


Honesty (British English):

  • IPA: /ˈɒnɪsti/ (three syllables)

  • Breakdown:

    • First syllable (ˈɒn):

      • /ɒ/: Short "o" sound like in "cot"

      • /n/: "n" sound as in "night"

    • Second syllable (ɪ):

      • /ɪ/: Short "i" sound like in "bit"

    • Third syllable (sti):

      • /s/: "s" sound as in "sip"

      • /t/: "t" sound as in "stop"

      • /i/: Short "i" sound like in "bit"

Honesty (American English):

  • IPA: /ˈɑnəsti/ (three syllables)

  • Breakdown:

    • First syllable (ˈɑn):

      • /ɑ/: Long "a" sound like in "father"

      • /n/: "n" sound as in "night"

    • Second syllable (ə):

      • /ə/: Schwa sound, a neutral vowel sound like the "a" in "about"

    • Third syllable (sti):

      • /s/: "s" sound as in "sip"

      • /t/: "t" sound as in "stop"

      • /i/: Short "i" sound like in "bit"

Word Form Variations

"Honesty" itself doesn't have any variations based on singular or plural. It's a mass noun, meaning it refers to a general concept rather than a countable object.

However, there are related terms that can be singular or plural depending on the context:

  • Singular:

    • Honest (adjective): This describes someone or something with the quality of honesty.

    • Honesthey (abstract noun): This refers to the concept of honesty itself.

  • Plural:

    • Honest people (descriptive phrase): This refers to multiple individuals who possess honesty.

    • Acts of honesty (descriptive phrase): This refers to multiple instances where someone demonstrates honesty.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Honesty: (1) The quality of being truthful and sincere. (2) Fairness and straightforwardness in conduct.

    • Synonyms: truthfulness, veracity, integrity, sincerity, uprightness, probity.

    • Antonyms: dishonesty, deceitfulness, falsehood, insincerity, corruption.


  • Honest: (1) Free from fraud or deception; truthful. (2) Genuine, sincere, and authentic. (3) Fair and straightforward in one's actions.

    • Synonyms: truthful, sincere, candid, genuine, authentic, upright, fair, just, ethical.

    • Antonyms: dishonest, deceitful, lying, insincere, fake, fraudulent, unfair, unjust, unethical.

Adverb (less common):

  • Honestly: (1) In a truthful and sincere manner. (2) Frankly and openly.

    • Synonyms: truthfully, sincerely, candidly, genuinely, authentically, openly, frankly.

    • Antonyms: dishonestly, deceitfully, insincerely, falsely.

Examples of Use


  • "Honesty is the best policy," Benjamin Franklin famously wrote in his autobiography (Franklin, Autobiography). This proverb emphasises the value of truthfulness over deception.


  • A headline might read: "Local Politician Praised for Honesty in Admitting Campaign Mistake" (Made-up example). This highlights honesty as a positive trait in leadership.

Online Publications:

  • An online article titled "The Importance of Honesty in Building Trustworthy Relationships" (Made-up example) emphasises the role of honesty in fostering strong connections.

Entertainment Mediums:

  • In a children's cartoon, a character might learn a lesson about the importance of honesty when they face consequences for lying (e.g., Pinocchio).

Public Discourse:

  • During a job interview, a candidate might be asked to describe a situation where they demonstrated honesty, showcasing this quality as a valuable work ethic.

Social Media:

  • A social media post might encourage users to "be honest with yourself and others" for personal growth (Made-up example).

General Conversation:

  • Two friends might have a conversation about the importance of honesty in maintaining a healthy relationship.

Legal Context:

  • In court, a witness is sworn to tell "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth," highlighting honesty as a cornerstone of the justice system.


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Honesty

  1. "Honesty is the best policy." - Benjamin Franklin (Autobiography)

  2. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Gloria Steinem (Quote)

  3. "No legacy is so rich as honesty." - William Shakespeare (All's Well That Ends Well)

  4. "One lie ruins a thousand truths." - Ghanaian Proverb

  5. "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." - Thomas Jefferson (Quote)

  6. "If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything." - Mark Twain (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)

  7. "With friends, honesty is the essential ingredient." - Robert Tew (Quote)

  8. "Being honest may not always make you friends; but it'll always earn you the right ones." - John Lennon (Quote)

  9. "It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not." - André Gide (The Immoralist)

  10. "Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving." - Howard G. Hendricks (Quote)


The word "honesty" is like a family heirloom, passed down through languages over time. Here's its story in simpler terms:

  • Origin: The word "honesty" comes from the French word "honnêteté," which means "honourable" or "decent."

  • First Use: The first known use of "honesty" in English appeared around the 1400s. Back then, it was more about having a good reputation and acting with honour than just telling the truth.

  • Meaning Shift: Over time, the meaning of "honesty" evolved to focus more on being truthful and sincere. It became about being someone who can be trusted because they don't lie or cheat.

So, while "honesty" originally meant being well-respected, it eventually came to mean being someone who tells the truth and acts with integrity.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Honesty

  • Honesty as a positive trait:

    • Honesty is the best policy: This proverb emphasises that truthfulness ultimately leads to better outcomes than lying.

    • A man/woman of his/her word: This signifies someone who always keeps their promises and can be trusted due to their honesty.

    • To be honest/Honestly: Used to preface a truthful statement.

    • To shoot straight: To be frank and honest, often in a direct way.

    • Above board: Open, honest, and legal dealings.

    • Salt of the earth: A person who is highly respected for their honesty and humility.

    Honesty in action:

    • To come clean: To confess the truth about something, especially something wrong.

    • To level with someone: To be honest and upfront with someone.

    • To lay your cards on the table: To reveal your true intentions or feelings openly and honestly.

    Lack of honesty:

    • To bend the truth: To be dishonest or misleading in a subtle way.

    • To tell a white lie: A small lie told to avoid hurting someone's feelings. (Note: This phrase can be debated as some consider any lie to be dishonest)

    • To be economical with the truth: To be misleading by omitting important information.

    • A whitewash: An attempt to cover up something dishonest or wrong.

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Source Information

Definition of honesty from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



