Social Emotional Learning in the Face of Disaster: Insights from Katrina
Discover how the devastation of Hurricane Katrina led to a renewed focus on social emotional learning and its crucial role in building resilience.
Exploring SEL in the American Revolution: Unity, Empathy, and Agency.
Explore the historical connection between the American Revolution and social emotional learning in our latest blog post.
The Tulsa Race Massacre: A Catalyst for Social Emotional Learning in Online Education
The Tulsa Race Massacre. A horrific event. Can Social Emotional Learning help us process the past & build a more just future?
How a Tragedy Sparked a Need for Social-Emotional Learning
The Kent State shootings show the dangers of unchecked emotions. Can social-emotional learning (SEL) create safer online spaces for students to explore identity?
Beyond the Battlefield: Reconstruction's Legacy and Your Online Identity
The Civil War may be over, but its legacy of racial injustice continues. Learn how online courses can help us develop social-emotional skills to confront these challenges.
Founding Father, Modern Need: How James Madison Foreshadowed Social-Emotional Learning
James Madison believed in an informed citizenry. Can SEL programs be the key to informed digital citizens?
From Heart Transplant to Heartful Learning: How Dr. Barnard's Story Inspires SEL
The story of Dr. Christiaan Barnard, the pioneer of heart transplantation, provides compelling evidence for the importance of social emotional learning (SEL) in online programs. Let's delve into how Barnard's groundbreaking work aligns with SEL principles and explore the profound impact SEL can have on online learners.