How to Stand For What You Believe In

Have you ever felt like you needed to stand up for yourself, someone else, or something you believe in your heart but you just didn’t know how? If you were honest, then like most people your answer to this question is a resounding yes, and this post is for you.

Standing up for what you believe in is a vitally important part of creating success in your individual life, as well as creating a positive impact in the lives of others. Virtually everyone you know has their own unique perspective built at the intersection of past experiences, future hopes and current beliefs. 

Sometimes we shy away from standing up for ourselves because we find that we are uncomfortable with confrontation. Sometimes, we just don’t know what to say. Whatever the reason for your struggle, there are a few things you can do to improve your ability to accurately and respectfully convey your thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Learn More About What You Believe

In case you were previously unaware, standing up for and defending something you know nothing about is an act of stupidity. Imagine defending the belief that the sky is purple, or that the Earth is and has always been flat. Knowledge is power – it’s cliche because it’s true.

In order to build clarity and confidence when it comes to standing up for yourself and what you believe, you must first build knowledge and understanding. For example, most Christians are pretty happy to share that they believe in Jesus, however, it is uncommon that you meet someone who identifies as a Christian and is capable of holding a conversation on the subject of anachronisms, transliteration or apocrypha. This is largely due to the fact that many active followers of the religion have employed the sneakily unhealthy habit of allowing another person to tell them who they are and what they are allowed to believe, say and do in this life.

While it is unlikely that you will be able to learn absolutely everything related to what you believe in, it is important to develop a functional, real world understanding of your relationship with what you claim to believe. Ironically enough, it is an actual rule of the religion that Chrisitans be ready to defend (or stand up for) what they believe in.

Oftentimes people just don’t know what to say when it comes to defending their beliefs, and that’s where improved speech comes into play.

Speak with Clarity and Confidence

When you speak, do you do so with intention? When it comes to your core values and that which you believe in most, it is important to speak with clarity so that what you have said can be well understood by others. This is a very important part of standing up for what you believe in.

Be sure to refrain from speaking unnecessary words, or mixing in gossip or unruly talk when defending your beliefs. Think of it this way — if the defence of your core values is at the same table as the latest hot gossip in class or at the office, you’ve compromised an opportunity to be clear with what you say, and there is no valid expectation of clarity from you. In fairness, it is better to refrain from using unnecessary words, or participating in gossip or unruly talk altogether.

We as humans are capable of accomplishing more with that which we understand the most. That being said, it is more advantageous for each person to expand their vocabulary as well as their understanding, so that they may communicate with a stronger sense of belief and trust in their ability, even when they are nervous.

Improve Emotional Management

Every human experiences emotion. What sets us apart is how we choose to respond to the emotions we feel. When you wake up in the morning and feel sad because your body is tired, do you take ownership of that moment and complete the responsibility of getting up, or do you go back to sleep? Now, which of these two types of people do you think is better equipped to stand up for what they believe in? Hint: it’s the one who got up.

Improving emotional management is an important step for all people, because it requires us to better understand and express ourselves, while also providing us insights on how others experience and express their feelings. In the case of standing up for what you believe in, better emotional management skills will help when communicating or defending your beliefs.

Don’t allow disagreements to keep you down, and don’t allow yourself to suffer in silence. Build better relationships and understandings with what you believe in, and see how your world begins to change.

Why sink when you can SWIM?


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.

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