


Here's the IPA phonetic spelling for "model" in American English:

  • ˈmədɛl (mə-del)

Breakdown of sounds by syllable:

  • (first syllable)

    • /mə/ - Represents a schwa sound, a mid central vowel sound

  • del (second syllable)

    • /d/ - Voiced alveolar plosive consonant (the "d" sound)

    • /ɛ/ - Mid front vowel sound (like the "e" in "bed")

    • /l/ - Alveolar lateral approximant consonant (the "l" sound)

Word Form Variations

The word "model" has several word form variations depending on its part of speech:


  • Singular: model

  • Plural: models


  • Present: models (pronounced mod-uls /ˈmɑdəlz/ or mod-els /ˈmɒdəlz/)

  • Past: modeled (US) or modelled (UK)

  • Present participle: modeling (US) or modelling (UK)

  • Past participle: modeled (US) or modelled (UK)

Adjective (less common):

  • No variation (e.g., a model student)


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Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms


  1. A representation of something, typically a smaller version: (e.g., a plastic model aeroplane)

    • Synonyms: replica, mockup, prototype

    • Antonyms: original, genuine

  2. A standard or example to be imitated: (e.g., She was a role model for young girls in science.)

    • Synonyms: exemplar, paradigm, archetype

    • Antonyms: deviation, aberration

  3. A person who poses for an artist, sculptor, or photographer: (e.g., The fashion model wore the latest designer dress.)

    • Synonyms: poseur, life model (for figure drawing/sculpture)

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym, but opposite could be something like "artist" or "sculptor")

  4. A person employed to display clothing or products: (e.g., The model showcased the new jewellery collection.)

    • Synonyms: mannequin (for displaying clothing without a person), product demonstrator

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym)

  5. A design or style of a particular product: (e.g., I'm looking for a 2024 car model.)

    • Synonyms: version, edition, variation

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym)

  6. A simplified description of a system or process: (e.g., We used a computer model to simulate the climate change impact.)

    • Synonyms: representation, simulation, framework

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym, but opposite could be something like "real-world data")


  1. To create a representation of something: (e.g., The sculptor modelled a bust of the famous poet.)

    • Synonyms: sculpt, fashion, mould

    • Antonyms: demolish, destroy

  2. To pose for an artist, sculptor, or photographer. (e.g., The model patiently modelled for the fashion photographer.)

    • Synonyms: pose, sit for a portrait

    • Antonyms: (no direct antonym)

  3. To follow the design or example of something: (e.g., The new building was modelled after the Greek Parthenon.)

    • Synonyms: emulate, imitate, replicate

    • Antonyms: diverge, deviate

Adjective (less common):

  1. Deserving imitation; exemplary: (e.g., He was a model citizen who always helped others.)

    • Synonyms: exemplary, ideal, perfect

    • Antonyms: flawed, imperfect, unacceptable

Examples of Use


  1. Representation: "She built a detailed model of the solar system for her science project." (News article)

  2. Standard: "Nelson Mandela became a model of forgiveness and reconciliation after his imprisonment." (Book: "Long Walk to Freedom" by Nelson Mandela)

  3. Person for Artist: "The model struck a dramatic pose for the portrait painting." (Online art blog)

  4. Product Display: "The runway show featured models wearing the designer's latest collection." (Fashion magazine)

  5. Product Design: "This smartphone model has a long-lasting battery life." (Tech website)

  6. Simplified Description: "Scientists use climate models to predict future weather patterns." (Documentary on climate change)


  1. Create a Representation: "The artist meticulously modelled the clay into a life-size horse sculpture." (Museum exhibit description)

  2. Pose: "The aspiring model practised different poses in front of the mirror." (Reality TV show about modelling)

  3. Follow a Design: "The architect modelled the new library after a Frank Lloyd Wright design." (Newspaper article about local architecture)

Adjective (less common):

  1. Exemplary: "The teacher praised Sarah for being a model student who always completed her homework." (General public conversation)


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10 Famous Quotes Using the term Model

  1. "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi (This quote uses "model" in the sense of ideal or standard to be imitated.)

  2. "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein (This quote uses "model" indirectly, referring to a way of thinking as a mental model.)

  3. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller (Similar to #2, this uses "model" indirectly, referring to a way of understanding the world.)

  4. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This quote uses "model" in the sense of an ideal or standard for oneself.)

  5. "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs (This quote uses "model" indirectly, referring to a leadership style.)

  6. "The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha (Similar to #3, this uses "model" indirectly, referring to a mental model.)

  7. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela (This quote uses "model" indirectly, referring to education as a tool to shape the world.)

  8. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt (Similar to #4, this uses "model" in the sense of an ideal or vision for the future.)

  9. "Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people." - Leo Burnett (This quote uses "model" indirectly, referring to curiosity as a driver for creativity.)

  10. "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson (This quote uses "model" indirectly, referring to the idea of exceeding a standard.)


The word "model" is like a family tree with deep roots! Here's the breakdown:

  • Origin: The word comes from an old Latin word "modus," which meant "measure" or "standard."

  • First Appearance: It showed up in English around the 1570s, borrowed from French. Back then, it mainly referred to a small copy of something, like a miniature ship model.

  • Evolution: Over time, the meaning of "model" branched out. It started being used for things that served as examples to be imitated, like a role model.

  • More Meanings: It also came to describe people who pose for artists or show off clothes (fashion models) and even the different versions of a product (like car models).

So, "model" started as a way to describe a miniature copy, but its meaning grew to encompass anything that serves as a standard, example, or representation.


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Phrases + Idioms Containing the term Model

  • Phrases:

    • Scale model: A miniature representation of something, often used in building or engineering.

    • Computer model: A digital simulation of a system or process.

    • Business model: A plan outlining how a business creates, delivers, and captures value.

    • Role model: A person who serves as an example to be imitated.

    • Fashion model: A person who displays clothing or products in fashion shows or advertisements.


    • Model citizen: Someone who behaves in a way that is considered ideal or exemplary.

    • Follow the model of: To imitate or base something on an existing example.

    • Cut from the same cloth: To be very similar to someone else in terms of personality or character. (Not directly using "model" but related to the concept of a standard.)

    • Plastic model: Used sarcastically to describe someone who seems artificial or lacking in genuine personality.


    • She's a looker: This informal expression can be used to describe a female model who is considered very attractive. (Though not an idiom, it uses "look" which is related to the act of modelling for visuals.)

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Source Information

Definition of model from The Academic Glossary at Self Exploration Academy, a Urikville Press Publication. © All rights reserved.


KIRU is an American music and social artist, author and entrepreneur based in Brooklyn, New York.


