


The IPA phonetic spelling for "tubular" is:

  • /ˈtjuːbjʊlə/

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • tu (first syllable)

    • /t/: voiceless alveolar plosive (similar to the "t" in "stop")

    • /u/: close back rounded vowel (similar to the "oo" in "boot")

  • bu (second syllable)

    • /bj/: voiced palatal approximant (similar to the "y" in "yes")

    • /u/: close back rounded vowel (same as the "u" in the first syllable)

  • lar (third syllable)

    • /l/: voiced alveolar lateral approximant (similar to the "l" in "lip")

    • /ə/: schwa (a mid central vowel sound, the most common vowel sound in English)

    • /r/: voiced alveolar trill (similar to the "r" in "rarity")

Word Form Variations

"Tubular" has a few variations depending on how it's used in a sentence:

  • Singular: This is the most common form, referring to one thing that has a tube shape or characteristic. (e.g., "The chair has a tubular metal frame.")

  • Plural: The standard plural form is created simply by adding "s" to the end: "tubulars". This is mainly used in technical contexts, especially the oil and gas industry, to refer to various types of pipes (e.g., "The company supplies a wide range of tubulars").

  • Adverb: You can create an adverb from "tubular" by adding "-ly": "tubularly". This describes how something is done in a way that relates to tubes (not very common usage). (e.g., "The water flowed tubularly through the pipes.")

  • Noun (informal): In informal contexts, "tubular" can be used as a noun to refer to something that's tubular, especially something cool or awesome (slang usage). (e.g., "That wave you caught was a total tubular!")

However, it's important to note that "tubular" as a noun is mostly informal slang.


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: Having the shape of a tube; hollow and elongated with a cylindrical form.

  • Synonyms: tube-shaped, cylindrical, pipe-like, tubularised (British English)

  • Antonyms: solid, flat, non-cylindrical

  • Example: "The pasta dish featured long, tubular noodles called penne."

Informal Noun (Slang):

  • Definition: Something that is excellent, impressive, or exciting.

  • Synonyms: awesome, cool, fantastic, rad (slang), wicked (slang)

  • Antonyms: boring, lame, terrible, uninspiring

  • Example: "Dude, that trick on your skateboard was totally tubular!"

Note: "Tubular" as a noun is considered informal slang and might not be appropriate for formal contexts.

Other Word Forms:

  • Plural: "Tubulars" (mainly technical contexts)

  • Adverb: "Tubularly" (not very common)

These variations are not as widely used as the adjective and informal noun forms.

Examples of Use

  • Adjective:

    • Book: "The playground featured a variety of climbing structures, including a brightly coloured tubular slide." (Fictional children's book)

    • Newspaper: "Scientists are developing a new type of building material using lightweight, tubular carbon fibres." (Science section of a major newspaper)

    • Online Publication: "This recipe uses a special tubular pasta maker to create delicious penne shells at home." (Cooking website)

    Informal Noun (Slang):

    • Entertainment Medium: "Whoa, that wave you caught was a total tubular ride!" (Surfer character in a cartoon)

    • Online Platform: "Dude, your new song is fire! So tubular!" (Social media comment praising music)

    • General Public Discourse: (This usage is less common today, but it might be used ironically or by older generations referencing past slang) "Those neon lights and tubular furniture were all the rage back in the 80s." (Conversational anecdote)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Tubular

Unfortunately, there aren't many famous quotes that utilise the word "tubular" due to its informal and slang nature. Famous quotes tend to focus on more established and formal vocabulary. Here are some alternatives that capture the essence of "tubular" using synonyms:

  1. "Life is short and we have no time to waste on apologies, regrets, or anything but making the most of what we have." (Sheryl Sandberg) (captures the "excellent" aspect)

  2. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." (Steve Jobs) (captures the "exciting" aspect)

  3. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." (Steve Jobs) (captures the "impressive" aspect)

  4. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." (Jimmy Johnson) (captures the "goes beyond the ordinary" aspect)

  5. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do." (H. Jackson Brown Jr.) (encourages action similar to the "go for it" vibe of "tubular")

  6. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." (Helen Keller) (captures the "amazing" aspect)

  7. "Believe you can and you’re halfway there." (Theodore Roosevelt) (similar to the "go for it" spirit)

  8. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." (Eleanor Roosevelt) (captures the "exciting possibilities" aspect)

  9. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) (encourages reaching full potential, similar to "tubular")

  10. "You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." (Zig Ziglar) (motivational spirit similar to "tubular")


The word "tubular" is like a time traveller! It all starts with a simple Latin word, "tubulus," which means "small pipe" Imagine the hollow tubes used for writing with ink, or for carrying water.

Around the 1600s, English borrowed this word and added the suffix "-ar" to make "tubular." At this point, it just meant something shaped like a tube, the same way it does today when we talk about "tubular furniture."

Fast forward to the 1960s and the world of surfing. Surfers started using the word "tube" to describe a perfect wave that curls over the surfer, creating a kind of hollow tunnel. This cool experience inspired them to use "tubular" as a slang term for something awesome or excellent. So, even though the original meaning relates to the shape, the slang meaning captures the feeling of being totally rad!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Tubular

  • While "tubular" itself can be used as slang for "excellent" or "awesome," there aren't many common phrases or idioms built specifically around "tubular." However, here are some options that capture the same sentiment:

    • Totally tubular: This emphasises the awesomeness (similar to "totally awesome").

    • That was tubular!: An exclamation after experiencing something great.

    • This is so tubular!: Expressing excitement about something.

    • Tubular ride!: Used for an exciting experience, often related to movement (like a wave or a roller coaster ride).

    Informal and Less Common Phrases:

    • Go tubular!: Encouraging someone to do something awesome (similar to "go for it!").

    • That's a tubular idea!: Expressing approval for a great suggestion.

    • Feeling tubular today!: Describing a feeling of awesomeness or confidence.

    It's important to remember that these phrased are all informal slang and might not be suitable for formal settings.

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Source Information

Definition of tubular from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



