Karen Bass Sworn in as the First Woman Mayor of Los Angeles

At 69 years old, Karen Bass started a new chapter in her life, and the life of the city of Los Angeles, as she assumes the role of the city’s 43rd chief executive. Not only has she made history as the first woman to become mayor in Los Angeles, she is also the second Black person to have ever been elected to this office. In our review of this remarkable feat, we took some time to reflect on a few universal core competencies that Mayor Bass has displayed throughout her career, and that are of high visibility and significance today.

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Current Events KIRU Current Events KIRU

How Will Students in Debt Find Relief? The Truth is, No One Really Knows.

According to the Education Data Initiative, “The average debt for a 4-year Bachelor’s degree is $34,100.” While that may not seem like a large sum at first glance, it tends to be a bigger deal than you might think. The general consensus is that students graduating from college with student loans should expect to be paying those loans off for the next 10 to 30 years of their lives.

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US Politics Seriously Impact the Way Students Understand and Communicate Identity

Tuesday November 06 marks another midterm election in the democratic system of the United States, and its impact on the way students will be able to develop their understanding and communication of identity is nothing to ignore.

Let’s explore three examples of how your vote impacts the learning outcomes of the next generation.

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SEA Mission Statement

The Self-Exploration Academy (SEA) gives people from all backgrounds, interests and walks of life the tools to embrace, express and empower themselves with agency and confidence.