


Pervert has two common pronunciations depending on the dialect (noun vs verb distinction is less common):

1. American English (most common):

  • IPA: /pɜːˈvɜːrt/ (three syllables)

  • Breakdown:

    • First syllable (pɜː):

      • p - voiceless bilabial stop

      • ɜː - near-back rounded vowel (long "er" sound)

    • Second syllable (ˈvɜːr):

      • ˈ - primary stress

      • v - labiodental fricative

      • ɜː - near-back rounded vowel (long "er" sound)

    • Third syllable (t):

      • t - voiceless alveolar stop

2. British English (Received Pronunciation):

  • IPA: /pəˈvəːt/ (two syllables)

  • Breakdown:

    • First syllable (pə):

      • p - voiceless bilabial stop

      • ə - central vowel (schwa sound)

    • Second syllable (ˈvəːt):

      • ˈ - primary stress

      • v - labiodental fricative

      • əː - central vowel (long "er" sound)

      • t - voiceless alveolar stop

Word Form Variations

Here are the word form variations of "pervert":

  • Singular:

    • Pervert (noun) - refers to a person with a sexual interest considered abnormal or unhealthy.

    • Perverter (noun) - less common, but emphasises the act of perverting something.

  • Plural:

    • Perverts (noun) - plural form of pervert.

  • Adjective:

    • Perverted - describes something as sexually deviant or corrupted in a general sense.

  • Verb (less common):

    • To pervert - means to corrupt or change something from its original or intended purpose, often in a negative way. (e.g., "He perverted the course of justice with his lies.")

Note that using "pervert" as a verb is less frequent than using it as a noun or adjective. Additionally, some dictionaries may not include "perverter" as a separate word form.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

1. Noun:

  • Definition: A person with a sexual interest that is considered abnormal or unhealthy by societal standards.

  • Synonyms: deviant, sexual deviant, sex offender (depending on severity), degenerate (dated, offensive)

  • Antonyms: prude, moralist, innocent

2. Adjective:

  • Definition: Sexually deviant or abnormal. Can also describe something that is corrupted or twisted from its original purpose.

  • Synonyms (sexual context): aberrant, kinky, unnatural, depraved

  • Synonyms (general context): distorted, corrupted, warped, twisted

  • Antonyms (sexual context): normal, vanilla, conventional

  • Antonyms (general context): pure, uncorrupted, proper, normal

3. Verb (less common):

  • Definition: To corrupt or change something from its original or intended purpose, often in a way that is considered sexual in nature. (This usage is less frequent than noun or adjective.)

  • Synonyms: distort, deprave, defile, warp

  • Antonyms: preserve, purify, cleanse, restore

Examples of Use


  • Book: "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov (1955) tells the story of a middle-aged man, Humbert Humbert, who becomes obsessed with a 12-year-old girl. Humbert is clearly portrayed as a pervert who preys on the innocence of a child.

  • Newspaper: "Police Hunt for Park Pervert After Reports of Indecent Exposure" (Headline from [local newspaper])

  • Online Publication: "The Dangers of Online Predators: How to Protect Your Children from Perverts" (Blog post title on a parenting website)

  • Entertainment (Movie): In the film "Catch Me If You Can" (2002), Frank Abagnale Jr. (Leonardo DiCaprio) poses as a pilot to travel the world. He uses this disguise to exploit his fake identity for personal gain. While not explicitly sexual, Abagnale's actions could be described as perverted due to the manipulation and corruption of his assumed role.

  • Public Discourse: "The politician's comments about women were so perverted, it's shocking he still has supporters." (Social media post)


  • Book: "In 1 Brave New World (1932), Aldous Huxley paints a picture of a dystopian society where natural procreation is considered perverted." (Literary criticism article)

  • Newspaper: "The judge condemned the defendant's perverted acts of cruelty towards animals." (News report)

  • Online Publication: "Video game review: Despite the beautiful graphics, the game's violence is too graphic and perverted for younger audiences." (Gaming website)

  • Entertainment (TV): On a crime drama series, a detective might describe a killer's motives as "twisted" or "perverted."

  • Public Discourse: "The rise of conspiracy theories online can be seen as a perverted form of seeking truth." (Social commentary podcast)

Verb (Less Common):

  • Newspaper (Historical): "Newspapers in the 19th century often perverted the truth to promote their political agendas." (Historical documentary script)

  • Online Publication (Less Common): "Social media algorithms can pervert user preferences by feeding them extreme content that reinforces their biases." (Tech blog post)

Note: It's important to be mindful of the seriousness of the word "pervert." While it can be used in a general sense for something corrupted, it often carries a strong connotation when referring to sexual deviance. Consider the context when using this word.


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Pervert

  1. Due to the seriousness of the word "pervert" and the potential for misinterpretations, it's difficult to find many truly famous quotes that use it directly. Here are some alternatives that capture similar ideas:

    1. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (This quote highlights the danger of assuming moral superiority)

    2. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (Similar to #1, emphasises self-reflection)

    3. "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." - George Bernard Shaw (Speaks to the corruption of truth)

    4. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton (Highlights the potential for misuse of power)

    5. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - William Shakespeare (Points to the subjective nature of morality)

    6. "Every heart knows its own bitterness, and every soul its own sorrow." - Proverbs 14:10 (Acknowledges the complexities of human desires)

    7. "Evil is nothing but good perverted." - C.S. Lewis (Similar to #4, corruption of good intentions)

    8. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." - Proverb (Similar to #7)

    9. "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire (Speaks to manipulation and exploitation)

    10. "First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unions, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a member of a Trade Union. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." - Martin Niemöller (Highlights the dangers of silence in the face of injustice)


The word "pervert" is like a twisted path. It comes from the Latin word "pervertere" which means "to turn away" or "to overturn." Imagine taking something and turning it completely in the wrong direction.

The first time we saw "pervert" used in English, around the 1300s, it meant exactly that – something turned away from its proper course. It could describe someone who was led astray from their religion or someone who misinterpreted information.

Over time, the meaning narrowed down to focus more on things being twisted in a bad way. By the 1500s, it referred to someone with a sexual interest that society thought was wrong or unhealthy. That's the meaning we use most often today.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Pervert

  • Due to the seriousness of the term "pervert" and its potential to be offensive, there aren't many common phrases or idioms that use it directly. Here are some alternatives with similar meanings:

    • Pervert the course of justice: This refers to manipulating or tampering with evidence or the legal process to achieve a desired outcome, often to protect someone guilty of a crime.

    • A twisted mind: This describes someone with unhealthy or unusual thoughts or desires.

    • Gone off the deep end: This is a more general idiom that suggests someone has lost control or become irrational, potentially including developing perverted thoughts or behaviours.

    Phrases to avoid:

    • While some sources might list phrases like "dirty old pervert," it's best to avoid these due to their derogatory and potentially offensive nature. There are more respectful ways to describe someone who has committed a crime or exhibits inappropriate behaviour.

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Source Information

Definition of pervert from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


