Juneteenth: A Celebration of Delayed Freedom and a Call for Education
Juneteenth marks freedom's delay in Texas. But its message of resilience & education resonates today.
From Disaster to Discovery: How Self-Exploration Benefits from Social-Emotional Learning
The story of Dr. Christiaan Barnard, the pioneer of heart transplantation, provides compelling evidence for the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) in online programs. Let's delve into how Barnard's groundbreaking work aligns with SEL principles and explore the profound impact SEL can have on online learners.
US Politics Seriously Impact the Way Students Understand and Communicate Identity
Tuesday November 06 marks another midterm election in the democratic system of the United States, and its impact on the way students will be able to develop their understanding and communication of identity is nothing to ignore.
Let’s explore three examples of how your vote impacts the learning outcomes of the next generation.