


The IPA phonetic spelling for the English word "persona" is /pəˈsəʊnə/. Here is a breakdown of the sounds of each syllable:

  • Syllable 1: /pə/

    • /p/ is a voiceless bilabial plosive. It is pronounced by closing your lips and then releasing the air.

    • /ə/ is a schwa. It is a short, unstressed vowel sound that is pronounced with the tongue in the middle of the mouth.

  • Syllable 2: /ˈsəʊ/

    • /ˈs/ is a voiceless alveolar fricative. It is pronounced by placing the tip of your tongue on your alveolar ridge (the ridge behind your upper teeth) and then blowing air out.

    • /ə/ is a schwa.

  • Syllable 3: /nə/

    • /n/ is a voiced alveolar nasal. It is pronounced by closing your lips and then letting the air out through your nose.

    • /ə/ is a schwa.

Word Form Variations

Here are the word form variations of the term "persona":

  • Singular: persona

  • Plural: personae (classical Latin) or personas (modern Latin)

  • Genitive: personae's or personas'

  • Possessive: my persona, your persona, his/her persona, our personae, their personae

  • Adjective: personal

  • Adverb: personally


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • A social role or mask that a person adopts in different situations.

  • The public image or personality that someone presents to the world.

  • A character in a play or novel.

Synonyms: mask, façade, public image, personality, character, role

Antonyms: true self, inner self, private self


  • To assume a particular social role or mask.

  • To create a public image or personality.

Synonyms: masquerade, pose, act, pretend

Antonyms: be oneself, be genuine, be authentic


  • Relating to a person's individual character or identity.

  • Concerning the private self rather than the public image.

Synonyms: personal, individual, private, intimate

Antonyms: public, impersonal, collective


  • In a personal or individual manner.

  • In a private or intimate manner.

Synonyms: personally, individually, privately, intimately

Antonyms: publicly, impersonally, collectively

Examples of Use

Here are several real-world examples of use for the word "persona" in different contexts:

  • In books:

    • In the book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell, the author uses the word "persona" to refer to the mask that a hero wears in order to face their challenges.

    • In the book "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, creates a persona of a wisecracking cynic in order to hide his own vulnerability.

  • In newspapers:

    • In a 2016 article in The New York Times, the author writes about how politicians use personas to create a particular image for themselves.

    • In a 2022 article in The Guardian, the author discusses how social media influencers use personas to create a sense of intimacy with their followers.

  • In online publications:

    • In an article on the website Psychology Today, the author discusses how personas can be used to help people navigate different social situations.

    • In an article on the website The Conversation, the author argues that personas are becoming increasingly important in the digital age.

  • In various entertainment mediums and platforms:

    • In the movie "The Mask," the protagonist, Stanley Ipkiss, creates a persona of a charismatic superhero named The Mask.

    • In the video game "Persona 5," the player takes on the role of a high school student who can summon personas, which are powerful beings that represent the player's inner selves.

  • In general public discourse:

    • In a recent interview, the actor Angelina Jolie said that she uses a persona to protect her privacy.

    • In a recent tweet, the comedian Trevor Noah joked about how people use personas on social media to create a false sense of perfection.


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Persona

  1. "The persona is the mask we wear in the world." - Carl Jung

  2. "The persona is the social role we play." - Rollo May

  3. "The persona is the public image we project." - Eric Berne

  4. "The persona is the mask we wear to protect our true selves." - Carl Rogers

  5. "The persona is a necessary part of life, but it can also be a trap." - Jung

  6. "We all have a persona, but it's important to remember that it's not the real us." - May

  7. "The persona can be a powerful tool, but it's important to use it wisely." - Berne

  8. "The persona can be a source of strength, but it can also be a source of weakness." - Rogers

  9. "The persona is a complex and fascinating part of the human psyche." - Jung

  10. "The persona is a mystery that we may never fully understand." - May


The word "persona" comes from the Latin word "persona," which originally meant "mask." In ancient Roman theater, actors would wear masks to represent different characters. The word "persona" came to be used more generally to refer to the public image or personality that someone presents to the world.

The etymology of the word "persona" is uncertain. Some scholars believe that it comes from the Latin word "per" ("through") and "sonare" ("to sound"), which would mean "the mask through which (per) resounds the voice (of the actor)." Others believe that it comes from the Etruscan word "phersu," which also means "mask."

The word "persona" was first used in English in the 14th century. It was originally used in the sense of "mask," but it soon came to be used in the more general sense of "public image" or "personality." The word "persona" is now used in a variety of contexts, including psychology, sociology, and literature.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Persona

  • Persona non grata (Latin for "unwelcome person"): A person who is not welcome in a particular place or group.

  • To drop the persona (or "to drop the mask"): To reveal one's true self, after having been pretending to be someone else.

  • To have a split persona (or "to have a dual persona"): To have two different personalities or identities.

  • To create a persona (or "to build a persona"): To create a public image or personality for oneself.

  • To live a persona (or "to live a lie"): To live a life that is based on a false public image.

Here are some examples of how these phrases and idioms can be used in sentences:

    • The politician was persona non grata in the country after he was caught in a scandal.

    • The actor dropped the persona he had been using for the role and revealed his true self.

    • The celebrity had a split persona, one for the public and one for his private life.

    • The social media influencer created a persona that was very different from her true self.

    • The con artist lived a persona that was based on a false identity.

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Source Information

Definition of persona from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


