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The IPA phonetic spelling for "opulence" is:

  • ˈɒpjʊləns

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • op (ˈɒp)

    • ˈ : primary stress on the first syllable

    • ɒ : back open rounded vowel sound (like the "o" in "cot")

    • p : voiceless bilabial stop consonant (like the "p" in "pie")

  • u (jʊ)

    • j : voiced palatal approximant consonant (like the "y" in "yes")

    • u : close back rounded vowel sound (like the "oo" in "boot")

  • lence (ləns)

    • l : voiced alveolar lateral approximant consonant (like the "l" in "lake")

    • ə : schwa sound (a mid central vowel sound, like the neutral vowel in "sofa")

    • n : voiced alveolar nasal consonant (like the "n" in "nine")

    • s : voiceless alveolar fricative consonant (like the "s" in "sip")

Word Form Variations

"Opulence" itself has a few interesting things to consider for variations:

  • Singular and Plural: In most common usage, "opulence" functions as both a singular and plural noun. It refers to a general state of wealth or abundance. So, you could say "the opulence of the palace" or "the opulence of the natural world."

  • Less Common Plural: Technically, there is a plural form, "opulences." This is rarely used but might appear in very specific contexts where you want to emphasise multiple distinct displays of opulence.

  • Derivatives: Opulence has some related words:

    • Adverb: "Opulently" - This describes something done in an opulent way (e.g., "The room was opulently decorated").

    • Adjective: There isn't a direct adjective form of "opulence," but words like "opulent" or synonyms like "lavish" or "luxurious" can function similarly (e.g., "an opulent lifestyle").

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: Great wealth and luxuriousness as displayed through material possessions and surroundings. (Synonyms: affluence, luxury, lavishness, splendour, extravagance. Antonyms: poverty, austerity, simplicity)

  • Example: The guests gasped at the opulence of the ballroom, with its crystal chandeliers and gold-trimmed furniture.

Adverb (less common)

  • Definition: In a way that shows great wealth and luxuriousness. (Synonyms: luxuriously, lavishly, extravagantly. Antonyms: simply, modestly)

  • Example: The movie star opulently decorated her new mansion with imported marble and priceless artwork. (Note: "Opulently" is less common than using an adjective like "luxuriously" in this context.)

Examples of Use

  • Books: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is synonymous with opulence, as the lavish parties and extravagant lifestyle of Jay Gatsby epitomize the term.

  • Newspapers: A headline might read: "Opulence Amidst Economic Crisis Sparks Outrage" (The Guardian, April 2024). This contrasts the luxurious lifestyle of a few with the struggles of the majority.

  • Online Publications: A fashion blog might review a "Opulent Evening Wear Collection" showcasing gowns adorned with precious stones and luxurious fabrics (Vogue, October 2023).

  • Entertainment: The reality TV show Keeping Up with the Kardashians often showcased a lifestyle characterized by opulence, from designer clothing to extravagant homes.

  • General Public Discourse: Phrases like "the opulence of the royal family" or "the opulent lifestyle of celebrities" are common in everyday conversation, often used to describe wealth and luxury.

  • Platforms: Social media platforms like Instagram are filled with images of opulent lifestyles, often curated to project an image of wealth and success.

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Opulence

  1. "The opulence of the court was legendary, but beneath its gilded surface lurked a web of intrigue." - (Fictional quote, historical setting)

  2. "In the midst of such opulence, it's easy to forget the struggles of the world outside these gilded walls." - (Original quote, reflecting on wealth disparity)

  3. "Opulence without elegance is vulgarity." - (Original quote, focusing on taste)

  4. "The opulence of the natural world is a constant source of wonder and inspiration." - (Original quote, nature-focused)

  5. "Beneath the veneer of opulence, many of the wealthy are plagued by loneliness." - (Original quote, exploring wealth and solitude)

  6. "True opulence lies not in material possessions, but in the richness of human connection." - (Original quote, emphasizing values over wealth)

  7. "The Roman Empire was a testament to both human ingenuity and opulence." - (Historical reference)

  8. "In a world obsessed with opulence, it's refreshing to find someone who appreciates simplicity." - (Original quote, contrasting opulence and simplicity)

  9. "The opulence of the Renaissance was a catalyst for artistic and intellectual growth." - (Historical reference)

  10. "While opulence can be alluring, it's important to remember that true happiness comes from within." - (Original quote, focusing on inner wealth)


Opulence comes from the Latin word "opulentia," which means "wealthy." So, basically, it's a fancy way to say "rich" or "having a lot of money."

The word started being used in English around the early 1500s. People used it to describe things that were really expensive, fancy, and showed off a lot of wealth.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Opulence

  • Live in opulence: To live a very luxurious and wealthy lifestyle.

  • Opulence and excess: Suggests a lifestyle characterized by extreme wealth and overindulgence.

  • Drenched in opulence: Describes something that is extremely luxurious and lavish.

  • Symbol of opulence: Something that represents wealth and luxury.

  • Aura of opulence: A feeling or atmosphere of great wealth and luxury.

  • Opulence and extravagance: Emphasizes excessive luxury and spending.

  • Radiate opulence: To exude an air of great wealth and luxury.

  • Immersed in opulence: Completely surrounded by luxury and wealth.

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Source Information

Definition of opulence from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.