


The IPA phonetic spelling for "yeet" is:

  • /jiːt/

Here's a breakdown of the sounds by syllable:

  • ye (ji)

    • /j/ - voiced palatal approximant (similar to the "y" in "yes")

    • /iː/ - long close front vowel (similar to the "ee" in "feet")

  • t (t)

    • /t/ - voiceless alveolar plosive (similar to the "t" in "stop")

Word Form Variations

"Yeet" is a slang term and primarily functions as a verb and an interjection. It doesn't have traditional singular, plural, or conjugation variations like verbs in standard English. Here's how it works:

  • Verb: "Yeet" itself is the base verb form. You can conjugate it for tense (e.g., yeeted, yeeting) but it doesn't have separate singular and plural forms. You can say "I yeeted the ball" or "They yeeted the frisbee."

  • Interjection: Here, "yeet" stays the same regardless of context. It expresses excitement, triumph, or sometimes dismissal. You can yell "Yeet!" on its own or add it to sentences for emphasis (e.g., "That dunk was so good, yeet!").


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition: To throw forcefully, often with disregard for the landing or outcome of the object being thrown.

  • Synonyms: Hurl, chuck, fling, launch (with implication of force), lob (with implication of less force)

  • Antonyms: Gently place, set down, hand over


  • Definition 1: An expression of excitement, triumph, or enthusiastic approval.

  • Synonyms (Excitement/Triumph): Woohoo!, Yes!, Let's go!, Pumped!

  • Antonyms (Excitement/Triumph): Bummer, Ugh, Oh no

  • Definition 2: An expression of dismissal or throwing something away (informal).

  • Synonyms (Dismissal): Forget about it, Nah, Whatever

  • Antonyms (Dismissal): Consider, Keep, Treasure

Examples of Use


  • Sports Commentary: "The quarterback yeeted the ball down the field for a touchdown!" (ESPN announcer)

  • Social Media: "I finally yeeted those old textbooks out of my room. #Decluttering" (Twitter post)

Interjection (Excitement/Triumph):

  • Video Game: Character performs an impressive feat in a game. Player yells, "Yeet!" (Common in online gaming culture)

  • Movie: A character successfully throws an object to overcome a challenge. The character or other characters shout, "Yeet!" (Example: Action scene in a comedy film)

Interjection (Dismissal):

  • Casual Conversation: "You still believe that conspiracy theory?Yeet!" (Spoken between friends)

  • Online Forum: Someone proposes a bad idea on a forum. Another user replies, "Yeet that idea, it's terrible." (Dismissive response on a message board)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Yeet

While "yeet" is a popular term, it's not commonly used in famous quotes from established sources. Famous quotes tend to come from respected figures or historical events, and "yeet" is a more casual, internet-centric term. Here are some alternatives that capture the essence of "yeet" using established quotes:

  1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle." - Steve Jobs (Expresses enthusiastic pursuit, similar to "yeet" for excitement)

  2. "A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for." - John A. Shedd (Encourages taking risks, similar to the throw-it-and-see mentality of "yeet")

  3. "To succeed, you must have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the electricity of life." - Vince Lombardi (Highlights energetic action, similar to the excitement of "yeet")

  4. "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover." - Mark Twain (Encourages bold action, similar to the disregard for outcome in "yeet")

  5. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky (Highlights taking a chance, similar to the throw-anything mentality of "yeet")

  6. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt (Expresses enthusiastic belief, similar to the excitement of "yeet")

  7. "There are no mistakes. It's learning experiences." - Henry Ford (Similar to the "throw it and see what happens" mentality of "yeet")

  8. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (Highlights taking control and making things happen, similar to the forceful throw of "yeet")

  9. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller (Similar to the "throw away the old" concept of "yeet" used for dismissal)

  10. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Helen Keller (Highlights taking risks, similar to the throw-it-and-see mentality of "yeet")


The word "yeet" actually has two possible origins, and neither of them are that exciting!

  • Old, forgotten meaning: The first known use of "yeet" was way back in the 1400s, meaning "to address someone as 'you' instead of 'thou.'" This meaning is basically dead now, kind of like using "thou" itself in everyday English.

  • Modern slang meaning: The "yeet" we know and love (or use ironically) as a throw-and-cheer word likely showed up in the early 2010s. It might have been a mashup of "yes" and "neat" to show excitement, or it could have come about on its own.

The exact origin is a bit fuzzy, but what matters is how we use it today!


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Yeet

  • "Yeet" itself is a versatile word that can be used in different ways to create phrases and expressions. Here are some examples:

    • Phrases with "Yeet" as a Verb:

      • Yeet something out: This means to forcefully throw something away. (e.g., "I yeeted those old sneakers out, they were falling apart.")

      • Yeet yourself somewhere: This is a casual way of saying you're going somewhere quickly or excitedly. (e.g., "Gonna yeet myself to the gym before work closes.")

      • No-Yeet Zone: A designated area where throwing things is not allowed (informal and playful).

    • Phrases with "Yeet" as an Interjection:

      • Yeet! (standalone): Expresses excitement, triumph, or approval. (e.g., Player wins a game, yells "Yeet!")

      • Yeet that... (followed by something negative): A way to dismiss something as bad, unimportant, or wrong. (e.g., "Yeet that negativity, let's focus on the good stuff.")

      • Let's yeet! : An energetic call to action, encouraging someone to join you in doing something. (e.g., "Let's yeet to the park for some frisbee!")

    • Informal Idioms with "Yeet":

      • Yote that meat! (informal): A playful or silly way to tell someone to eat their food quickly.

      • Yeet or be yeeted! (informal): A humorous way to say someone needs to make a decision quickly or risk being left behind.

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Source Information

Definition of yeet from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


