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Absolutely! Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "artful" along with a breakdown of the sounds in each syllable:

IPA: /ˈɑːtf(ʊ)l/

  • Sounds by Syllable:

    • art (ˈɑːt)

      • /ˈ/: glottal stop (a tiny pause before the vowel sound)

      • /ɑː/: long "ah" sound, like in "father"

    • ful (f(ʊ)l)

      • /f/: voiceless bilabial fricative (sound created by blowing air through your lips)

      • /(ʊ)l/: "uh" sound (optional), or a shortened "oo" sound followed by a dark "l"

Word Form Variations

The word "artful" itself doesn't have variations for singular and plural because it's an adjective. Adjectives describe nouns and don't indicate quantity.

Here are the word forms related to "artful" that you might find useful:

  • Derived forms:

    • artfully (adverb): This describes how something is done in an artful way.

    • artfulness (noun): This refers to the quality of being artful or clever.

  • Opposites:

    • unartful (adjective): This describes something lacking in skill or finesse.

    • unartfully (adverb): This describes something done in an unartful way.

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition 1: Done with or showing skill and artistry. (synonyms: skillful, artistic, ingenious, elegant, well-crafted; antonyms: unartful, clumsy, inelegant)

  • Example: The sculptor's artful hands transformed the raw stone into a beautiful figure.

  • Definition 2: Clever or skilled at achieving a desired end, sometimes in a subtle or indirect way. (synonyms: cunning, crafty, wily, shrewd, sly; antonyms: artless, straightforward, blunt, guileless)

  • Example: The politician used artful language to avoid directly answering the reporter's question.

Examples of Use

1. Literature:

  • "He was an artful dodger, dodging everything, forever on the move." (Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist) (Definition 1: skillful)

2. News Media:

  • "The company's artful marketing campaign successfully shifted the public's perception of the product." (The New York Times) (Definition 2: clever)

3. Online Publication:

  • "The food blogger used artful plating to make even the simplest dishes look visually appealing." (Buzzfeed) (Definition 1: skillful)

4. Entertainment (Movie):

  • In the movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel," the protagonist, M. Gustave, is known for his artful way of managing the hotel, which includes a meticulous attention to detail and a flamboyant presentation. (Definition 1: skillful)

5. Entertainment (Music):

  • A music reviewer might describe a song as having "artful lyrics" that use wordplay and imagery to create a deeper meaning. (Definition 1: skillful)

6. Public Discourse:

  • "Some politicians use artful language to obscure the truth rather than informing the public." (Social media discussion) (Definition 2: clever, with a negative connotation)

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Artful

While there aren't many direct quotes from famous figures using the word "artful," here are ten quotes that capture the essence of the word's two main definitions:

  1. "Every artist was first an amateur." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) - This quote implies the "artful" skill of an artist comes from dedication and practice.

  2. "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." (Pablo Picasso) - This quote suggests art creation requires a level of "artful" expression.

  3. "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." (Piet Mondrian) - Similar to Picasso's quote, this emphasises the "artful" cleansing power of artistic creation.

  4. "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." (Charles Baudelaire) - This quote describes a clever (artful) deception.

  5. "There are three methods of teaching a child. The first is by example, which is the best. The second is by explanation, which is not as good as the first. The third is by force; and that is the worst." (Anne Sullivan) - This quote suggests using "artful" methods like example over force.

  6. "The pen is mightier than the sword." (Edward Bulwer-Lytton) - This quote implies the power of words (potentially used "artfully") to achieve goals.

  7. "Nature is the art of God." (Ralph Waldo Emerson) - This quote suggests a level of "artful" design in the natural world.

  8. "A lie that makes us realise the truth is still more useful than the whole truth." (Pietro Aretino) - This quote is open to interpretation. The "lie" could be seen as an "artful" means to a truthful end.

  9. "The whole world is a stage, And all the men and women merely players." (William Shakespeare, As You Like It) - This quote describes life as a performance, potentially requiring "artful" presentation.

  10. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." (Margaret Fuller) - This quote suggests appreciation for beauty can be subjective and perhaps "artful" in its own way.


The word "artful" is basically a mashup of two simpler words: "art" and "ful."

  • Art: This word has been around in English since the early 1300s and comes from the Old French word "art." That French word itself traces back to the Latin word "ars," which meant things like "skill," "craft," or even "a business."

  • Ful: This suffix is stuck onto many words in English to turn them into adjectives. It basically means "full of" or "having a lot of" whatever the root word is.

So, if we put it together, "artful" literally means "full of art" or "having a lot of skill."

Interestingly, the first known use of "artful" back in the late 1500s actually referred to someone who was "learned" or "well-versed in the arts" (like history, literature, etc.). Over time, the meaning shifted to what we use it for today - describing something done with skill or cleverness.

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Artful

  • While there aren't a ton of common idioms directly using "artful," here are some phrases that incorporate the word and capture its two main definitions:

    Skillful Artistry (Definition 1):

    • Artful Dodger: This refers to a character in Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist known for his nimble fingers and ability to avoid capture. It implies "artful" skill in manoeuvring.

    • Artful Design: This describes a product, building, or object created with a high level of aesthetic and functional "artful" consideration.

    • With Artful Hands: This phrase emphasises the skillful and creative manipulation of something using one's hands.

    Clever Manipulation (Definition 2):

    • Artful Dodging: This implies skillfully avoiding a question or responsibility, similar to the "Artful Dodger" character.

    • Artful Wording: This refers to using language in a clever or manipulative way, often to obscure the truth.

    • An Artful Scheme: This describes a cleverly devised plan, possibly with a deceptive element.

    Here are some more general phrases that use "artful" in a similar way to the above categories:

    • Artful Display: This can describe a presentation or exhibition that's visually striking and well-organised.

    • Artful Manoeuvre: This refers to a skillfully executed movement or action, possibly with a strategic element.

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Source Information

Definition of artful from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.