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(one syllable)

  • g - voiced velar plosive (similar to the "g" in "go")

  • ɛ - near-open front unrounded vowel (similar to the "e" in "bet")

  • s - voiceless alveolar fricative (similar to the "s" in "sip")

  • t - voiceless alveolar plosive (similar to the "t" in "top")

Word Form Variations


  • Singular: guest

  • Plural: guests

Verb (less common):

  • Present participle: guesting (This is rarely used)

  • Past tense: guested (This is rarely used)

  • Past participle: guested (This is rarely used)


  • Compound words: These are formed by combining "guest" with another word, such as guestroom, guesthouse, guest lecture, guest conductor, etc.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition 1: A person who is received and entertained by another person or at an event, typically because they have been invited. (This is the most common definition)

  • Synonyms: visitor, attendee, invitee, customer (for a paying guest)

  • Antonyms: host, homeowner

Definition 2: A person who stays temporarily at a hotel, motel, or other lodging establishment.

  • Synonyms: lodger, resident (for a longer stay), patron

  • Antonyms: permanent resident, homeowner

Part of Speech: Verb (less common)

Definition: To be a guest at a place or event.

  • Synonyms: visit, attend, stay (as a guest)

  • Antonyms: host (an event)

Note: The verb form "to guest" is not very common in everyday speech.

Examples of Use


  • Books: "The King prepared a grand feast for his guests" (J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings)

  • Newspapers: "The museum welcomed a record number of guests for its dinosaur exhibit" (The New York Times)

  • Online Publications: "Airbnb is facing pressure to better regulate guest behavior" (BBC News)

  • Entertainment Mediums: "Tonight's guest on the Late Show is the award-winning actress, [Celebrity Name]" (Television talk show intro)

  • Public Discourse: "We put out extra towels for our weekend guests" (Everyday conversation)

Verb (less common):

  • Books: "The famous author will be guesting at the local bookstore this weekend" (A book event announcement) (Note: "Appearing" or "attending" would be more common choices here)

Compound Words:

  • Newspapers: "The hotel is building a new guestroom wing" (Travel section)

  • Online Publications: "Tips for creating a welcoming guesthouse experience" (Travel blog)

  • Entertainment Mediums: "The guest conductor led the orchestra in a beautiful performance of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony" (Concert announcement)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Guest

  1. "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." - [Proverb] (This proverb uses humour to suggest that guests should not overstay their welcome.)

  2. "We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better." - Sam Walton (This quote by the founder of Walmart emphasises the importance of customer service.)

  3. "For, after all, put it as we may to ourselves, we are all of us from birth to death guests at a table which we did not spread." - Les Miserables, Victor Hugo (This quote from the famous novel reflects on the transient nature of life.)

  4. "Nobody can be as agreeable as an uninvited guest." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote by the American philosopher suggests that uninvited guests can be disruptive.)

  5. "The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house as a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master." - Kahlil Gibran (This quote by the Lebanese poet warns of the dangers of excessive comfort.)

  6. "Often He comes, He finds the soul occupied. Other guests are there, and He has to turn away. He cannot gain entry, for we love and desire other things; therefore, His gifts, which He is offering to everyone unceasingly, must remain outside." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer (This theological quote suggests that focusing on worldly things can prevent us from experiencing spiritual connection.)

  7. "Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest." - Khaled Hosseini (This quote from the Afghan-American novelist celebrates the universality of beauty.)

  8. "I like when guests come over early and we chop veggies and talk and play music." - Ina Garten (This quote by the celebrity chef reflects on the joy of shared cooking experiences with guests.)

  9. "The first day one is a guest, the second a burden, and the third a pest." - Swedish Proverb (Similar to the first proverb, this one emphasises the importance of guests being mindful of their welcome.)

  10. "Because of those guests on his horns, he was stuck!" - Dr. Seuss, "Fox in Socks" (This playful quote uses "guest" in a less literal way, referring to the birds perched on the fox's antlers.)


The word "guest" has a long history, going all the way back to an ancient language called Proto-Indo-European. People who spoke this language way back when (thousands of years ago!) had a word "*ghos-ti-" that meant someone who was both a stranger and a guest. This reflected the idea that strangers you met could be potential enemies or people you showed hospitality to.

Over time, different languages developed from Proto-Indo-European. In English, the word "*ghos-ti-" became "guest" through Old English and Middle English. The first time we see "guest" used in English was before the year 900, and it meant "an accidental guest, a chance comer, a stranger."

Interestingly, the related word "host" also comes from this same root, reflecting the two-way nature of hospitality!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Guest

  • Be my guest: This is a common and polite way to offer permission to someone to do something or use something. (e.g., "Can I borrow your phone?" "Be my guest.")

  • Guest of honour: This refers to the most important person at an event. (e.g., "The CEO was the guest of honour at the company awards ceremony.")

  • Playing host: This means to be the one who welcomes and entertains guests. (e.g., "We're playing host to my in-laws this weekend.")

  • A long-awaited guest: This refers to someone whose arrival has been eagerly anticipated. (e.g., "The rain was a long-awaited guest after the drought.")

  • An unwelcome guest: This refers to someone whose presence is not desired. (e.g., "The unexpected tax audit was an unwelcome guest.")

  • Guest appearance: This refers to a brief appearance by someone, especially a celebrity, in a movie, TV show, or other event. (e.g., "The famous singer made a guest appearance on the cooking competition.")

  • Guest room: This is a room in a house that is used for guests to sleep in.

  • Guest worker: This is a foreign worker who is temporarily employed in another country.

  • At someone's guest: This means to be dependent on someone else's hospitality. (e.g., "After losing his job, he was at his brother's guest for a few months.")

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Source Information

Definition of guest from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.