Self Exploration Academy

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Self-Esteem, Self- Confidence and Self-Determination

Course Overview

Imagine you taking action on the belief that you were capable of achieving your goals. Pretty cool, huh? In this year-long course, students will build perspective on the concept of identity, experience in practicing accurate self-expression, and a comprehensive awareness of personal desire. Competency will be demonstrated and assessed with a blend of individual and group projects, as well as mine-term and final exams.

Year-long course.

Live and synchronous.

This is a new course currently under development at SEA. An official course outline and review of core competencies and outcomes will be available soon.

Competency-Based Learning

Students in this course will develop universal core competencies related to the following essential practices: 

  • Observing, Understanding and Communicating Identity

    • You can confidently speak to the reality of who you are, who you have been, and who you desire to become.

  • Observing, Understanding and Communicating Expression

    • You can confidently express yourself, your thoughts, ideas and feelings at present through speech, through letter and through design.

  • Observing, Understanding and Communicating Desire

    • You can demonstrate a clear understanding of immediate, seasonal, short-term and long-term desire, and you can confidently declare what it is that you want in your life.

Click here to explore core competencies and outcomes in detail.