


The word "relationship" has 4 syllables:

  • reh - /rɪ/

  • lay - /ˈleɪ/

  • shuhn - /ˈʃʌn/

  • ship - /ʃɪp/

Here is a breakdown of the sounds of each syllable:

  • reh - The "r" is pronounced as a retroflex approximant, which means that the tongue is curled back slightly. The "eh" is pronounced as a schwa, which is a neutral vowel sound.

  • lay - The "l" is pronounced as a clear l. The "ay" is pronounced as a long a sound.

  • shuhn - The "sh" is pronounced as a voiceless postalveolar fricative. The "uhn" is pronounced as a schwa followed by a velar nasal.

  • ship - The "sh" is pronounced as a voiceless postalveolar fricative. The "ip" is pronounced as a short i followed by a bilabial plosive.

Word Form Variations

The word "relationship" has the following word form variations:

  • Singular: relationship

  • Plural: relationships

  • Possessive singular: relationship's

  • Possessive plural: relationships'

  • Adverbial form: relationally

The word "relationship" is a noun, so it can be used in both the singular and plural forms. The plural form is formed by adding the -s suffix. The possessive forms are formed by adding the -'s suffix to the singular form. The adverbial form is formed by adding the -ally suffix to the singular form.

Here are some examples of how the word "relationship" can be used in different forms:

  • The relationship between the two countries is complex.

  • The company has many relationships with its customers.

  • This is my relationship's anniversary.

  • We have built strong relationships with our partners.

  • We are working relationally to achieve our goals.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • The state of being connected or related.

  • An association between two or more people, groups, or things.

  • A connection or association between two or more things, especially as a cause or effect.

Synonyms: connection, association, link, tie, bond, kinship, affinity, rapport, understanding

Antonyms: separation, disconnection, detachment, alienation


  • To connect or associate with someone or something.

  • To have a connection or association with someone or something.

  • To behave in a way that is connected or associated with someone or something.

Synonyms: connect, associate, link, tie, bond, relate, connect with, be connected to, be associated with

Antonyms: disconnect, separate, detach, alienate


  • Relating to or connected with someone or something.

  • Having a connection or association with someone or something.

  • Based on or caused by a connection or association with someone or something.

Synonyms: connected, associated, related, linked, tied, bonded, akin, kindred, allied

Antonyms: disconnected, separate, detached, unrelated, alien

Examples of Use

In books:

  • "The relationship between the two characters is complex and evolving." (from the book "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green)

  • "The relationship between humans and nature is essential to our well-being." (from the book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson)

  • In newspapers:

    • "The relationship between the two countries has been strained in recent years." (from the New York Times)

    • "The relationship between the company and its customers is key to its success." (from the Wall Street Journal)

  • In online publications:

    • "The relationship between social media and mental health is complex." (from the website Psychology Today)

    • "The relationship between gender and leadership is changing." (from the website Harvard Business Review)

  • In various entertainment mediums and platforms:

    • "The relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist is one of the driving forces of the story." (from the movie "The Dark Knight")

    • "The relationship between the characters on the TV show "Friends" is one of the reasons why it is so popular." (from the website IMDb)

  • In general public discourse:

    • "The relationship between the government and the people is essential to a healthy democracy."

    • "The relationship between parents and children is one of the most important relationships in life."


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Relationship

  1. "The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships." - Stephen Covey

  2. "The greatest gift of all is the gift of relationship." - Maya Angelou

  3. "The best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other." - Dalai Lama

  4. "Relationships are the mirrors in which we see ourselves." - Anais Nin

  5. "The key to a healthy relationship is to be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other." - Gary Chapman

  6. "Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship." - Stephen R. Covey

  7. "Respect is the glue that holds relationships together." - Ann Landers

  8. "Communication is the key to any successful relationship." - John Gottman

  9. "Love is the most powerful force in the universe." - Paulo Coelho

  10. "The best relationships are the ones that make you a better person." - Jimmy Kimmel


The word "relationship" comes from the Latin word "relatio," which means "a bringing back, restoring; a report, proposition." The word "relatio" is derived from the verb "referre," which means "to carry back, refer." So, the literal meaning of the word "relationship" is "the act of bringing back or restoring something."

In English, the word "relationship" came into use in the 1640s to mean "the state of being related." The word was originally used to refer to kinship or affinity, but it later came to be used to refer to any kind of association or connection between two or more people or things.

The word "relationship" is now a very common word in English, and it can be used in a wide variety of contexts. It can be used to refer to personal relationships, such as romantic relationships, family relationships, and friendships. It can also be used to refer to professional relationships, such as business relationships and work relationships.

Here are some examples of how the word "relationship" was used in the 17th century:

  • "The relationship between the king and his subjects is sacred."

  • "The relationship between husband and wife is a holy one."

  • "The relationship between parent and child is the most important one in life."

As you can see, the word "relationship" was originally used in a very formal sense. However, the word has since become more informal, and it is now used in a wide variety of contexts.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Relationship

  • On the rocks: A relationship that is in trouble or on the verge of breaking up.

  • In a relationship: Currently involved in a romantic relationship.

  • Work relationship: A professional relationship between two people who work together.

  • Friendship relationship: A close relationship between two people who are not romantically involved.

  • Family relationship: A relationship between two or more people who are related by blood or marriage.

  • Distant relationship: A relationship between two people who are not close or who do not see each other often.

  • Toxic relationship: A relationship that is harmful or destructive.

  • Codependent relationship: A relationship in which two people are interdependent and rely on each other for emotional support.

  • Enmeshed relationship: A relationship in which two people are so close that they have difficulty maintaining their own individual identities.

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Source Information

Definition of relationship from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


