


Here's the IPA phonetic spelling of "mindlessness" broken down by syllable:

  • mind·less·ness (maɪndˈlɪs⋅nəs)

  • mind (maɪnd):

    • m (m): voiced bilabial consonant

    • ai (aɪ): diphthong sound with a starting open "ah" sound moving to a close "ee" sound

    • nd (nd): voiced alveolar nasal consonant followed by a voiced alveolar plosive consonant

  • less (lɪs):

    • l (l): voiced alveolar lateral consonant

    • ɪ (ɪ): near-close near-front unrounded vowel sound (short "i" sound)

    • s (s): voiceless alveolar fricative consonant

  • ness (nəs):

    • n (n): voiced alveolar nasal consonant

    • ə (ə): schwa sound (a central vowel sound)

    • s (s): voiceless alveolar fricative consonant

Word Form Variations

"Mindlessness" only has one main word form variation.

  • Singular: mindlessness

It functions as a mass noun, so it doesn't have a separate plural form. You can use the singular form to refer to the concept itself or instances of it.

For example:

  • "Social media scrolling can lead to mindlessness." (Singular referring to the general concept)

  • "I need to break free from these cycles of mindlessness." (Singular referring to specific instances)


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  • Definition 1: The state of being unaware or lacking conscious thought. (synonyms: absentmindedness, inattentiveness, oblivion, vacancy; antonyms: mindfulness, awareness, focus, concentration)

  • Definition 2: A lack of meaning or significance. (synonyms: emptiness, pointlessness, senselessness, vacuity; antonyms: meaningfulness, significance, purpose, depth)

  • Definition 3: A thoughtless or careless action. (synonyms: recklessness, rashness, imprudence, stupidity; antonyms: thoughtfulness, carefulness, prudence, intelligence)


  • Definition 1: Done without thought or care. (synonyms: absentminded, inattentive, mindless, unthinking; antonyms: mindful, thoughtful, attentive, deliberate)

  • Definition 2: Lacking in meaning or significance. (synonyms: empty, pointless, senseless, vacuous; antonyms: meaningful, significant, purposeful, deep)

Examples of Use


  • "The mindlessness of the mob was terrifying. They just followed each other without any thought of the consequences." (Fictional novel)


  • "A new study suggests that excessive social media use can lead to mindlessness and difficulty concentrating." (The New York Times)

Online Publications:

  • "In an effort to combat workplace mindlessness, many companies are encouraging employees to take short mindfulness breaks throughout the day." (Forbes)


  • Character 1: "Ugh, I spent the whole afternoon scrolling mindlessly through social media." (Sitcom dialogue)

Social Media:

  • "Anyone else ever get stuck in a cycle of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok?" (Twitter post)

General Public Discourse:

  • "I need to find ways to be more present in the moment and avoid falling into mindlessness while driving." (Casual conversation)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Mindlessness

While "mindlessness" isn't the most common word in famous quotes, here are ten quotes that capture similar ideas or use related terms:

  1. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha (This quote emphasises the power of conscious thought, contrasting the concept of mindlessness)

  2. "An unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates (This quote highlights the importance of reflection and awareness, opposing mindlessness)

  3. "Curiosity is the very essence of human existence." - Gene Roddenberry (Curiosity fuels active thinking, the opposite of mindlessness)

  4. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates (This quote emphasises the value of acknowledging the limitations of our knowledge, contrasting the illusion of certainty that can lead to mindless actions)

  5. "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd." - Voltaire (Similar to Socrates' quote, this one highlights the dangers of unquestioning assumptions, which can lead to mindless behaviour)

  6. "Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few ever engage in it." - Henry Ford (This quote suggests that many people avoid the effort of conscious thought, leading to mindlessness)

  7. "The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo (This quote suggests settling for mediocrity, which can involve a lack of critical thinking and a form of mindlessness)

  8. "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle (This quote emphasises the importance of deliberate practice and mindful action)

  9. "The unexpressed thought withers like the unopened rose." - Buddha (This quote suggests the importance of conscious reflection and expression, opposing the stagnation of mindlessness)

  10. "The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited." - William Butler Yeats (Similar to the quote by Buddha, this one emphasises the active and engaged nature of a mindful mind)


The word "mindlessness" is pretty straightforward! It's like taking two smaller words and putting them together.

  • The first part, "mind," comes from the Old English word "mynd," which means the ability to think and reason.

  • The second part, "-less," is a suffix stuck onto many words in English to mean "without" something. You see it in words like "hopeless" (without hope) or "fearless" (without fear).

So, literally, "mindless" means "without mind" – lacking thought or awareness. Interestingly, the word itself is quite old. The first time we see it used in writing was way back in the 1400s. Back then, it meant things like "unmindful," "heedless," or even "acting crazy." Over time, it gained the additional meanings of lacking meaning or significance and referring to careless actions.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Mindlessness

  • Mindless scrolling: This refers to spending excessive time aimlessly browsing social media or the internet without any particular goal.

  • Go through the motions: This idiom describes doing something routinely without much thought or effort.

  • On autopilot: This idiom suggests acting unconsciously or out of habit, similar to a plane on autopilot.

  • In a daze: This describes a state of confusion or lack of awareness, often caused by fatigue or shock.

  • Head in the clouds: This idiom refers to someone who is daydreaming or not paying attention to their surroundings.

  • Lost in thought: This describes someone who is deeply absorbed in their own thoughts and unaware of their environment.

  • A mindless task: This refers to a boring or repetitive task that requires little to no mental effort.

  • Mindless act of violence: This describes a violent act committed without any thought or justification.

  • Numb the mind: This phrase suggests using activities or substances to escape from difficult thoughts or emotions, often leading to a form of mindlessness.

  • Live in the moment: This phrase encourages present-moment awareness and contrasts with mindless autopilot behaviour.

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Source Information

Definition of mindlessness from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.



