Self Exploration Academy

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How to Make the Most of a Bad Situation

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in a tough situation, and you just didn’t know how to get out? Have you ever found yourself trying to figure out how to keep a level head or a positive mindset through a difficult or troubling circumstance? If your response to either of these questions is a yes, then this post is most certainly for you.

Sometimes life deals us a deck of cards that really suck. It’s the truth. Whether it’s a breakup on your birthday, a death at graduation, another year in a dead end job, or any number of experiences that feel big and sad. Fortunately, there are some things we can do to improve our life’s circumstances, even when they feel really big and overwhelming. And just an FYI before we get going, there are absolutely zero gimmicks or tricks involved in today’s post. Sometimes, if we’re not careful, we find ourselves looking for quick tips or hacks to try and trick ourselves into believing that everything is okay instead of actually addressing the problem areas in our lives. There will be none of that behaviour in this post, or promoted by the academy, ever.

There’s a popular saying that goes “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” You may have heard it before somewhere in your life – it’s a beautiful statement that often goes misunderstood.

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”—Joseph Kennedy

If you’ve ever heard, read or even said this and had no idea what it really means, let’s take a moment to break it down. 

Sometimes life gets hard. Right? Right. Sometimes the challenges of life begin to seem insurmountable when they continually come our way with little to no reprieve. This is when the going gets tough. On the other hand, Joseph Kennedy is saying that when this happens, tough people get to work to push back against or overcome the challenges they are presented with. In other words, there is a conscious action taken by the person presented with adversity.

When you find yourself stuck in a bad situation, it is your responsibility to find a way out. This does not mean that the purpose of every challenge you face is there to make you stronger. It means that if you don’t like the situation you are in, you can either find a way to make it out, or find a way to make it through your situation.

Observe what is happening to you. Observe how it makes you feel. Identify the skills you have relevant to the situation you are in. No more endless suffering. Take back your power.  Build a game plan and take action.

Why sink when you can SWIM?

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