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Nicki Minaj Advocates For Mental Health During 2022 Video Music Awards Show

On Sunday Night August 28, 2022, the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award was presented to its 34th recipient; rap superstar Nicki Minaj. Minaj has a career spanning more than a decade, and currently reigns as the highest selling female rapper of all time.

During her speech on Sunday, where she stood on stage surrounded by adoring fans, Nicki shared a message from her heart, that she wishes people “would take mental health seriously.” In and of itself at that moment, the message was well received. The crowd broke out into a roarous approval at once, but what stood out to me and I really appreciated was that she didn’t stop there. 

“I wish that people took mental health seriously — even for the people that you think have the perfect lives.”

Even for the people that you think have the perfect lives.


Sometimes, when we discuss the topic of mental health, if we’re not careful we begin to judge others who don’t appear to be dealing with the same mental health challenges as us in a way that we understand or accept. Some people are of the mind that rich people and celebrities have a certain privilege that precludes them from the experience of mental health challenges, disorders and illnesses, when that is simply untrue.

Perhaps one day we will accept that in order to understand the experience of another human being, regardless of who they are or where they come from, we must give them space. Space where they will feel free to communicate the truth of their experiences, feelings and beliefs without fear or retaliation or shame. 

Thank you, Nicki Minaj, for using your platform to remind us all how important it is that we exercise accurate listening skills, empathy and sensitivity instead of prejudging or excluding others because of our unwillingness to take mental health seriously.

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