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Queen Consistency

70 years is a long time in any job.

As you probably know by now, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II drew her last breath on Thursday, September 08, 2022. The details of her life and legacy have been the main focus of many writers and publications ever since the day, and as is usually the case, there have been many people who sit on either side of the conversation.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was many things to many people. She was a traditionalist—a ruler and a servant. A privileged and dutiful woman. Her choices created change in the lives of everyday people, some of those changes more pleasant than others. Regardless of the opinions and the feelings of the people whose lives were impacted under her rulership, there is one lesson for us all to learn of her life and her legacy…


There is power in consistency. In fact Alex Dimitriu, M.D. once wrote in an article for Psychology Today that our good health relies on it. And as the world pauses to reflect on the life and legacy of the one, Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, we pause to admire the power of consistency she leveraged to create during her time. We won’t go into many details of her work (you can read about it here), however, we will note that 70 years is a long time in any job, and we are inspired by the level of resolve with which the Queen appeared to have made her decisions while on the throne.

May she rest eternally, and may we be inspired to build a better future.

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