


latent (IPA: /ˈleɪ.tənt/)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • First syllable (leɪ):

    • /l/: voiced alveolar consonant (like the "l" in "lip")

    • /eɪ/: long diphthong sound (like the "ay" in "say")

  • Second syllable (tənt):

    • /t/: voiceless alveolar plosive (like the "t" in "top")

    • /ə/: schwa sound (a neutral vowel sound, like the "uh" in "but")

    • /n/: voiced alveolar nasal (like the "n" in "nap")

    • /t/: voiceless alveolar plosive (same as the first syllable)

Word Form Variations

The word "latent" has the following variations:

  • Number:

    • Singular: latent

    • Plural: latent (since it functions as an adjective, it doesn't have a separate plural form)

  • Degree:

    • Positive: latent (the base form)

    • Comparative: more latent

    • Superlative: most latent

  • Other:

    • Adverb: latently

    • Noun: latency (derived from the adjective, refers to the state of being latent)

There are no gerunds or participles for "latent" because it's an adjective.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition:

    1. Present but not yet active, visible, or developed. (This is the most common definition)

    2. Existing in a hidden or dormant state, with the potential to become active under certain conditions.

  • Synonyms: dormant, hidden, undeveloped, potential, inactive, unexpressed, concealed, veiled, quiescent

  • Antonyms: active, visible, developed, manifest, overt, expressed


  • Definition: In a latent way; existing or done in a hidden or undeveloped state.

  • Synonyms: dormantly, implicitly, subtly, indirectly

  • Antonyms: actively, visibly, overtly, explicitly

Noun (derived from the adjective):

  • Definition: The state of being latent; a hidden or undeveloped potential.

  • Synonyms: dormancy, inactivity, unexpressed state, hiddenness, concealment

  • Antonyms: activity, development, manifestation, overtness

Examples of Use

1. Literature:

  • "The seeds lay dormant in the fertile soil, their latent potential waiting for the spring rains." (Fictional novel)

2. Science News Article:

  • "A new study explores the role of latent viruses in the development of autoimmune diseases." (Science news website)

3. Movie Dialogue:

  • "There's a latent telepathic ability in all of us, but most people never learn to unlock it." (Science fiction film)

4. Educational Podcast:

  • "Early childhood experiences can have a latent impact on a child's social and emotional development later in life." (Psychology podcast)

5. Social Media Post:

  • "Feeling overwhelmed by my workload, but there's always a latent sense of creativity waiting to break through." (Twitter post)

6. Historical Context:

  • "The discontent among the working class remained latent until the economic crash triggered a wave of protests." (History book)

7. Business Meeting Discussion:

  • "We need to identify the latent demand for our product in this new market." (Marketing meeting)

8. Personal Conversation:

  • "There's a latent artistic talent in you, I can see it in your detailed drawings." (Encouraging a friend)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Latent

While "latent" is a well-understood word, it's not as common in famous quotes as some others. Here are a few quotes that use the word "latent" or a close synonym:

  1. "Without passion man is a mere latent force and possibility, like the flint which awaits the shock of the iron before it can give forth its spark." - Amiel (French philosopher) (variation: latent potential)

  2. "The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work." - Emile Zola (French novelist) (variation: latent talent)

  3. "The creative mind plays with the elements of thought as a child plays with his blocks of wood." - Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali poet) (variation: latent creativity)

  4. "Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel." - Socrates (Greek philosopher) (variation: ignite latent potential)

  5. "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing." - Albert Einstein (German-born theoretical physicist) (variation: spark latent curiosity)

  6. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha (founder of Buddhism) (variation: shape latent potential)

  7. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (Greek philosopher) (variation: recognize own latent ignorance)

  8. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (Greek philosopher) (variation: explore latent meaning)

  9. "The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." - G.K. Chesterton (English writer) (variation: defend latent values).

  10.  "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (American philosopher) (variation: cultivate latent potential)

For some quotes, "latent" is directly substituted with a synonym that captures the same essence.


The word "latent" is like a secret agent – it comes from hiding! Here's the story:

  • Origin: The word traces back to the Latin word "latere," which means "to lie hidden."

  • First Appearance: It snuck into English sometime in the Middle English period (around 1475).

  • Original Meaning: Back then, it simply meant "hidden" or "concealed." Think of a hidden treasure chest or a secret spy mission.

Over time, the meaning of "latent" broadened a bit. It now refers not only to things that are physically hidden, but also to things that are present but not yet active or developed. Imagine a seed holding the potential to become a flower, or an artistic talent waiting to be discovered.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Latent

  • While there aren't many common idioms directly using "latent," here are some phrases and related expressions that utilise "latent" and capture its meaning:

    • Latent potential: This refers to the hidden ability or possibility that exists within something, waiting to be developed.

    • Latent heat: This is a scientific term in physics describing the hidden energy absorbed or released during a change of state (like solid to liquid) without a change in temperature.

    • Unleash latent talent: This phrase describes the process of bringing out a hidden skill or ability.

    • Lying latent: This emphasizes the hidden and inactive nature of something.

    • Bring to the surface latent issues: This refers to uncovering underlying problems that were previously hidden.

    • A land rich in latent resources: This describes a place with hidden potential for development, like natural resources.

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Source Information

Definition of latent from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


