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belong (bɪˈlɒŋ / bɪˈlɔŋ / bɪˈlɑŋ)

Here's the breakdown of the sounds in each syllable for "belong" with possible variations depending on accent:

  • First syllable (bi):

    • /b/: voiced bilabial stop (similar to the "b" sound in "bit")

    • /ɪ/: near-close near-front unrounded vowel (similar to the "i" sound in "bit")

  • Second syllable (lɒŋ / lɔŋ / lɑŋ):

    • /l/: voiced alveolar lateral approximant (similar to the "l" sound in "lip")

    • /ɒŋ / /ɔŋ / or /ɑŋ/:

      • /ɒ/: open back rounded vowel (similar to the "o" sound in "long" with a British accent)

      • /ɔ/: close-mid back rounded vowel (possible variation for "long" in some American accents with cot-caught merger)

      • /ɑ/: open central rounded vowel (possible variation for "long" in some American accents)

    • /ŋ/: velar nasal (similar to the "ng" sound at the end of "sing")

Note: The second vowel sound can vary depending on accent.

  • /ɒŋ/ is used in Received Pronunciation (British English).

  • /ɔŋ/ or /ɑŋ/ are possible variations in General American, depending on the cot-caught merger presence.

Word Form Variations

Here's a breakdown of how "belong" is used in different contexts:

  • Present tense (singular and plural):

    • The book belongs on the top shelf. (singular)

    • These keys belong to the janitor's office. (plural)

  • Past tense:

    • We belonged to a club in high school. (The verb "belong" itself doesn't change, but you can add helping verbs like "did" to indicate past tense.)

  • Present participle:

    • Belonging to a community can be very rewarding.

  • Past participle: (not commonly used)

    • There isn't a common use case for a past participle of "belong."

There are some related words that might be considered variations depending on the context:

  • Belongings: This is a noun that refers to the things that someone owns or possesses. (e.g., She packed her belongings and moved to a new city.)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms

Belong (Verb)


  1. To be a rightful or fitting member of a group, place, or category. (e.g., She belongs on the debate team.)

    • Synonyms: fit in, be suited to, be appropriate for

    • Antonyms: be out of place, not fit in, be inappropriate for

  2. To be the property or possession of someone. (e.g., This book belongs to me.)

    • Synonyms: be owned by, be in the possession of

    • Antonyms: not belong to (someone), be someone else's

  3. To have a natural connection or association with something. (e.g., Laughter belongs with joy.)

    • Synonyms: go with, be associated with, be part of

    • Antonyms: be separate from, be unrelated to

Belongings (Noun)


  1. The things that someone owns, especially their clothes, furniture, and personal items. (e.g., He packed his belongings and left for the trip.)

    • Synonyms: possessions, stuff, things

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym, but the opposite concept could be "not one's belongings")

Examples of Use


  • Literature:

    • "They belonged to a forgotten generation, raised on war and left to navigate a broken peace." (Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children)

  • Newspaper:

    • "A sense of belonging is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, and many LGBTQ+ youth struggle to find it in their families, schools, and communities." (The New York Times, August 10, 2023)

  • Online Publication:

    • "This recipe belongs in your weeknight dinner repertoire – it's quick, easy, and delicious!" (Budget Bytes website)

  • Television:

    • Character 1: "Why do I feel like I don't belong here?"
      Character 2: "You just need to find your place." (This is a common theme explored in many coming-of-age stories)

  • Public Discourse:

    • "Everyone deserves to feel like they belong, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual orientation." (Statement from a politician)

Noun (Belongings):

  • Book:

    • "As she sorted through her belongings, a wave of nostalgia washed over her." (Romance novel)

  • Newspaper:

    • "The fire destroyed their home and all their belongings." (Local news report)

  • Social Media:

    • "Moving day! Packing up all my belongings is a lot of work." (Post on Facebook or Instagram)

  • Movie:

    • Scene: A character frantically searches through scattered belongings during a robbery.

  • Everyday Conversation:

    • "Have you seen my keys? They're not with my other belongings."

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Belong

  1. "The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Gloria Steinem (This quote uses "belong" indirectly, implying a discomfort with fitting in when holding onto the truth.)

  2. "To thine own self be true." - William Shakespeare (Hamlet) (This quote emphasises the importance of authenticity over external pressures to belong.)

  3. "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." - Dr. Seuss (This quote highlights the idea of finding belonging through shared quirks.)

  4. "I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself." - Maya Angelou (This quote expresses the universal desire for a sense of belonging, regardless of location.)

  5. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote suggests that true fulfilment comes from contribution, not just fitting in.)

  6. "Nobody counts the number of times you fall down, but everyone counts the number of times you get up." - Nelson Mandela (This quote emphasises perseverance and resilience, qualities that can help one find their place despite challenges.)

  7. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote aligns with the idea that belonging starts with self-acceptance, not external validation.)

  8. "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." - Edmund Hillary (This quote highlights the internal struggle to overcome limitations, which can be a path to finding your place.)

  9. "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in." - Leonard Cohen (This quote suggests that imperfections and vulnerabilities can be the very things that connect us and foster belonging.)

  10. "I choose you. And I'll keep choosing you, over and over and over, without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you." - Unknown (This quote, often used in romantic contexts, expresses a deep commitment to belonging with a specific person.)


The word "belong" is like a family tree with roots that go way back in history! Here's the breakdown in simple terms:

  • Origin: The story starts with an Old English word "langian" which meant something like "to be appropriate" or "to fit in."

  • Middle English Twist: Around the 14th century, English went through some changes. People added a prefix "be-" to "langian" and changed the ending a bit. This created the word "belongen" which meant "to be fitting" or "to be suitable."

  • Modern Meaning: Over time, the meaning of "belong" broadened a bit. It can still mean "to be suitable" for a place or group, but it can also mean "to be owned by someone" or "to have a natural connection" to something.

So, "belong" started out meaning something fit in or suited something, and that core idea is still there in its modern uses!

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Belong

  • Phrases:

    • Belong somewhere: This means to feel like you fit in a particular place or group. (e.g., "She finally found a job where she belonged.")

    • Belong to someone/something: This indicates ownership or possession. (e.g., "This book belongs to the library.")

    • Don't belong here/there: This suggests someone feels out of place or uncomfortable in a particular setting. (e.g.,"He felt like he didn't belong at the fancy party.")

    • Put something where it belongs: This means to return something to its proper place. (e.g., "Please put your shoes back where they belong!")


    • A place to belong: This refers to a community or environment where someone feels accepted and comfortable.(e.g., "Everyone needs a place to belong.")

    • Make something belong: This means to integrate something successfully into its surroundings. (e.g., "The designer made the new furniture belong in the old house.")

    • Don't belong in the same league: This suggests a vast difference in skill or ability between two people or things.(e.g., "That high school team doesn't belong in the same league as the college team.")

    • Belong on a silver platter: This describes something that is presented easily or effortlessly, often undeserved. (e.g.,"Success isn't something that belongs on a silver platter.")

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Source Information

Definition of belong from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.