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reinforce (verb)

Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "reinforce" broken down by syllable:

  • ˌriː.ɪnˈfɔːs(ɹ)

  • re (ˌriː):

    • **/ˌ/: alveolar tap (a quick tapping sound behind the teeth)

    • **/ɹiː/: long close vowel "ee" sound

  • in (ɪn):

    • **/ɪ/: short close vowel "ih" sound

  • force (fɔːs(ɹ)):

    • **/f/: voiceless labiodental fricative (produced by blowing air through the lips and teeth)

    • **/ɔː/: long open back rounded vowel "aw" sound

    • **/s/: voiceless alveolar fricative (produced by creating a hissing sound with the tongue near the alveolar ridge)

    • /(ɹ): optional "r" sound at the end, especially in American English

Word Form Variations

"Reinforce" has several word form variations depending on its function in a sentence:

  • Verb:

    • Present tense (singular and plural): reinforce

    • Past tense (singular and plural): reinforced

    • Present participle: reinforcing

    • Past participle: reinforced (also acceptable: reenforced, but less common)

  • Noun (less common): reinforcement (singular and plural)

While "reenforcement" is technically a grammatically correct form for the past participle, "reinforced" is the preferred and more widely used option.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition:

    1. To make something stronger or more secure by adding extra material, support, or assistance. (e.g., We need to reinforce the bridge before heavy traffic starts using it. / She reinforced the message by repeating it several times.)

    2. To strengthen a concept, idea, or argument by providing additional evidence or support. (e.g., Recent studies reinforce the link between diet and heart disease. / His explanation reinforced my decision to go.)

    3. In psychology, to increase the likelihood of a desired behaviour by providing a reward or positive consequence. (e.g., Trainers reinforce good behaviour in dogs with treats.)

  • Synonyms: strengthen, bolster, solidify, fortify, support, substantiate, confirm, validate, encourage, reward

  • Antonyms: weaken, undermine, debilitate, erode, discourage, punish

Noun (less common):

  • Definition:

    1. Something that strengthens or supports something else. (e.g., The metal rods were used as reinforcement for the concrete walls. / Positive feedback is a form of reinforcement.)

    2. The act of strengthening or supporting something. (e.g., The reinforcement of troops on the front line helped turn the tide of the battle.)

  • Synonyms: support, strengthening, fortification, bolstering, confirmation, validation, reward (for psychological use)

  • Antonyms: weakening, undermining, debilitation, erosion, punishment (for psychological use)

Examples of Use


  • Literature:

    • J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: "Hermione Granger reinforced the charm on my glasses" (strengthens a magical protection).

  • Newspaper:

    • The New York Times (article on bridge repair): "Crews are working to reinforce the bridge's undercarriage before the winter season." (strengthens physical structure).

  • Online Publication (Science):

    • Scientific American (article on learning): "Positive reinforcement can reinforce desired behaviours in children." (strengthens a concept in psychology).

  • Entertainment (Movie):

    • In the movie "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope," Princess Leia says, "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. Reinforce the perimeter. Double back our patrols." (strengthens defences through action).

  • Public Discourse:

    • During a political debate, a candidate might say, "My opponent's claims are simply not true. Let me reinforce my position with these economic statistics." (strengthens an argument with evidence).


  • Literature:

    • Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms: "The reinforcement troops arrived just in time to prevent a complete rout." (something that strengthens - troops in this case).

  • Newspaper:

    • The Guardian (article on construction): "The use of proper reinforcement is crucial for the stability of concrete structures." (act of strengthening).

  • Online Publication (Tech):

    • Wired (article on AI): "Researchers are exploring the use of reinforcement learning to train AI algorithms." (specific application of the concept in computer science).

  • Entertainment (TV):

    • In a documentary about building skyscrapers, a narrator might say, "Steel beams are used as reinforcement for the concrete core of the building." (something that strengthens - structural beams).

  • Public Discourse:

    • A teacher might tell a student, "Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage good study habits." (act of strengthening a desired behaviour).

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Reinforce

While there aren't many direct uses of "reinforce" in super famous quotes, here's a list of ten quotes that capture the essence of the word's meaning in various ways:

  1. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (reinforces the concept of lifelong learning)

  2. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha (strengthens the connection between thoughts and actions)

  3. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker (reinforces the idea that proactive actions shape outcomes)

  4. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu (strengthens the importance of starting small to achieve big goals)

  5. "Success is a journey, not a destination." - Zig Ziglar (reinforces the concept of continuous effort)

  6. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." - Suzy Kassem (weakens the power of doubt and strengthens the power of pursuing dreams)

  7. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela (reinforces the transformative power of education)

  8. "A single conversation with a wise man is worth a month's study of books." - Confucius (strengthens the value of learning from experienced individuals)

  9. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson (reinforces the importance of small improvements leading to big results)

  10. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (strengthens the concept of personal agency)


The word "reinforce" is like a superhero gaining extra powers. It literally comes from two parts that mean "make strong again."

  • Re: This part means "again" or "to do something again." Think of "replay" or "restart."

  • Inforce: This is an older version of the word "enforce," which means "to make something stronger by using force."

So, the first time people used "reinforce" around the 15th century, it was mostly used for military situations. Imagine soldiers needing to make their defences stronger again after an attack. Over time, the word expanded to mean strengthening anything, not just physical things. Now you can use it for ideas, arguments, good habits, or even your favourite jacket with ripped elbows!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Reinforce

  • Here are some phrases and idioms that use "reinforce" in different ways:

    Common Phrases:

    • Reinforce the message: To repeat or restate something important to make sure it's understood. (e.g., "The teacher reinforced the message about homework by writing it on the board.")

    • Reinforce the troops: To send additional soldiers or resources to an area that needs them. (e.g., "The general ordered reinforcements to be sent to the western front.")

    • Reinforce the positive: To focus on the good aspects of something to encourage a desired behaviour. (e.g., "Parents can reinforce positive behaviour by praising their children.")


    • Drive the point home: Similar to "reinforce the message," this idiom emphasises the effort to ensure someone understands something.

    • Put the nail in the coffin: This idiom signifies the final confirmation of something's demise or end. (e.g., "The new evidence put the nail in the coffin of the defendant's alibi.") Note: While not directly using "reinforce," it conveys the idea of strengthening a negative outcome.

    • Double down: To increase your commitment or effort on something. (e.g., "After the initial success, the company decided to double down on its marketing campaign.") Note: Similar to "reinforce" in the context of strengthening a plan or action.


    • Reinforcement learning: A specific type of machine learning where algorithms learn by trial and error, similar to how humans learn through rewards and punishments.

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Source Information

Definition of reinforce from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.