but acts as a verb)

  • Adjective:

    • not a common form, but "grounding" can be used as an adjective in specific contexts (e.g., a grounding influence)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • 1. Foundational knowledge: A basic understanding of the essential facts and principles in a particular subject. (Synonyms: foundation, basics, fundamentals. Antonyms: ignorance, superficiality)

    • Example: "The course provided a strong grounding in mathematics."

  • 2. Act of connecting to the earth (electrical): The process of connecting an electrical circuit or equipment to the earth to ensure safety and prevent electrical shock. (Synonyms: earthing. Antonyms: none)

    • Example: "Proper grounding is crucial for electrical safety in homes."

  • 3. Act of being prevented from flying or sailing (aviation/nautical): The act of temporarily stopping an aircraft or ship from operating, often due to safety concerns or maintenance needs. (Synonyms: cancellation (flight), layup (ship). Antonyms: clearance (flight), launch (ship))

    • Example: "The airline announced the grounding of all flights due to bad weather."

  • 4. Act of reconnecting with nature (alternative health): Practices believed to reconnect a person with the earth's energy, often involving physical contact with the ground. (Synonyms: earthing. Antonyms: none)

    • Example: "She practises grounding by walking barefoot on the grass."

  • 5. Imposing a restriction on someone's freedom (informal): The act of punishing someone by taking away privileges, often used for teenagers. (Synonyms: suspension, restriction. Antonyms: permission, freedom)

    • Example: "He got grounded for a week for breaking curfew."


  • 1. To provide a foundation in knowledge: To teach someone the basic principles of a subject. (Synonyms: instruct, teach, educate. Antonyms: mislead, confuse)

    • Example: "The teacher grounded the students in grammar before moving on to more complex topics."

  • 2. To connect to the earth (electrical): To establish an electrical connection between a circuit or equipment and the earth. (Synonyms: earth. Antonyms: none)

    • Example: "The electrician grounded the appliance before starting repairs."

  • 3. To prevent an aircraft or ship from operating (aviation/nautical): To temporarily stop an aircraft or ship from flying or sailing. (Synonyms: cancel (flight), lay up (ship). Antonyms: clear (flight), launch (ship))

    • Example: "The strong winds grounded all flights for the day."

  • 4. To restrict someone's freedom (informal): To punish someone by taking away privileges. (Synonyms: suspend, restrict. Antonyms: allow, permit)

    • Example: "Her parents grounded her for talking back."

(Note: "Grounding" is not commonly used as an adjective or adverb.)

Examples of Use


  • Foundational Knowledge: "A strong grounding in science is essential for a career in medicine." (Newspaper article - [Source: National Geographic News])

  • Electrical Grounding: "Faulty wiring and improper grounding can lead to electrical fires." (Home improvement website - [Source: Bob Vila])

  • Aviation Grounding: "The Federal Aviation Administration announced the grounding of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft following two fatal crashes." (News headline - [Source: BBC News])

  • Alternative Health Grounding: "Many proponents of earthing, or grounding, believe it can reduce inflammation and improve sleep." (Online health magazine - [Source: MindBodyGreen])

  • Informal Grounding: "After skipping school, he received a week of grounding from his parents." (Teenager conversation)


  • Providing Knowledge: "The introductory physics course grounded them in the fundamental laws of motion." (Science textbook)

  • Electrical Grounding: "The electrician grounded the outlet before installing the new light fixture." (Safety video on home repairs - [Source: YouTube])

  • Aviation Grounding: "The airline grounded all flights due to a volcanic eruption nearby." (Travel advisory email)

  • Informal Grounding: "They grounded their son for using their credit card without permission." (Parent-teacher conference conversation)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Grounding

While "grounding" isn't the most common word in famous quotes, here are ten inspirational and thought-provoking quotes that use the concept in different ways, though not necessarily using the exact word itself:

  1. "Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground." - Theodore Roosevelt (This quote emphasises staying grounded while reaching for ambitious goals.)

  2. "Dwelling close to the ground... In thinking, keep to the simple..." - Lao Tzu (This quote from the Tao Te Ching highlights the importance of humility and simplicity.)

  3. "One must be rooted in reality while aiming toward the transcendental." - Soren Kierkegaard (Similar to the Roosevelt quote, this emphasises staying grounded while having spiritual aspirations.)

  4. "The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God." - Anne Frank (This quote suggests finding solace and grounding in nature.)

  5. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote emphasises living a meaningful life that contributes to something bigger than oneself, a form of grounding in purpose.)

  6. "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein (This quote highlights the need for new perspectives and a shift in thinking, a way to break free from old patterns and potentially reground ourselves.)

  7. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha (This quote emphasises the power of our thoughts in shaping our reality, a form of mental grounding.)

  8. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (This quote highlights the importance of humility and staying open to learning, a form of intellectual grounding.)

  9. "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." - Aristotle (This quote emphasises staying hopeful and grounded even during challenges.)

  10. "I walk with the Earth. My heart beats with the Earth. I am one with the Earth." - Sitting Bull (This quote celebrates the connection between humans and the natural world, a form of spiritual grounding.)


The word "grounding" is like a family tree with "ground" as the root word.

  • Way back in the mid-1300s, "ground" was a verb meaning "to put something on the ground" or "to strike something down."

  • By the late 1300s, people started using "ground" as a verb in a more metaphorical way, like "to lay the foundation of something" or "to base something on facts" (think of a house needing a strong foundation).

  • Around the same time, people also started using "ground" as a verb meaning "to teach someone the basics" of a subject. Imagine planting a seed (the basics) that will grow into knowledge.

So, "grounding" as a noun appeared around the 1400s and simply means the act of doing any of these things we just mentioned with the verb "ground."

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Grounding

  • Here are some phrases and idioms that use the word "ground" in interesting ways:

    • Get off the ground: To begin a project or idea and make progress. (e.g., "The fundraising campaign is finally getting off the ground.")

    • Run to ground: To track down someone or something after a long effort. (e.g., "The police finally ran the suspect to ground after a weeks-long chase.")

    • Hold your ground: To refuse to back down or give in to pressure. (e.g., "She held her ground during the negotiation.")

    • Be down to earth: To be humble, practical, and unpretentious. (e.g., "Despite his success, he remained a down-to-earth person.")

    • Put someone's ear to the ground: To listen closely for news or gossip. (e.g., "The reporter put her ear to the ground to get the latest scoop on the scandal.")

    • Lose touch with reality: To become disconnected from what is real or practical. (e.g., "Living in such luxury, he started to lose touch with reality.")

    • Break new ground: To explore new territory or do something innovative. (e.g., "The scientist's research broke new ground in the field of genetics.")

    • Common ground: Shared values or beliefs that people can agree on. (e.g., "Despite their differences, they found common ground on the issue of education.")

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Source Information

Definition of grounding from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.