Self Exploration Academy

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How to Get Up Early in the Morning

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to get up earlier in the morning? Whether you are looking to rise before the sun, or simply add more time or productivity to your day, if at any point you felt seen (or dragged) while reading this post so far, then this is for you.

Something some of our audience may find remarkable in today’s post, is that there is absolutely no major mindblowing recommendation in our advice for how to get up early in the morning. I know that may kill some of the suspense, but no it doesn’t, because we clearly outlined this post with three sections, each titled with what to do to achieve the “how to” item mentioned in the title. Anyway, now that that’s out of the way, let’s dive into three important things you should do if you would like to start getting up earlier in the morning.

Step One: Make a plan.

Before we dive into your first step towards getting up earlier in the morning, let’s take a moment to remember an important note of wisdom, bestowed on us by the late Mr. Benjamin Franklin.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Ben knew, perhaps from experience, that success should never be expected from the person who has not prepared to make it happen. So for all our achievers visiting this post today, it’s time to take out your pen and paper and think about what you can do to build the habit of getting up earlier in the morning moving forward. Here are some tips on things you may want to consider:

  • Go to sleep earlier in the night (different from going to bed… right?)

  • Disconnect from electronic devices at least one hour before bed

  • Blackout the entire room before bed time

  • Adjust the alarm to an earlier time

  • Note the time you’re getting up!!

This list may look a lot different, depending on who you are and how you normally spend your time. Maybe it will include leaving the party or the dinner with friends earlier, and sometimes it may look like not going at all. A strong recommendation to build desire towards getting up the next day is to write down what you will do in the morning that you are genuinely looking forward to. This is an exercise that can help excite and prepare you mentally and emotionally, so the physical advent of getting up can be made easier when it is time.

Step Two: Go to sleep on time.

Reminder – going to bed and going to sleep are two very different things. Can I get an amen? Lol, we don’t need to go into the details of why they are two different things for you (or for me) – let’s just accept that this is true, and vow to make sure we will be getting to sleep on time from now on. Also, as I mentioned earlier, there may be some night time sacrifices made in order to achieve your goal of getting up earlier in the morning.

It may sound tough right now, but please trust that the tub of ice cream will be in the freezer in the morning. The new album from your favourite artist that drops in the middle of the night will still be there in the morning. Your friends will still love you even if you can’t stay out late every single night of the week for dinner, drinks, dessert and debauchery.

Get to sleep on time. Zero excuses. You are the architect of the life you lead. No seriously…

“You are the architect of your own future, so design your future with uncompromising sincerity.” ― Debasish Mridha

Step Three: Get up on time. Regardless of how you feel.

Remember when you were making a plan to start getting up earlier in the mornings? What was the time you wrote down? Not the time you had in mind, or the time that your girlfriend says she gets up in the morning. What was the time you wrote down?

That’s the time you need to get up. 

Zero excuses.

If you know, or suspect, you may need to wake up a few minutes earlier in order to muster the strength and willpower to pull yourself up out of the bed on time, plan accordingly. Getting up in the morning is no one’s responsibility but your own. If you made it this far into the post, then it’s because you believe getting up earlier is something you ought to try. Well, congratulations! You’ve just hit the jackpot on how to get it done.

Here at SEA, we hold the advent of rising early in very high regard. In fact, it’s probably the biggest bias we’ll ever admit to embracing. If we discover any others, we promise to work on them. Until then, take these steps towards building the habit of getting up earlier in the morning and see how it begins to change your life.

Why sink when you can SWIM?

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