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Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "awareness" for American English:

əˈwɛər.nəs (uh-WAIR-nuhs)

  • ə (uh): Schwa sound, a short, neutral vowel sound.

  • ˈ ('): Primary stress on the first syllable.

  • w (w): Voiced labiovelar approximant, produced by rounding your lips and making a brief "w" sound.

  • ɛər (WAIR): Diphthong sound, starting with a close-mid central vowel (like "e" in "bet") and moving towards a lower open central vowel (like "a" in "father").

  • . (·): Syllable separator.

  • n (n): Voiced alveolar nasal consonant, produced by making an "n" sound at the ridge behind your upper front teeth.

  • ə (uh): Another schwa sound.

  • s (s): Voiceless alveolar fricative consonant, produced by creating a hissing sound by pushing air through a narrow opening between your tongue and teeth.

  • (silence): Silent "s" at the end.

Word Form Variations

"Awareness" itself is already the singular noun form. There isn't a standard plural form for "awareness."

Here's why:

  • Nouns that represent abstract concepts like "awareness" often don't have plurals. They refer to a singular idea.

However, you can express plurality in a few ways depending on the context:

  • Collective noun: You could use a collective noun like "instances" or "levels" of awareness.

    • Example: "There were different levels of awareness about the new policy."

  • Descriptive phrase: You could use a descriptive phrase to indicate multiple instances.

    • Example: "The campaign raised public awareness of the issue." (Here, "awareness" refers to the singular concept, but "public awareness" implies multiple instances within the public.)

Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • The state of being conscious of something: This is the most common definition of awareness. It refers to having knowledge or understanding of something that exists or is happening.

    • Synonyms: consciousness, knowledge, cognizance, recognition, perception, comprehension, sentience (general awareness)

    • Antonyms: ignorance, obliviousness, unawareness, unconsciousness

  • A particular understanding or knowledge of something: This emphasizes a deeper level of awareness focused on a specific topic.

    • Synonyms: insight, understanding, appreciation, acuity, sensitivity

    • Antonyms: ignorance, shallowness, superficiality

  • Attention to or concern about something: This highlights the focus or interest directed towards a particular issue.

    • Synonyms: consciousness, alertness, mindfulness, vigilance, concern

    • Antonyms: indifference, apathy, unconcern

Adjective (less common):

  • Having or showing awareness: This is less frequently used but can describe someone who is conscious or knowledgeable about something.

    • Synonyms: conscious, cognizant, mindful, perceptive, alert

    • Antonyms: unaware, oblivious, unconscious

Examples of Use


  • Book: "The book explored themes of self-awareness and the search for meaning in life" (Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace Is Every Step).

  • Newspaper: "The campaign aims to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving" (The New York Times).

  • Online Publication: "Social media platforms are grappling with the issue of fake news and the need for media awareness among users" (BBC News).

  • Entertainment (Movie): "In the movie 'Arrival,' scientists race against time to understand the language of aliens and establish communication, highlighting the importance of cultural awareness."

  • Entertainment (Music): "The song's lyrics promote body awareness and self-acceptance."

  • Public Discourse: "There's a growing awareness of the need for sustainable practices to combat climate change."

Adjective (less common):

  • News Interview: "The interviewee provided an aware and insightful perspective on the current political situation."

  • Social Media: "Be aware of online scams and don't click on suspicious links."

10 Famous Quotes Using the term Awareness

  1. "The first step toward change is awareness." - Myles Downey (This quote emphasises awareness as the starting point for progress.)

  2. "Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness." - Joan Sutherland (This quote highlights the importance of present-moment awareness.)

  3. "The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." - Eliphas Levi (This quote positions awareness as a tool for expanding our understanding.)

  4. "Everything that is unconscious in the individual will appear as fate." - Carl Jung (This quote suggests that a lack of awareness can lead to feeling powerless.)

  5. "The only true wealth is time." - Theophrastus (This quote, while not directly using "awareness," implies the importance of time awareness for living a fulfilling life.)

  6. "The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (This quote, again without using "awareness," emphasises the value of self-reflection, which requires awareness.)

  7. "What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself." - Abraham Maslow (This quote highlights the role of self-awareness in personal transformation.)

  8. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote suggests that living a meaningful life requires awareness of a bigger purpose.)

  9. "The more I learn, the more I realise how much I don't know." - Albert Einstein (This quote emphasises the concept of ever-growing awareness.)

  10. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote suggests that awareness and choice are key to shaping our lives.)


The word "awareness" is a fairly new invention in the English language, showing up around the 1830s. It's like a mashup of two older words.

  • The first part, "aware," is an oldie - it comes from an Old English word "wær" which meant "wary" or "cautious." Think of a lookout on a ship constantly watching for danger - that's being aware!

The second part, "-ness," is a suffix we stick on words to make them nouns that describe a state or quality. So, "happy" becomes "happiness," and "sad" becomes "sadness."

Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Awareness

  • Phrases:

    • Bring something to awareness: To make someone or people conscious of something they might not have known before. (Ex: The documentary brought climate change to awareness for many viewers.)

    • Heightened awareness: A state of increased attention or focus on something specific. (Ex: Security heightened awareness after the threat.)

    • Body awareness: The ability to sense and understand your body's position and movements. (Ex: Yoga practice can improve body awareness.)

    • Cultural awareness: Sensitivity to the different customs, beliefs, and practices of other cultures. (Ex: Travelling abroad requires cultural awareness.)

    • Situational awareness: Being conscious of your surroundings and the potential risks or opportunities present. (Ex: Good situational awareness can help you avoid dangerous situations.)


    • Lose awareness (of something): To become unaware or forget about something for a moment. (Ex: I lost awareness of time while reading the book.)

    • Be aware of your surroundings: To pay attention to what's happening around you. (Ex: Be aware of your surroundings when walking alone at night.)

    • Wake up and smell the coffee: To become aware of a situation, especially an unpleasant one. (Ex: It's time to wake up and smell the coffee - the deadline is approaching!)

    • With open eyes: Fully aware of the potential difficulties or consequences of something. (Ex: They went into the business venture with open eyes, knowing the risks involved.)

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Source Information

Definition of awareness from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.