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heartwarming (hɑːtˈwɔːrmɪŋ)

  • hear (hɑːt)

    • h - voiceless glottal fricative

    • ɑː - long back open rounded vowel (like "father")

    • t - voiceless alveolar plosive

  • warm (wɔːrm)

    • w - voiced labiovelar approximant

    • ɔː - long back open rounded vowel (like "bought")

    • r - alveolar trill

    • m - bilabial nasal

  • ing (ɪŋ)

    • ɪ - short close front unrounded vowel (like "bit")

    • ŋ - velar nasal

Word Form Variations

"Heartwarming" itself is an adjective describing something that evokes positive emotions. It doesn't have a singular or plural form because adjectives don't change based on number.

However, there are some related word forms you might find useful:

  • Adverb: You can create an adverb from "heartwarming" by adding "-ly": heartwarmingly (hɑːtˈwɔːrmɪŋli)

  • Noun: There isn't a direct noun form of "heartwarming," but you could use a noun phrase to capture the same meaning: a heartwarming moment, a heartwarming story, etc.

  • Verb: You can't directly convert "heartwarming" into a verb, but you could use verbs that describe the act of something being heartwarming: to warm the heart, to touch the heart, to evoke positive emotions.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Adjective (most common form):

  • Definition: Evoking feelings of happiness, pleasure, and kindness.

  • Synonyms: touching, moving, uplifting, encouraging, delightful, gratifying, heartening.

  • Antonyms: disheartening, depressing, discouraging, upsetting, bleak.


  • Definition: In a way that evokes feelings of happiness, pleasure, and kindness.

  • Synonyms: touchingly, movingly, upliftingly, encouragingly, delightfully, gratifyingly, hearteningly.

  • Antonyms: dishearteningly, depressingly, discouragingly, upsettingly, bleakly.

Noun Phrase (to capture the feeling):

  • Definition: An experience, story, or act that evokes feelings of happiness, pleasure, and kindness.

  • Synonyms: a touching moment, a moving experience, an uplifting story, an encouraging gesture, a delightful surprise.

  • Antonyms: a disheartening experience, a depressing story, a discouraging setback, an upsetting event, a bleak outlook.

Examples of Use

1. Literature:

  • "Jo March's unwavering spirit in the face of hardship was truly heartwarming." (Little Women, Louisa May Alcott)

2. Newspapers:

  • "Local firefighters reunite lost dog with owner in heartwarming scene." (The New York Times)

3. Online Publications:

  • "This video of a toddler sharing his lunch with a homeless person is heartwarmingly pure." (BuzzFeed)

4. Entertainment Media:

  • "The season finale featured a heartwarming reunion between the estranged siblings." (TV show review)

5. Social Media:

  • "My grandma sent me the most heartwarming birthday message! #blessed" (Twitter post)

6. Public Discourse:

  • "The community came together in a heartwarming display of support for the victims of the fire." (Speech by a local politician)

7. Movies:

  • "The movie is a heartwarming tale of friendship and overcoming adversity." (Movie review)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Heartwarming

Since "heartwarming" is a relatively modern term, it might not be as prevalent in classic quotes. Here are ten quotes that capture the essence of "heartwarming" using synonyms or expressing similar sentiments:

  1. "There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." (Vincent van Gogh) - This quote emphasises the beauty and joy found in love, similar to the heartwarming feeling.

  2. "Even the smallest act of caring can transform someone's day." (Katrina vanden Heuvel) - This quote highlights the power of small gestures, which can be very heartwarming.

  3. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) - This quote speaks to the value of making a positive impact, leading to a sense of fulfilment akin to a heartwarming experience.

  4. "No one has ever become poor by giving." (Anne Frank) - The act of giving evokes a sense of warmth and happiness, similar to being "heartwarmed."

  5. "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see." (Helen Keller) - Kindness is a core element of a heartwarming experience.

  6. "Let us never forget that a single candle can light the darkest of rooms." (Anonymous) - This quote uses light as a metaphor for hope and positivity, a feeling often associated with heartwarming moments.

  7. "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you cannot do." (Eleanor Roosevelt) - Overcoming fear can be a very empowering and heartwarming experience.

  8. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." (Helen Keller) - This emphasises the emotional aspect of a heartwarming experience.

  9. "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone." (Audrey Hepburn) - This quote highlights the importance of kindness and compassion, which contribute to a heartwarming feeling.

  10. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." (Suzy Kassem) - Overcoming doubt and achieving a dream can be a very heartwarming experience.


The word "heartwarming" is pretty straightforward! It wasn't cobbled together from some ancient language; it's actually quite new, appearing around the 1600s in English.

Imagine "heartwarming" as two words smashed together: "heart" and "warming." Think about how physical warmth makes you feel good. "Heartwarming" describes something that makes you feel good emotionally, like a warm hug for your heart!

The first time someone wrote down "heartwarming" was in the early 1600s, and it likely meant the same thing it does today – something that brings a pleasant feeling to your heart.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Heartwarming

  • Phrases:

    • A heartwarming story: A narrative that evokes positive emotions.

    • A heartwarming gesture: An act of kindness or generosity that brings joy.

    • A heartwarming reunion: A happy meeting after a period of separation.

    • A heartwarming display: A public act of affection or support that is touching.

    • A heartwarming message: Words that express care and bring comfort.

  • Idioms (not literally meaning heartwarming, but capturing the sentiment):

    • Melt your heart: To evoke strong feelings of tenderness and affection.

    • Warm the cockles of your heart: To deeply touch your emotions in a positive way. (This idiom uses a more poetic term for the "innermost part" instead of "heart")

    • Tug at your heartstrings: To evoke feelings of sympathy or compassion.

    • Bring a tear to your eye: To evoke sadness, but often a tender sadness mixed with joy.

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Source Information

Definition of heartwarming from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.