


əˈpɪnjən (uh-PIN-yuhn)

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • ə (uh): Schwa sound, a very short neutral vowel sound.

  • ˈp (p): Unvoiced bilabial plosive consonant, a short "p" sound made by stopping the airflow completely with your lips.

  • ɪ (i): Short close front unrounded vowel sound, like the "i" in "pin".

  • n (n): Voiced alveolar nasal consonant, a continuous sound made by vibrating your vocal cords and letting the air flow through your nose.

  • j (y): Voiced palatal approximant consonant, a sound similar to "y" but without complete closure of the vocal tract.

  • ə (uh): Same schwa sound as the first syllable.

  • n (n): Same voiced alveolar nasal consonant sound.

Word Form Variations

The word "opinion" has the following variations:

  • Singular: opinion (This is the most common form)

  • Plural: opinions (This is used to refer to multiple opinions)

  • Possessive: opinion's (This indicates ownership of a single opinion)

  • Possessive plural: opinions' (This indicates ownership of multiple opinions)

There are no verb forms or other conjugations for "opinion" itself. However, there are related verbs that express the act of forming or expressing an opinion:

  • Verb: opine (formal way to say "to express an opinion")

  • Verb: form an opinion

  • Verb: have an opinion

  • Verb: share an opinion


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition 1: A personal belief or judgement about something, not necessarily based on facts or proven knowledge. (Synonyms: view, viewpoint, perspective, thought, sentiment. Antonyms: fact, truth)

  • Definition 2: An expert judgement or evaluation based on experience or knowledge in a specific field. (Synonyms: assessment, judgement, evaluation, analysis. Antonyms: bias, prejudice)

  • Definition 3: The prevailing sentiment or belief held by a group of people. (Synonyms: public opinion, consensus, general feeling)

Verb (not a direct form of "opinion" but related verbs):

  • Opine (formal): To express an opinion. (Synonyms: voice an opinion, state an opinion, offer an opinion. Antonyms: - )

Adjective (derived from "opinion"):

  • Opinionated: Having strong or frequently expressed opinions. (Synonyms: outspoken, dogmatic, assertive. Antonyms: unopinionated, indifferent)

Examples of Use

1. In Books:

  • "There are as many opinions in the world as there are stars in the sky." (Chinese proverb)

  • "Elizabeth Bennet had many opinions on a variety of subjects." (Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice)

2. In Newspapers:

  • "A new poll reveals a shift in public opinion on gun control." (The New York Times)

  • "The columnist's opinion piece sparked a heated debate online." (The Washington Post)

3. Online Publications:

  • "Here are five reasons why pineapple doesn't belong on pizza (opinion)." (Buzzfeed)

  • "The reviewer shared their honest opinion of the new movie." (IGN)

4. Entertainment Mediums:

  • In a talk show segment, the host asks the celebrity guest their "opinion" on a current event.

  • A movie character might say, "That's just your opinion" in response to a disagreement.

5. Public Discourse:

  • "During the town hall meeting, residents voiced their opinions on the proposed budget cuts."

  • Two friends might debate their differing "opinions" on a sports team.


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Opinion

  1. "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Daniel Patrick Moynihan (Politician)

  2. "Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality." - Les Brown (Motivational Speaker)

  3. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (Philosopher) (This quote uses "know" instead of "opinion" but refers to the limitations of personal beliefs)

  4. "The difference of opinion is what makes horse races." - Benjamin Franklin (Polymath)

  5. "A wise man makes his own decisions, an ignorant man follows the public opinion." - Marcus Aurelius (Emperor)

  6. "Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." - John F. Kennedy (President)

  7. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice." - Steve Jobs (Entrepreneur)

  8. "The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." - Leonardo da Vinci (Artist & Inventor)

  9. "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle (Philosopher) (This quote uses "thought" instead of "opinion" but refers to considering different viewpoints)

  10. "Prejudice is a great time saver. You can form opinions without having to get the facts." - Mort Walker (Cartoonist)


The word "opinion" is like a combination of two older words - one French and one Latin!

  • French connection: The French word "opinion" came from the Latin word "opinio." "Opinio" meant "what or how one thinks about something." It wasn't just about personal beliefs, but also included expectations and reputations.

  • Thinking back: The Latin word itself comes from an even older root word, "opinari," which means "to hold as an opinion" or simply "to think." We don't know exactly where "opinari" comes from, but it hints at the long history of this word related to forming thoughts and beliefs.

The English word "opinion" first showed up around the 1300s, and it kept the same basic meaning of a personal belief or judgement about something.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Opinion

  • Expressing Opinions:

    • In my opinion: This is a straightforward way to introduce your own viewpoint.

    • From my perspective: Similar to "in my opinion," but emphasises your unique point of view.

    • I hold the opinion that: A more formal way to express your belief.

    • To weigh in with one's opinion: To share your opinion in a discussion.

    • To voice an opinion: To speak up and express your opinion.

    Agreement and Disagreement:

    • To see eye to eye: To agree with someone's opinion.

    • To agree to disagree: To acknowledge a difference in opinion but choose to move on.

    • To differ in opinion: To have a different opinion from someone else.

    • I couldn't agree more: Strongly agreeing with someone's opinion.

    • That's a matter of opinion: Indicating there's no right or wrong answer, just different viewpoints.

    Strength of Opinions:

    • Strongly opinionated: Having very firm and often vocal opinions.

    • A well-informed opinion: An opinion based on knowledge and understanding.

    • A knee-jerk reaction: An opinion formed quickly and without much thought.

    • A closed mind: Being unwilling to consider other viewpoints.

    Uncertain Opinions:

    • On the fence: Undecided or unsure about an opinion.

    • Up in the air: Unclear or uncertain about something (can be used for opinions).

    • Open to discussion: Willing to consider other viewpoints before forming an opinion.


    • A penny for your thoughts?: A casual way to ask someone for their opinion.

    • To have two minds about something: To be unsure or undecided about something (related to opinions).

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Source Information

Definition of opinion from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



