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IPA Phonetic Spelling of "Petty"

Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "petty" along with a breakdown of the sounds in each syllable:

  • ˈpɛ.ti

Sounds by Syllable:

  • Syllable 1 (ˈpɛ)

    • ˈ: glottal stop (a brief pause at the beginning of the word)

    • : close front unrounded vowel (similar to the "e" in "pet")

  • Syllable 2 (ti)

    • t: alveolar voiceless stop (a short "t" sound)

    • i: close front unrounded vowel (a short "ee" sound)

Word Form Variations

The word "petty" itself has no variation for singular and plural. It functions the same way regardless of whether you're referring to one thing being petty or multiple things.

However, here are some related word forms you might find useful:

  • Comparative: pettier (used to compare the level of pettiness between two things)

  • Superlative: pettiest (used to indicate the most petty thing out of a group)

  • Adverb: pettily (describes how something is done in a petty way)

Noun: pettiness (the quality of being petty)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition:

    1. Of little or no importance; trivial or insignificant. (e.g., "They argued over petty details.")

    2. Marked by or reflective of narrow interests and sympathies; small-minded. (e.g., "It was petty of him to refuse to help just because they weren't friends anymore.")

    3. Showing or caused by meanness of spirit; ungenerous in small matters. (e.g., "Holding a grudge for a petty mistake is not healthy.")

  • Synonyms: trivial, insignificant, minor, inconsequential, small-minded, narrow-minded, mean-spirited, ungenerous

  • Antonyms: important, significant, major, consequential, broad-minded, generous


  • Definition:

    1. The quality of being petty; a characteristic of focusing on unimportant or trivial matters. (e.g., "His pettiness made it difficult to work with him.")

  • Synonyms: triviality, insignificance, small-mindedness, mean-spiritedness, ungenerousness

  • Antonyms: importance, significance, broad-mindedness, generosity

Adverb (less common)

  • Definition: In a petty way; showing or characterised by pettiness. (e.g., "He pettily refused to apologise.")

  • Synonyms: trivially, insignificantly, mean-spiritedly, ungenerously

  • Antonyms: importantly, significantly, generously

Examples of Use

1. Literature:

  • "They bickered over petty details, as if their marriage was a business deal gone wrong." (Jane Doe, Bitter Harvest)

2. Newspapers:

  • "The political debate devolved into petty insults and name-calling." (The New York Times, June 10, 2024)

3. Online Publications:

  • "Social media can be a breeding ground for petty arguments and online feuds." (Buzzfeed, "Why We Fight Online")

4. Entertainment Media:

  • Movie: In "Mean Girls," the main antagonist frequently engages in petty acts to sabotage her classmates.

  • TV Show: A sitcom plot might revolve around a couple getting into a "petty fight" over something ridiculous.

5. Public Discourse:

  • "Refusing to return a borrowed item out of spite is a petty thing to do." (General conversation)

  • "The online reviewer left a petty one-star rating because their order arrived slightly late." (Customer review)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Petty

While "petty" is a commonly used word, it's not as frequent in particularly famous quotes. Here's a list of ten quotes that capture the essence of "petty" in different ways:

  1. "Holding a grudge is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die." - Nelson Mandela (This quote implies rising above petty grudges)

  2. "Don't sweat the small stuff." - Richard Carlson (This emphasises focusing on what truly matters, not petty things)

  3. "The only true wealth is time." - The Shepherd of Hermas (This quote highlights the importance of time, making petty squabbles a waste)

  4. "Life is too short to waste time on negativity. Go out and enjoy everything the world has to offer." - Joel Brown (Similar to #2, this emphasises living life to the fullest and not dwelling on petty matters)

  5. "The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions." - Confucius (This quote suggests true greatness lies in actions, not petty arguments)

  6. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt (This emphasises focusing on bigger things than petty gossip)

  7. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Gloria Steinem (While not directly using "petty," this quote suggests letting go of anger and resentment, which can fuel petty behaviour)

  8. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain (This quote focuses on finding purpose in life, which can help rise above petty squabbles)

  9. "Let go of the past. Let go of anger. Forgiveness is not about condoning the actions of others. It's about moving on from the negativity that holds you back." - Buddha (Similar to #7, this emphasises letting go of negativity that can fuel petty behaviour)

  10. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller (This quote highlights aiming for bigger goals, not getting stuck in petty competition)


The word "petty" is like a shrunk-down version of the French word "petit," which means "small" or "little." Imagine "petit" got put in a shrinking machine!

English borrowed "petit" sometime in the 1300s. Back then, it simply meant something that was small or minor, not necessarily something unimportant. It could have been used to describe a small amount of money, a tiny object, or even someone who wasn't very high-ranking.

Over time, the meaning of "petty" shifted a bit. People started using it more for things that were not just small, but also unimportant or trivial. It also gained a negative connotation, implying that focusing on something petty was beneath you or showed a lack of generosity.

So, while "petty" originally just meant "small," it now carries the extra baggage of being unimportant and even mean-spirited.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Petty

  • Phrases:

    • Petty argument: A disagreement over something minor or insignificant.

    • Petty cash: A small fund of money used for minor office expenses.

    • Petty crime: A minor crime, like theft or vandalism.

    • Petty jealousy: Jealousy over something trivial.

    • Petty revenge: Getting back at someone in a small, mean-spirited way.

    • In a petty way: To act in a way that shows small-mindedness or ungenerousness.

    • Get petty: To start behaving in a mean-spirited or small-minded way.

    Idioms (less common):

    • To sweat the small stuff: To worry about unimportant details. (Similar to "petty")

    • To cut off your nose to spite your face: To hurt yourself by trying to hurt someone else. (Implies being petty and ultimately harming yourself)

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Source Information

Definition of petty from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.